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CC Minutes 02/13/2007
Town of Old Saybrook
Conservation Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Land Use Conference Room
Old Say brook Town Hall

Members in Attendance: Bob Fish, Charlie Cobb, Kim Gallagher, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman
Members Absent:  Jerry Brophy, Pat Ingellis

Approval of Minutes
MOTION to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of January 9, 2007 and the Special Meeting minutes of January 23, 2007.
MOVED by Charlie Cobb.  SECONDED by Robert Siegelman.  IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Charlie Cobb, Kim Gallagher, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman

Commission Membership and Organization
The Commission membership is at full strength.

Budget Review, 2006/07, and 2007/2008 Request
Chairman Fish stated that the proposed 2007/2008 budget for the Conservation Commission is due to the Board of Finance by March 1, 2007.  It was agreed that the Commission asks for the same budget that it was granted for the 2006/2007 fiscal year.  The Commission is working diligently on firming up the Natural History Tour project and will be getting quotes from various printers by the end of April.  Chairman Fish stated that there is around $1620.00 left in the 2006/2007 budget to help fund this project.  He also stated that the Rockfall Foundation will be giving the Town $1600.00 to go towards signage sometime in April 2007.

The Ground-Truthing Project, with Judy Preston
Judy Preston was scheduled to come talk with the Commission but due to illness was unable to attend.  This topic will be discussed at next month’s regular meeting.

Commission Projects
Natural History Tour – Mike Kelley is actively working on this project.  He is working on putting together a page of narrative for each site and will email commission members for comments.  Chairman Fish shared some brochures and pamphlets that he and Christine Nelson gathered as possible ideas for this project.  Charlie Cobb also shared a couple of brochures/pamphlets that he had gathered as well.

Stewardship Plan – Mr. Cobb will try to speak with Mr. Allen from Park & Recreation about the progress of the encroachment forms and/or will invite Mr. Allen to speak about this topic with the Commission in April 2007.

New Open Space Map – Chairman Fish stated that the new open space map is finished.  The Town and Land Trust are actively working together to obtain more open space.
Chairman Fish will give a copy of the new open space map to Bill Marston.

Articles, Website Development
The idea of putting the stewardship forms in Saybrook Events as well as on the Town website was discussed.  It was agreed that the Commission first needs to find out from Park & Recreation what the procedure for processing these forms is going to be.

Land Use Updates
Chairman Fish mentioned that an application is going to be resubmitted for the Preserve within the next month or two.  He also mentioned that there will be a Rain Garden Workshop on March 6, 2007 from 7-9 pm at the UCONN Ext. Ctr. Rte 154, Haddam CT.  In addition, Chairman Fish highly recommended attending the 24th annual conference of the Connecticut Land Conservation Council at Northeast Utilities in Berlin on Saturday, March 31, 2007.  Anyone interested in this conference is urged to attend and the Conservation Commission will pay the $40.00 registration fee.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:53pm. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 7:30pm., Land Use Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by Mike Kelley.  SECONDED by Kim Gallagher.  IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Charlie Cobb, Kim Gallagher, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman. OPPOSED: None. ABSTAINING: None. APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melanie Dautrich
Conservation Commission Clerk