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Architectural Review Board Minutes 05/11/2009
Architectural Review Board
        Regular Meeting
                   Monday, May 11, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.
                 Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
        302 Main Street

Vice Chairman Elizabeth Swenson called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  Three members were seated to vote.


Attendant Members                                                 Absent Members
Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman.                       David Wight, Chairman
Arcangela Claffey, Alternate            Kingmon Snow, Regular Member
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member          Guy Pendleton, Secretary

Attendant Staff
Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk
Chris Costa, ZEO


  • “Walmart Store”  Signs Illuminated
665 Boston Post Road (Map 36/Lot 103)  Business B-2 District
Applicant/Agent: Theresa Jones

Brian Dailey, of BRR Architects presented the proposed façade renovations.   He explained that Walmart is changing its logo nationally.  The existing building exterior will be painted in earth tone colors with new signage installed to incorporate the new logo.  The signs will be individual opaque white channel letters internally illuminated with LED lamps.  The color of the bollards located at the front entrance will be changed from red to blue.   The free standing signs will also be changed to incorporate the new logo.  Currently, the free standing signs are done in blue and white listing all tenants in the plaza in a vertical row.  Mr. Daily indicated that Walmart would continue to match the other tenant signs located in both free standing signs.
The Board is concerned with the colors and signage and how it will fit in next to the existing tenants on the rear/plaza side of the building.  The surrounding tenant facades will remain the grey/blue color.  The signage for Community Policing Office and FYE are blue and white and will now be against the new earth tone background.  Mr. Dailey reminded the Board that Pier One and Homegoods have changed their facades to earth tones.  The colors are different but allow the space to stand apart from the other tenant spaces.   The Board recommends that the signs for Community Policing Office and FYE be changed to channel lighted signs.  At a minimum the Community Policing Office sign should be moved to the left leaving 8” to the end of the facade.  The FYE should also be moved, but to the right to be 8” from the end of the facade.
The applicant is also proposing to increase the size of the signs for the front and rear of the building.  It was brought to the Boards attention that Zoning Regulations prohibit the increase in the size of the signs.  Mr. Dailey will scale down the sign sized proportionately to meet the Zoning Regulations.

MOTION to recommend approval of the signage and façade renovations with the recommendations that channel signs be installed for Community Policing Office and FYE to coordinate with the new Walmart sign.  Stipulations for the recommendation approval include 1.)Work with the ZEO to reduce the overall sign dimensions to comply with Zoning Regulations; 2.)Move FYE sign to the right leaving 8” from the end of the façade and Community Policing Office sign to the left leaving 8” to the end of the façade; 3.)All illuminated signage to be on a timer to shut off 1 hour after closing with illumination no brighter than what was previously approved by Zoning.  MOVED by Jonathan Gibbs; SECONDED by Elizabeth Swenson;  IN FAVOR:   J. Gibbs, A. Claffey, E. Swenson; OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.
  •  “Paul Burdick Oil” Additions/Façade Renovation
950 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 62, Lot 49) Business B-3 District
Applicant/Agent: Paul Burdick

Paul Burdick presented plans for renovations to his business which will increase the amount of office storage space by adding a second floor and make much needed repairs to the existing building while improving the overall look of the building to match those of his surroundings.  
The Board would like the pitch of the new roof to match that of the existing roof on the garage.  Also, the front and rear porch should be 6 feet wide rather than 4 feet.  The corner boards should be 5 ½ inches.  The Board was pleased with the architectural design of the renovation and feels it is consistent with the neighborhood and the B-3 zone.   No lighting, landscaping or signage was reviewed.  Applicant will return for further review by this Board upon ZBA approval.

MOTION to recommend approval of the renovation plan for the architectural design with the recommendations that the roof pitch of the addition match that of the garage, the front and rear porch be 6 feet wide, the corner boards be 5 ½ inches and the copula be included as shown on the plans..  MOVED by Elizabeth Swenson; SECONDED by Arcangela Claffey;  IN FAVOR:   J. Gibbs, A. Claffey, E. Swenson; OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.

MOTION to amend agenda to move Regular Business to Section IV and Workshop to Section V.  MOVED by Elizabeth Swenson; SECONDED by Arcangela Claffey;  IN FAVOR:   J. Gibbs, A. Claffey, E. Swenson; OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.

  • Meeting Minutes – Minutes for April 13, 2009 will be reviewed at next meeting due to lack of attendant members.
MOTION to approve minutes of April 27, 2009 with corrections to Section III, d Motion was seconded by Arcangela Claffey, In Favor were J. Gibbs A. Claffey, E. Swenson, and Approved 3-0-0.  MOVED by Elizabeth Swenson; SECONDED by Arcangela Claffey;  IN FAVOR:   J. Gibbs, A. Claffey, E. Swenson; OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED: none  APPROVED:  3-0-0.

  • Correspondence – none
  • Committee, Representative & Staff Reports – none

Draft Design Guidelines within the Zoning Regulations for Commercial, Multi-family and Mixed-Use Development were reviewed and comments given to the Zoning Enforcement Officer.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m. until the next regular meeting on Wednesday May 27, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St. MOVED by E. Swenson; SECONDED by J. Gibbs;  IN FAVOR:  A. Claffey, J. Gibbs, E. Swenson;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED: none.    APPROVED:  3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk

(Memos to ZBA for recommendations)