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CC 101006.Minutes
Conservation Commission 

302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3073  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Land Use Conference Room
Old Saybrook Town Hall

Members in Attendance: Bob Fish, Kim Gallagher, Charlie Cobb, Pat Ingellis, Robert Siegelman
Members Absent: Jerry Brophy, Mike Kelley
Visitors: Christine Nelson

Approval of Minutes
MOTION to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of September 12, 2006.
MOVED by Charlie Cobb.  SECONDED by Pat Ingellis.  IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Kim Gallagher, Charlie Cobb, Pat Ingellis, Robert Siegelman.

Commission Membership and Organization
Chairman Fish stated that with the addition of Kim Gallagher and Robert Siegelman the Commission is now at full capacity.  Charlie Cobb, Jerry Brophy, and Chairman Fish’s terms expire in November 2006 and they would need to be reappointed if interested.  Charlie Cobb expressed his interest in serving another term.

Christine Nelson informed the Commission that Damon Hearne has taken another position and will therefore be leaving the Town of Old Saybrook.  His last day of employment will be October 20, 2006.  There will be a reception at Dock & Dine on that day at 5:00 p.m. and all are invited to come and wish Mr. Hearne well.

Until a new candidate is found, Ms. Nelson will be attending Conservation Commission meetings.

Review of Application for Variance of Zoning Regulations in the Gateway Conservation Zone
It was brought to the attention of the Commission that any Gateway Zone variance applications that come before the ZBA must come before the Conservation Commission. With that said, Chairman Fish briefed the Commission on an application for the property of Edward P. Nelson of River St., Old Saybrook.  The application asks for a variance of zoning regulations to allow for two new additions, one addition to the existing house and another to the deck.

After review of the application and discussion about the Commission’s responsibility to defend the purposes of the Gateway Zone, members opposed the variance for the following reasons:
The applicant’s hardship stated in the application is not compelling enough to approve the application as shown.
The traditional character of this area must be preserved.
The unique ecology must be preserved.
This property abuts a refuge of national significance.
The Stewardship Plan
Chairman Fish informed the Commission that on September 21, 2006 the Board of Selectmen voted to accept and passed the Stewardship Plan.  Commission members asked that a final copy of this document be distributed to them.

Great Cedars East
The Commission was notified that the Merritt Lane Application that was presented and discussed at last month’s Conservation Commission meeting was withdrawn by the applicant.
Commission Projects
Referring to the Plan of Conservation & Open Space, Chairman Fish started to discuss each Conservation Commission task to see where we are in fulfilling each one and what else needs to be done.  Additionally, Kim Gallagher stated that Judy Preston is willing to give her time and expertise in helping the Commission with one project.  The following projects were reviewed:
Plan of Conservation & Open Space: Since this project was recently done in 2003 it was deemed that nothing needs to be done in the immediate future although the Commission should be vigilant in making sure it is always up to date.
Greenways: We continue to use the “Donut” plan as our goal in the acquisition of conservation land.
Recreational Resources Map: It was brought to the Commission’s attention that they inadvertently did not select this as a project.  This is a project that they would like to work on in conjunction with the Park & Recreation Commission.
Management Plans for Conservation Sites 1-7: Former Commission member Ms. Preston had said she would put together a template management plan for Conservation Site 1, from which the management plans for sites 2-7could then be modeled. Ms. Gallagher will ask Ms. Preston if she can help with this project.
Great Cedars & Open Space Stewardship: Mike Kelley authored a new stewardship plan, which has been approved by the Selectmen. Charlie Cobb and Pat Ingellis have been working on the plan.  Both Mr. Cobb and Mr. Ingellis stated that they need help in marking the boundaries and have asked various members of the public and Boards if they are interested.  Mr. Siegelman suggested that the Cub Scouts may be interested and will pursue further.
Fishways Plan: Chairman Fish informed the Commission that the steeppass units are currently being put in place at the Ingham Pond fishway.  Once this project is complete, attention should shift to a natural fishway at Crystal Lake. Mr. Fish and Mr. Cobb are interested in working on this project.
Land Acquisition Initiative: Active & on-going.
Town Park Expansion: It was the consensus of members that any opportunities that arise to expand the boundaries of Town Park properties should be pursued.
Index of Open Spaces: This is a requirement and will be translated into the new open space map. This new map awaits the completion of a new parcel map as its base.
Public Education & Outreach: Several projects are under way including the Phragmites Control project that is being undertaken by Ms. Judy Preston.  The Commission would like to work on Notable Trees and possibly finish the Vernal Pools project that is about ¾ done.
Natural History Tour: Mike Kelley expressed interest in doing this project once the Stewardship Plan was complete. Ideas include a brochure and self-guided tour.

The status of the remaining projects in the Plan of Conservation & Open Space will be discussed at next month's regular meeting.

Website Development
Ms. Nelson informed the Commission that she is currently “populating” the website with various documents.  She asked that the Commission comment and critique it’s webpage look when the time arises.  Minutes of Commission meetings are starting to appear on the website and will continue to do so. It was suggested that the Stewardship Plan be a part of the website as well.

Land Use Updates
Mr. Cobb & Mr. Ingellis will be marking boundaries at 1:00pm. on October 11, 2006 and invited anyone interested.  Ms. Nelson and Chairman Fish also informed members of the upcoming CACIWC’s annual meeting on November 4, 2006.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:30pm. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 7:30pm., Land Use Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by Charlie Cobb.  SECONDED by Kim Gallagher. IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Kim Gallagher, Charlie Cobb, Pat Ingellis, Robert Siegelman. OPPOSED: None. ABSTAINING: None. APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melanie Dautrich
Conservation Commission Clerk