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Architectural Review Board Minutes 02/22/2010
Chairman Theodore (Guy) Pendleton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  

Attendant Members                                                 
Theodore (Guy) Pendleton, Chairman
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member
Arcangela Claffey, Regular Member
David Wight, Regular Member
Kingmon Snow, Jr, Regular Member

Attendant Staff
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk



A.              “Classic Carriage Auto Wash”  Free-standing Sign
351 Boston Post Road - East (Map 42/Lot 10-1)
Gateway Business B-4 District
                        Applicant:  Patricia Pytlik, Owner
The applicant explained that she would like to add an 18” tall sign which would be added to and located underneath the existing sign, notifying customers of the gas pricing discount information with the purchase of a carwash. The blue background will be the same color blue as the existing sign, and it will have white lettering. The new sign will be smaller than the existing sign, and it will not be illuminated.  
Based on the comments on the application form from ZEO, C. Costa, J. Gibbs would like to stipulate that the ARB would not endorse any increase of any currently existing non-conformity.

MOTION to recommend approval of the sign for “Classic Carriage Auto Wash” Free-standing Sign; 351 Boston Post Road – East (Map 42 / Lot 10-1) Gateway Business B-4 District; Applicant: Patricia Pytlik, with the condition that there will be no increase of any currently existing non-conformity. MOVED by J. Gibbs; SECONDED by D. Wight;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, T. Pendleton, K. Snow, A. Claffey; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

B.              “Bev Knox Consulting Firm”  Free-standing Directory Sign
165 Boston Post Road - East (Map 44/Lot 14)
Gateway Business B-4 District
                        Applicant:  Wilbur/Farley, Co-Trustee, Owners;  Agent: Bev Knox, Tenant
The applicant explained that she would like to replace the “for lease” sign with a sign of the same size and type for “Bev Knox Consulting”. Commission members made suggestions on the sign design that she presented. They felt there were too many different fonts and too many words on the proposed sign, and they would like to see the sign look more visually pleasing.

J. Gibbs made suggestions for sign wording, consistency and color.

MOTION to recommend approval for “Bev Knox Consulting Firm” Free-standing Directory Sign; 165 Boston Post Road – East (Map 44 / Lot 14) Gateway Business B-4 District; Applicant: Wilbur/Farley, Co-Trustee Owners; Agent: Bev Knox, Tenant, with the following recommendations: the words “The” and “Firm” on the first line be eliminated so the sign will read, “Bev Knox Consulting” in the same typeface, not italicized, that “parties, weddings & more” be all lowercase, and that the top and bottom lines of the sign have the same font. MOVED by J. Gibbs; SECONDED by A. Claffey;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, T. Pendleton, K. Snow, A. Claffey; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

The applicant asked if she could also have a sign above her door, and if that sign could be on the same permit as the free standing sign.

                        J. Gibbs made recommendations for a wall sign.

MOTION to recommend approval for “Bev Knox Consulting Firm” Wall Sign; 165 Boston Post Road – East (Map 44 / Lot 14) Gateway Business B-4 District; Applicant: Wilbur/Farley, Co-Trustee Owners; Agent: Bev Knox, Tenant, with the following recommendations: the sign should not exceed 48” X 37 ½ “, it should have the same proportions as the free standing sign, it should be located equidistant between the door and the window with the top to align with the top of the door trim, alternatively, the same sign could be located over the exterior side tenant door with the bottom to be located 16” above the door trim. MOVED by J. Gibbs; SECONDED by D. Wight;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, T. Pendleton, K. Snow, A. Claffey; OPPOSED:  none ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

C.              “Hanford Cabinet”  Free-standing Sign
102 Ingham Hill Road - East (Map 35/Lot 8-4)
Industrial I District
                        Applicant:  Stephen Hanford, Tenant;  Agent: Allie Hanford
Allie Hanford explained that because Hanford Cabinet is located down a hill, they would like to put a sign closer the road. The sign will be on 60” posts, it will have white columns, a mahogany logo, and gold leaf lettering with a sage colored outline so the letters will stand out. There is no lighting proposed.  

T. Pendleton passed a map around to all commission members so they could see exactly where the proposed sign will be located.

MOTION to recommend approval of  “Hanford Cabinet” Free-standing Sign; 102 Ingham Hill Road – East (Map 35 / Lot 8-4) Industrial I District; Applicant: Stephen Hanford, Tenant; Agent: Allie Hanford. MOVED by K. Snow; SECONDED by D. Wight;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, T. Pendleton, K. Snow, A. Claffey; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

Annual commendation for integrity in contextual design of development in Old Saybrook.

Members decided to table this item until the next ARB meeting which is scheduled for Monday, March 8, 2010, Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room at 7:30 p.m.

A.      Meeting Minutes- February 8, 2010

Because the minutes from the last ARB meeting of Monday, February 8, 2010 were not included in members’ packets for their review, members decided to table a motion on the minutes until the next meeting.

B.        Correspondence - none

C.        Committee, Representative & Staff Reports


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday March 8, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St. MOVED by K. Snow; SECONDED by A. Claffey;  IN FAVOR:  T. Pendleton, K. Snow, J. Gibbs, A. Claffey; D. Wight; OPPOSED:  none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk