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CC 041106.Minutes
Conservation Commission

302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3073  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Land Use Conference Room
Old Saybrook Town Hall

Members in Attendance: Bob Fish, Mike Kelley, Jerry Brophy, Pat Ingellis
Members Absent: Charlie Cobb, Judy Preston

Approval of Minutes
MOTION to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of February 14, 2006.
MOVED by Mike Kelley.  SECONDED by Jerry Brophy.  IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Mike Kelley, Jerry Brophy. OPPOSED: None. ABSTAINING: Pat Ingellis.
APPROVED: 3-0-1.

Commission Membership and Organization
Chairman Fish mentioned that Judy Preston is thinking about resigning from the Commission.  Ms. Preston recommends Kim Gallagher who is a current alternate on the Inland Wetlands Commission as her replacement.  Kim Gallagher has expressed interest in becoming a Conservation Commission member to Chairman Fish.
Also mentioned by Chairman Fish to the Commission was the 2003 legislature that states no paid official of the town can hold a seat as a Commission member of that same town.  Attorney Branse has asked the Secretary of State to make a ruling on this but no ruling will be handed down in the near future.  Therefore, the Conservation Commission will proceed with its current membership.

If anyone is interested in joining the Conservation Commission please refer them to Chairman Fish.

Great Cedars Stewardship Plan
Pat Ingellis volunteered to mark the boundaries of Great Cedars with Charlie Cobb.  Mike Kelley offered his help if needed as well.  Chairman Fish distributed the boundary markers to Pat Ingellis.

Mike Kelley’s revised working document was distributed to Commission members for review. Likewise, Chairman Fish will distribute copies of the document to Christine Nelson, Land Trust, and Park & Rec for their review.  Chairman Fish will ask that one set of comments from these parties be submitted within 2 to 3 weeks if possible in order for Mike Kelley to incorporate these comments into the working document for next month’s meeting.

Trail Plan for Great Cedars East
Chairman Fish distributed copies of two documents submitted by the Bridle Path Conservancy to Commission members.  They are interested in helping with the trail if they would be allowed to use it. Any comments, ideas, etc. from Commission members should be sent to Chairman Fish. The Park & Rec Commission is reviewing these documents as well.

Commission Priorities and Action Plans
Mike Kelley and Jerry Brophy have started thinking and mapping out possible routes and sites for the Natural History Tour.

Land Use Updates
Chairman Fish updated the Commission on the status of The Preserve.  

Special Meetings, Site Walks, Ground Truthing, Mail, Materials, Opportunities, Open Forum
The illegal tree cutting controversy was mentioned and how possibly the issue in general can be addressed in the Great Cedars Stewardship Plan.  In addition, Chairman Fish stated that a new Parcel Map is being developed and therefore a new Open Space Map will be forthcoming as well.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:08pm. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, 7:30pm., Land Use Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by Bob Fish.  SECONDED by Mike Kelley. IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Mike Kelley, Jerry Brophy, Pat Ingellis. OPPOSED: none. ABSTAINING: none.  APPROVED: 4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melanie Dautrich
Conservation Commission Clerk