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Architectural Review Board Minutes 10152008
        Architectural Review Board
        Regular Meeting
                   Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
                 Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
                                        302 Main Street


Theodore (Guy) Pendleton, Secretary, will be seated tonight as Chairman.  Guy Pendleton called the regular meeting to order at 7:55 p.m.


Attendant Members                                                 Absent Members
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member          David Wight, Chairman
Guy Pendleton, Secretary                Kingmon Snow, Regular Member
Arcangela Claffey, Alternate            Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman
Attendant Staff
Chris Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk

Vice Chairman, Elizabeth Swenson arrived at 7:58 p.m.


A.              “Mercury Fuel Services, Inc.”  Signs Illuminated
                602 Boston Post Road (Map 40/Lot 48-50)
                Shopping Center B-2 District
                        Applicant/Agent:  Harold Zinno, Jr.

Applicant, Mr. Harold Zinno, Attorney for the applicant, Dan Klineman and John Lamanski of Sign Tech were present to explain that they will install a low glare grey toned plastic sign with cool white lamps that emit a subdued white light to comply with the town’s dark skies initiative.  Attorney Lineman noted there are signs currently existing in town that appear to be much brighter than what his client is attempting to install.  The board explained that signs do exist in town that are in violation and will be addressed individually.   Elizabeth Swenson asked if the applicant would consider changing the color of the lower portion of the sign to match the logo colors.  The applicant said he would change the lower portion of the sign from blue to red with white letters.  Jonathan Gibbs asked the applicant if the canopy lights are the original wattage and design as originally approved.  Mr. Zinnia was unsure if the wattage was as approved. The Board requested a follow up on what was originally approved.

MOTION to approve pylon sign with the following recommendations: 1. Install grey toned plastic sign insert with cool white bulbs to subdue the light from the illuminated signage.  2. Change the color for the lower portion to red rather than blue to match the logo colors. 3. Verify that current canopy lights are approved wattage and style.
        MOVED: by Elizabeth Swenson; SECONDED: by Archangela Claffey
        IN FAVOR:  G. Pendleton. A. Claffey, J. Gibbs, E. Swenson
OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0

Guy Pendleton, acting as Chairman, stepped down and handed the meeting over to Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman to continue.

B.      .       “J.A.M.S.S.” Signs Illuminated
                787 Boston Post Road (Map 36/Lot 70)
                Shopping Center B-2 District
                        Applicant/Agent:  Angela Hutchinson and Mark Hanley

Angela Hutchinson and Mark Hanley returned tonight to present the new color scheme for the signage along with photos of where the signs will be placed.  The board reviewed the photos and sign design and was pleased with the changes.

MOTION to approve application as presented tonight.
        MOVED: by Archangela Claffey; SECONDED: by Guy Pendleton
        IN FAVOR:  G. Pendleton. A. Claffey, J. Gibbs, E. Swenson
OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0

A.      “Savory” Sign
                254 Main Street (Map 37/Lot 128)
                Central Business B-1 District   
                                Applicant/Agent:  Patsy Berglund

Patsy Berglund presented to the board the new sign layout which will add the wording “Catering, Fine Prepared Food”.  The sign will increase in size from a 2’ x 4’ to a 3’ x 8’ sign.  The applicant presented a hand sketch of the sign placement but, no photos which would allow the board to see the sign in relation to the placement and surrounding architecture.  The board explained the importance of photos and asked that she return at the next meeting with photos.

.       MOTION to continue application until Monday October 27, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
        MOVED: by Jonathan Gibbs; SECONDED: by Guy Pendleton
        IN FAVOR:  G. Pendleton. A. Claffey, J. Gibbs, E. Swenson
OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0


a.      Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2008 and September 22, 2008 minutes to be approved at next meeting due to a lack of attendant members.
b.      Correspondence
c.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
Guy Pendleton asked the board for their opinion of future Design Excellence Awards.  The board was agreeable to continuing the Design Awards and proposed making it a part of another awards ceremony to encourage more participation.  The board will be compiling a list of possible award recipients.

The Board is looking to fill a vacancy on the ARB.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. until the next regular meeting on Monday October 27, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St.
MOVED by Archangela Claffey; SECONDED by Jonathan Gibbs
IN FAVOR:  E. Swenson, A. Claffey, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk