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Architectural Review Board Minutes 02/25/2008
Architectural Review Board

David H. Wight, Chairman
Elizabeth B. Swenson, Vice Chair
Theodore (Guy) Pendleton, Secretary
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216
Regular Meeting
          Monday, February 25, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
        Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
        302 Main Street

Jonathan M. Gibbs
Kingmon B. Snow, Jr.
Arcangela Claffey, Alternate
Vacancy, Alternate


Chairman D. Wight called the regular meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.


Attendant Members                                                 Absent Members
David Wight, Chairman                                                   
Kingmon Snow, Regular Member                    Guy Pendleton, Secretary
Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman                Arcangela Claffey, Alternate
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member

Attendant Staff
Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk


A.      “Essex Savings Bank” Site Plan Review
Construct New Drive-up Window Canopy
155 Main Street (Map 37/Lot 12)
B-1 District
Applicant/Agent: Lynn Giroux, SVP

Lynn Giroux of Essex Savings Bank submitted new visual renditions of the building, canopy and drive up ATM showing the proposed vertical siding with a lower concrete portion in a contrasting color as recommended by the Board in a previous meeting.

MOTION: to recommend approval of site plan and changes to exterior.   
 MOVED: by J. Gibbs;    SECONDED: by  Kingmon Snow
 IN FAVOR:  J. Gibbs, K. Snow, E. Swenson, D. Wight
            OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0                      

B.      “Old Saybrook Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep” Sign
235 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 62/Lot 21-1)
B-2 District
Applicant/Agent:  Darcie Roy

Darcie Roy presented on behalf of Chrylser, Jeep, Dodge of Old Saybrook.  At the last meeting the Board recommended that each individual brand name and dealership name be affixed directly to the building rather than one continuous sign band.  Ms. Roy received approval from Chris Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer, to allow the names to be affixed directly to the building.  This allowed the corporate logos and names to be centered under the roof peak and the name of the dealership to be shifted to the left.  The board was pleased with the new layout and would like the bottom of each letter in the names “jeep”, “dodge” and “old saybrook”  to be aligned.

MOTION  to recommend approval of signs with the change to align the bottom of the letters in the names “Jeep”, “Dodge” and “Old Saybrook”.
MOVED: by       J. Gibbs; SECONDED: by E. Swenson
 IN FAVOR:  J. Gibbs, E. Swenson, D. Wight, K. Snow
            OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0

A.      “Sam’s Food Store” Signs
        685 Boston Post Road (Map 36/Lot 102)
        B-1 District
        Applicant/Agent:  John MacNiel
John MacNiel, construction manager for the property owner, presented the application for approval to change the brand name of the signs from “Hess” to “Mobil”.   The signs would be the same dimensions and only the brand names and colors would change.  A blue band would be added to the canopy as well.  The Board recommended plantings and landscaping around the tall sign and shrouding the lights shining down from the canopy to reduce the glare.

MOTION to recommend approval of signage as designed along with the addition of landscaping around the tall sign and shield the lights under the canopy to reduce the glare.
 MOVED: by E. Swenson; SECONDED: by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  J. Gibbs, E. Swenson, D. Wight, K. Snow     
             OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED:  4-0-0

B.      “The Learning Consultants” Sign
        125 Main Street (Map 37/Lot 16)
        B-1 District
Applicant/Agent:  Daryl Capuano

        Mr. Mike Abel of Essex Sign presented for The Learning Consultants.  He explained that the existing sign which is used by “Essence” is made of wood and wooden posts will remain in place.  The plan is to remove the portion of the sign with the previous tenant’s name and add the new Learning Consultant’s sign, 31” x 16”, as proposed.  The board suggested an alternate color rather than the black lettering as presented.  A soft grey color for the words with the accent blue was agreed upon by everyone.  The board would also like to see a space between the two signs because of the difference in color and design of each sign. Also, the street number should be placed somewhere on the new sign in accordance with the Town of Old Saybrook’s ordinance which requires all business and homeowners to have a street number visible for emergency personnel.

MOTION to recommend approval of sign with soft grey lettering and the street number placed on both sides of the post.
 MOVED: by E. Swenson; SECONDED: by K. Snow
 IN FAVOR:  J. Gibbs, E. Swenson, D. Wight, K. Snow     
             OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED:  4-0-0  

Jonathan M. Gibbs asked to be recused for the next application.  J. Gibbs was excused at 8:17pm.

C.      “Day’s Inn” Sign
        1430 Boston Post Road (Map 26/Lot 16)
        B-4 District
        Applicant/Agent: Bhima and Vaju Odepra

Mr. Krishna Odepra presented for the owners of the Days Inn to request approval for a change in the sign at the property.  The overall dimensions of the sign will remain the same and only the face of the sign will change.  The Board commented on the pole which the sign is on.  It looks disproportionate to the large sign.  The Board recommends boxing in the pole to add width and substance to the base of the sign.  A grey color was suggested.
MOTION to recommend approval of the new sign with the post boxed in and painted grey.
MOVED: by E. Swenson; SECONDED: by K. Snow
 IN FAVOR:  E. Swenson, D. Wight, K. Snow       
             OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0    

Jonathan M. Gibbs rejoined the meeting at 8:34pm.


A.          Meeting Minutes – February 11, 2008

MOTION to approve the minutes of February 11, 2008 as presented
 MOVED: by       K. Snow; SECONDED: by J. Gibbs
 IN FAVOR:  K. Snow, J. Gibbs, E. Swenson, D. Wight  
             OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0

B.      Correspondence  - 1.)   Intra-Agency Memorandum from ARB to Zoning Commission regarding Island Cove Too, LLC Special Exception
2.)   Email from J. Gibbs to Chris Costa discussing the requirements the ARB would like to see with all applications.  He specifically stated “The important thing is that we have enough to see and consider sign placement accuracy, and that we can see signage on adjoining facades as well.  Sufficiently blown up square on photographic views, including scale providing element such as measured existing and proposed length and heights can be sufficient for modest proposals, if clear.  Clearances dimensions to various architectural features all around should be determined and provided.  Signage should be indicated on measured drawings submitted as part of a remodel or new construction permit application.”

C.        Committee, Representative & Staff Reports – 1.)  Zoning Commission Minutes from 02/04/08 meeting.  2.)  Planning Commission Minutes from 02/06/2008 meeting.  3.)  Planning Commissioners Journal-Winter 08.  4.) Regular Board Member Kingmon Snow would like to recommend that the Zoning Enforcement Officer look at the following locations regarding possible violations.  Coldwell Banker temporary sign on side of building on Main Street, Dental Office temporary fabric sign on Main Street, Lenscrafters sign lights shining into the sky on Route 1.  He would like clarification that any change in the lighting of signage constitutes a change in signage and requires permitting and approval.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 p.m. until the next regular meeting on Monday, March 10, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St.
MOVED by K. Snow        ; SECONDED by E. Swenson
IN FAVOR:   K. Snow, J. Gibbs, E. Swenson, D. Wight  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk