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Architectural Review Board Minutes 03/22/2010
Theodore Pendleton, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  

Attendant Members                                                 
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member
David Wight, Regular Member (arrived at 7:36 p.m.)
Kingmon Snow, Jr, Regular Member

Absent Members
Arcangela Claffey, Regular Member
Attendant Staff
Christina Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk


A.              “RAP Riverside Drive, LLC”  Site Plan Review
36 Riverside Drive (Map 59/Lot 97)
Marine Commercial District
Applicant:  RAP Riverside Drive, LLC;       Agent: DOCKO, Inc., Keith Neilson, PE

Keith Neilson, PE, said that he met with C. Costa and Don Dobson, Fire Marshal, regarding the lighting of the building and the parking lot. D. Dobson said he felt the plan had the correct amount of illumination based on the size of the site.

K. Neilson presented new drawings showing the trees and gabions from the waterside viewpoint. He also handed out a copy of the illustration of the Cape Cod Golden Baroque lighting fixture he’s planning to use for the building. He’s planning to use 5 of these lights on the face of the building, each with 75 or 100-watt bulbs and opaque lenses. These lights are not cut off.

J. Gibbs still has concerns about the level of illumination proposed. He stated that the level of illumination required for exit discharge is not the level of illumination that is required for the entire site. He would like to tone down the lighting even further and suggested bollards instead of 14’ pole lights. He said he felt the level of lighting from a full moon (.2) would be the right amount, and he would like to recommend to the Zoning Commission that a full photometric plan be done.

K.Neilson said he had concerns about bollard lights because they could get hit when people are moving their boats and trailers. He said he would consider a 50-watt LED light instead of a 250 high-pressure light for the light poles. He said he has concerns about safety, and he’d like to have an adequate amount of light between the boats for safety and security.
Commission members asked about a fence or security gate, and K. Neilson said that this is not feasible because there are neighbors who will be using the road.

T. Pendleton suggested the light pole in the drawing that is across the street from the building be removed and a different, smaller light be put on the building instead. K. Neilson agreed with that suggestion.

T. Pendleton asked about dock lighting. K. Neilson said there is 1 light post per pair of slips. There will be 12 slips; therefore, there will be 6 lights. They go on at dusk, and they will remain on all night.

C. Costa said there might be a conflict between the Design Standards and the Fire and Building Codes regarding the lighting. J. Gibbs suggested the Zoning Commission balance the safety and security concerns with what’s best for the neighbors, estuary and wildlife.
There was much discussion about the landscape plan and its use in screening the lighting. Commission members would like as much screening of the site as possible via landscaping. T. Pendleton asked about the proposed maple tree. He said he would prefer to see a controlled grove of bamboo instead of the maple tree because it will grow tall quickly, it is hearty, non invasive, and it will stay green in the winter.

Commission members also asked about the types of shrubs proposed. They suggested a mix of half Mt. Laurel and half bayberry instead of all bayberry because bayberry need a lot of sun or they will lose their leaves.

MOTION to recommend approval of  “RAP Riverside Drive, LLC” Site Plan Review; 36 Riverside Drive (Map 59 / Lot 97) Marine Commercial District; Applicant: RAP Riverside Drive, LLC; Agent: DOCKO, Inc., Keith Neilson, PE with the following stipulations: the lighting levels should be kept as low as is practical and agreeable, the proposed maple tree should be changed to a controlled bamboo grove, and the bayberry bushes should be changed to a mix of ½ bayberry and ½ Mt. Laurel. Also, J. Gibbs would also like to recommend that a monument be added in honor of breakthrough Yacht Finnestere. MOVED by J. Gibbs; SECONDED by K. Snow;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, T. Pendleton, K. Snow; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  4-0-0.

IV.           NEW BUSINESS

A.      “Cloud 9 Deli & Catering” Façade Renovation
256 Boston Post Road (Map 44/Lot 25)
I-1 District
Applicant:  Andrea Isaacs; Agent: Denise VonDassel, KV Designs

In their packets, Commission members received a copy of the Design Review Application form along with the site plan, property survey plan and drawings for the roof repair/proposed cupola.

Andrea Isaacs explained to Commission members that the building needs a new roof, and she’d like to add a cupola. She showed the Commission members roof shingle samples. She also showed them photographs of the building, as it looks now, and talked about some things she’d like to change including the sign.

C. Costa explained to the applicant that she would need to come back to the ARB if she’d like to make any further façade or sign renovations. A. Isaacs asked members of the ARB for their input regarding façade and sign changes.

There was discussion about the round window in the cupola and how that looks with the rectangular windows on the side.
ARB members suggested a ridge vent and vertical siding instead of horizontal.

MOTION to recommend approval of “Cloud 9 Deli & Catering” Façade Renovation; 256 Boston Post Road (Map 44 / Lot 25) I-1 District; Applicant: Andrea Isaacs; Agent: Denise VonDassel, KV Designs with the following stipulations and recommendations: stipulate vertical siding (vinyl or cedar) on the dormer and consider canting the eaves perpendicular to the roofline, consider a metal standing seam metal roof and consider a wind vane. MOVED by J. Gibbs; SECONDED by D. Wight;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, T. Pendleton, K. Snow; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  4-0-0.


  • Meeting Minutes-March 8, 2010
MOTION to approve the minutes of March 8, 2010 as written. MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by K. Snow;  IN FAVOR: T. Pendleton, K. Snow, J. Gibbs, D. Wight; OPPOSED:  none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

B.      Correspondence – In their packets, members received an updated Architectural Review Board Member List for 2010.

C.       Committee, Representative & Staff Reports

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday April 12, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St. MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by K. Snow;  IN FAVOR: T. Pendleton, K. Snow, J. Gibbs, D. Wight; OPPOSED:  none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk