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Architectural Review Board Minutes 01/25/2010
        Regular Meeting
                   Monday, January 25, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.
                 Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
        302 Main Street


Chairman David Wight called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  


Attendant Members                                                 
David Wight, Chairman
Kingmon Snow, Regular Member
Arcangela Claffey, Regular Member

Absent Members  
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member
Theodore Pendleton, Secretary

Attendant Staff
Chris Costa, Zoning Officer
Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk

Agenda is amended to move New Business to Item III and Old Business to Item IV per D. Wight, Chairman

        A.      “Lasting Image” Signs
590 Boston Post Road (Map 40/Lot 48)
Business B-2 District
Applicant/Agent:  Annemarie Bellenoit

Annemarie Bellenoit, the owner of Lasting Image appeared before the Board to present her sign application.  The new sign façade will have a purple background with white lettering and logo.  The sign will replace an existing sign.  The existing sign box is internally illuminated and the new sign will be illuminated as well. The wattage of the bulbs is unknown.  Kingmon Snow explained how low wattage/glare bulbs are preferred in sign illumination.  There is a second smaller sign (12” x 18”) to direct parking to the rear of the building that will be purple with white letters, not illuminated.

MOTION to recommend approval of the signs as presented with consideration to replacing high output bulbs on the internally illuminated sign, if necessary.  MOVED by K. Snow; SECONDED by A. Claffey;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, K. Snow, A. Claffey; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.

B.            “Van Wilgen’s Garden Center” Site Plan Review
1654 Boston Post Road, (Map 26/Lot 39)
Business B-1District
Applicant/Agent:  William Van Wilgen

Chairman Wight corrected the address listed in the agenda which should read 1654 Boston Post Road.
Linda Dow from Criscuolo Engineering appeared before the Board to explain the plans to construct two seasonal greenhouses on a processed stone pad with fencing surrounding the area.  The area of the site is a grassy area on the western side of the property.  Two existing line stripped islands to be replaced by curbed landscaped islands containing perennials and a tree.  Two trees will be added to the northwest of the site.   The fencing will consist of a stockade fence along the western/rear of the site and a split rail fence along the remaining sides.  The stockade fence is permanent and the split rail fence is temporary.  The greenhouse business will be seasonal and the greenhouses, split rail fence and porta-potty will be removed from December 14th thru April 15th each year.  No lighting is proposed for the site however, electric service will be brought to the site to operate the cash registers.  Each temporary greenhouse will have an 8 ½’ x 5’ high weather proofed paper sign placed above the entry way.  The sign will have a green background with flowers and white lettering and logo.  There are no plans to have a sign on the road post sign.

MOTION to recommend approval of the site plan as presented.  MOVED by A. Claffey; SECONDED by D. Wight;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, K. Snow, A. Claffey; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.

C.      “Knight’s Inn” Signs
7 North Main Street, (Map 40/Lot 5)
Business B-2 District
Applicant/Agent:  Maura Vercillo

Davel Patel, the owner of the motel appeared before the Board to present his sign application.  The hotel is joining a franchise and will need to change the sign façade to a branded logo sign.  The current sign box is internally illuminated.  The bulb wattage unknown.  The sign design, as presented, using the existing sign box, leaves a large area of white background on the sign.  David Wight asked if Mr. Patel would consider adding a color band along either side of the logo to reduce the amount of white space on the sign.  Mr. Patel feels that if the dimensions of the logo are in accordance with the franchisee then he should be able to reduce the white background with color bands on either side.   

MOTION to recommend approval of the sign with a reduction of white background space on either side of the logo to the minimum allowed by the franchisee..  MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by K. Snow;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, K. Snow, A. Claffey; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.


A.              Azul Fine Clothing” Sign
270 Main Street (Map 37/Lot 133)
Business B-1 District
                      Applicant/Agent:  Tawnya Siniscalco

MOTION to recommend denial of sign application due to the circular logo extending over the boarders of the sign, and the sign does not cover the entire sign band.  MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by A. Claffey;  IN FAVOR: D. Wight, K. Snow, A. Claffey; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.


  • Election of Officers – postponed until the next regular meeting due to lack of attendant members.
  • Meeting Minutes- January 11, 2010
MOTION to approve the minutes of January 11, 2010.  MOVED by K. Snow; SECONDED by A. Claffey;  IN FAVOR: A. Claffey, K. Snow, D. Wight; OPPOSED:  none  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.

  • Correspondence - none
  • Committee, Representative & Staff Reports – Chris Costa discussed sign regulations and the Design Excellence Award candidates for 2008 and 2009.  Projects receiving Certificates of Zoning Compliance during 2008 and 2009 are eligible to receive the awards.  The candidates are: Saybrook Health Care on Boston Post Road, Geomatrix on Mill Rock Road East, Burger King on Boston Post Road, Center Rentals on Center Road West, Walmart on Boston Post Road and Pat Walden Wicker Shop on Boston Post Road.  Choices for the awards will be finalized at the next regular meeting.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday February 8, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St. MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by K. Snow;  IN FAVOR:  K. Snow,  A. Claffey; D. Wight; OPPOSED:  none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk