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CC 021406.Minutes
Conservation Commission
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3073  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Land Use Conference Room
Old Saybrook Town Hall

Members in Attendance: Bob Fish, Judy Preston, Mike Kelley, Jerry Brophy
Members Absent: Pat Ingellis, Charlie Cobb

Approval of Minutes
MOTION to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of January 10, 2006.
MOVED by Jerry Brophy.  SECONDED by Mike Kelley.  IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Mike Kelley, Jerry Brophy. OPPOSED: none. ABSTAINING: Judy Preston.
APPROVED: 3-0-1.

Cluster Housing Regulation Change for AAA District
Chairman Fish informed the Commission that the Zoning Commission was petitioned and there will be a public hearing on February 21, 2006 if anyone is interested in attending.

Great Cedars Stewardship Plan
As promised, Chairman Fish distributed copies of the Old Saybrook Parks and Recreation regulations, the Land Trust Alliance Stewardship Chapter, and the Town Charter to better assist with this project.  Ideas included forest management, restoration goals, maintenance, enforcement, contingency plans, and vision statement to name a few.   Next steps include creating a vision statement and creation of a working document.  Mike Kelley will lead this effort.  

Regional Greenway System “The Ground-Truthing Project”
Judy Preston informed the Commission on her efforts for a grant that will create an open space map in the Tidewater area and link possible open space areas together.  She will be working hands on with students from Wesleyan University as part of the “ground truthing” portion of the project.  She envisions that there will be several stake holder meetings as well as the creation of a brochure regarding the importance of linking land.  She also mentioned that this project has received a lot of support including a letter of recommendation to pursue the project on behalf of Christine Nelson.

Commission Priorities and Action Plans
Chairman Fish asked the Commission their thoughts on pursuing several projects of initial interest to members.  The projects include the Fishway System, Natural History Tour, Management Plan for Conservation Site 3 (Coastal Embayments), and Public Education Projects.  Judy Preston said that discussions regarding the Fishway project have occurred and thinks that it will come to fruition.  The Natural History Tour is still of interest to Commission members and will be revisited once the Great Cedars Stewardship Plan is complete. The Public Education Projects will be revisited to assess which projects in particular the Commission would like to work on.  There are no plans to move forward with the Management Plan for Conservation Site 3 at this time.

Land Use Updates
Judy Preston informed the Commission that the Inland Wetlands Commission has been meeting twice a week in great length to deliberate on The Preserve.

Special Meetings, Site Walks, Ground Truthing, Mail, Materials, Opportunities, Open Forum
Chairman Fish mentioned there will be a speaker on February 28, 2006 at 7pm. in the 1st floor conference room of the Old Saybrook Town Hall regarding Roles & Responsibilities of Commissions including Conservation Commissions.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:00pm. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 7:30pm., Land Use Conference Room, Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by Judy Preston.  SECONDED by Mike Kelley. IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Judy Preston, Mike Kelley, Jerry Brophy. OPPOSED: none. ABSTAINING: none.  APPROVED: 4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melanie Dautrich
Conservation Commission Clerk