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Architectural Review Board Minutes 10/28/2013
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 28, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room - 302 Main Street



Attendant Members    
Anthony Brodeur, Vice Chair
Barbara D’Agostino
Anita Yust, seated for Theodore Pendleton
I. Ben Akin, seated for Susan Missel

Absent Members
Theodore Pendleton
Susan Missel
           Kingmon Snow

        Attending Staff  
        Stella Beaudoin, Administrative Clerk

Mr. Brodeur called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve the Minutes of September 23, 2013 as presented; MADE by T.Brodeur; SECONDED by B. Akin; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: B. D’Agostino; APPROVED by T. Brodeur, A. Yust and B. Akin; (3-0-1).

  •     Correspondence~& Announcements

Mr. Brodeur commented on the Intramunicipal Memorandum from the Planning Commission regarding the Regional Plan of Conservation & Development: Regional visions, concerns, questions.  The Planning Commission Chairman is seeking input from the ARB in terms of concerns, questions and vision for the region.

Mr. Brodeur reminded members to review the intramunicipal memorandum, respond to the questionnaire and plan to discuss at the next ARB meeting.    

A letter from the Planning Commission dated October 16, 2013 commending the Board of Selectmen for the successful study recently conducted by the Route 1 East Committee.  

  •    Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
There were no reports.


        There was no old business.


       A.~~~~“Gray School of Irish Dance, LLC”~ 1 Wall Sign
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       875 Boston Post Road, Map 36/ Lot 1
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       Shopping Center Business B-2 District
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       Applicant:~ Maura Gray~~~ Owner:~ CC&F Realty, LLC

Maura Gray presented on behalf of this application. Ms. Gray proposes one 12’ in length x 2’ wide, white on grey/blue wall sign to be installed above the main door in line with the other signs of neighboring stores.
MOTION to recommend approval as presented “Gray School of Irish Dance, LLC” 1 Wall Sign, 875 Boston Post Road, Map 36/Lot 1, Shopping Center Business B-2 District; MADE by B. D’Agostino; SECONDED A. Yust; OPPOSED; None ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED by T. Brodeur, A. Yust, B. D’Agostino and B. Akin; (4-0-0).

       B.~~~~ “People’s Café”~ 1 Wall Sign/1 Monument Sign
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      1231 Boston Post Road, Map 27/Lot 039
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      Restricted Business B-3 District
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      Applicant:~ Jaime F. Montes~~~~~~~~~~ Owner:~ Guido Felivene

Jaime Montes presented on behalf of this application. Mr. Montes will utilize the existing 48” x 54” sign with external lighting and he will re-letter the existing 114” x 30” externally lit roof sign. The background of the sign will be dark green with gold lettering. The street number and “private parties” background will be painted burgundy with white lettering.   The coffee cup as shown on the photograph of the proposed sign plan will be eliminated.  The roof sign will be a dark green background with gold letters on all except “restaurant” which will be burgundy.    
MOTION to recommend approval of the “People’s Cafe” 1 Monument Sign, 1231 Boston Post Road, Map 27/Lot 039, Restricted Business B-3 District; the coffee cup logo which is represented in the pictures accompanying the application will be eliminated from the sign; MADE by T. Brodeur; SECONDED by A. Yust; OPPOSED; None ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED by T. Brodeur, A. Yust, B. D’Agostino and B. Akin; (4-0-0).

       C.    “Dock n Dine”~~Application for Special Exception Permit to
construct a  13,530 s.f.~~ restaurant, 145 College Street, Map 24, Lot 42-1, SP-2 District, Coastal Area Management Zone, Gateway Conservation Zone.
~~~~~Applicant:~ The Point, LLC~~~~ Agent:~ Joe Wren, P.E.

Joe Wren, P. E. presented on behalf of The Point, JTK Management Restaurants, Jon T. Kodama. Also present was Stephan Nousiopoulos, AIA, SGN Associates, Architectural Planning Development, Norwich, CT.  

Mr. Wrenn stated that through the special exception process zoning has referred this application to the ARB.  Mr. Wrenn stated that there are no new building signs proposed at this time, however there is an existing sign on the entrance of College Street and that sign will remain the same.   Twelve thousand s.f. of landscaping will be added in and around the parking lot by removing pavement and adding seventeen trees to the site.

Dock n Dine has been a restaurant since1940. Storm Sandy demolished the restaurant in 2012.  The owner proposes to elevate the building to elevation 15. Since the structure is situated in a V-15 zone, the entire structure must be above elevation 16.  The finished floor elevation will be 18-19 feet. The roof peak will be 42 feet from the ground. The number of spaces in the parking lot will increase from 92 to 127 spaces which increases the number of parking spaces by 35.  The impervious area will be decreased by 12,000 s.f.  John Cunningham, landscape architect recommended the installation of 17 trees to include Hackberry trees for the parking lot area which are salt and moisture tolerant, and around the building ornamental shrubs will be installed. Mr. Nousiopoulos has pushed the building back and created  a walkway that ties the building in with the waterfront and through an easement, extends north to the park.  The lights will be placed on timers with possible motion sensors for safety and security.  There are no signs proposed at this time, however Mr. Wrenn stated that sign renderings will be developed over the winter and once available he will present to the Architectural Review Board.  Handicap parking will be available with a ramp that will enter onto the building with two separate elevators, one for service and one handicap accessible.

Mr. Nousiopoulos presented.  Mr. Nousiopoulos stated that new landscaping will shield the service area which is to the rear of the building.  The restaurant will be comprised of three dining rooms.  Each dining room has the ability to be separated visually.  Two of the dining rooms have outdoor space overlooking the river.  The kitchen will be centrally located on the backside of the building so as to service all three dining rooms. Due to FEMA regulations the walls will be breakdown walls.  Mr. Nousiopoulos stated that the building will be visually anchored to a stone foundation.  The exterior of the building will be constructed from a cement fiber board which has the appearance of shingles.  The columns and the building down to the stone foundation will be dressed with the cement fiber. A floating glass partition will be installed which makes the bar indoor/outdoor.  The exterior will be exposed stone and the building will be painted in a shade of green.  The roof will be constructed of an architectural asphalt shingle.

Mr. Wrenn stated that the Gateway Commission submitted a letter of no-opposition on behalf of this application.

Mr. Brodeur stated that he would like to see a plan which reveals more detail on the building.

Mr. Wrenn stated that he will return with a plan for the sign renderings and the lighting fixtures along with a photometrics plan.

Mr. Wrenn stated that he is seeking a positive referral from the ARB to the Zoning Commission.   

MOTION to recommend approval as presented,“Dock n Dine” Application for Special Exception Permit to construct a 13, 530 s.f. restaurant, 145 College Street, Map 24, Lot 42-1, SP-2 District, Coastal Area Management Zone, Gateway Conservation Zone; The applicant will return with a plan for the sign renderings and the lighting fixtures along with a photometrics plan;  MADE by T. Brodeur; SECONDED by B. D’Agostino; OPPOSED; None ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED by T. Brodeur, A. Yust, B. D’Agostino and B. Akin; (4-0-0).

MOTION to approve the 2014 meeting calendar as presented; MADE by A. Yust; SECONDED by B. Akin; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED by T. Brodeur, A. Yust, B. D’Agostino and B. Akin; (4-0-0).

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the ARB to be held on Monday, November 16, 2013 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd floor conference room, 302 Main Street at 7:30 p.m.; MADE by B. D‘Agostino; SECONDED by A. Yust; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED by T. Brodeur, A. Yust, B. D’Agostino and B. Akin; (4-0-0).


Respectfully submitted,
Stella Beaudoin
Recording Clerk