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Architectural Review Board Minutes 01/14/2008

Architectural Review Board

David H. Wight, Chairman
Elizabeth B. Swenson, Vice Chair
Theodore (Guy) Pendleton, Secretary
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
          Monday, January 14, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
        Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
        302 Main Street

Jonathan M. Gibbs
Kingmon B. Snow, Jr.
Arcangela Claffey, Alternate
Vacancy, Alternate


Chairman D. Wight called the regular meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.


Attendant Members                                                 Absent Members
David Wight, Chairman                                             Guy Pendleton, Secretary
Kingmon Snow, Regular Member                    Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman                                  
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member                  
Arcangela Claffey, Alternate

Attendant Staff
Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk

Chairman Wight introduced our new Alternate, Arcangela Claffey, to the Board and
stated that Arcangela Claffey will be seated for Guy Pendleton for tonight’s meeting.


a.      “Stoneware” Signs
99 Main Street (Map 37 / Lot 35)
B-1 District
Applicant/Agent:  Terry Brown    

Terry Brown presented to the Architectural Review Board the plans for the proposed signage.  Mr. Brown explained where the building is located, the former space of the VNA in the rear of the building occupied by Harbor Light Realty with access and visibility from the North Cove Parking lot as you travel south on Main Street.  Although the application submitted requests approval for two separate signs, Mr. Brown indicated that they will only be hanging one sign on the north side of the building which will be visible from the North Cove parking lot and as you travel south on Main Street.  A second sign would be temporary or a non-fixed sign which would be conforming and located at the front of the building on Main Street along the sidewalk.  The dimensions of the sign for which Mr. Brown is seeking approval were unclear, the sketch submitted in the application shows a sign height of 18” but did not reflect a sign length.  In addition, the application did not have photographs of the existing space where the sign would be hung and it was difficult for the board to get a sense of the area in which the sign would be placed.  The applicant and the board agreed that the application should be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting to enable the applicant to provide photos which would outline the actual placement of the signage for the property.
MOTION  to continue the application for Stoneware signs until the next regularly scheduled meeting on January 28, 2008,
 MOVED: by D. Wight; SECONDED: by J. Gibbs
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, J. Gibbs, K. Snow, A. Claffey
             OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  none; APPROVED: 4-0-0

Kingman Snow requested Chairman D. Wight that he be excused for a prior engagement.  Chairman Wight granted K. Snow’s request at 8:11pm.

The board members submitted draft language for the captions to be included on the Design Excellence Awards.  During the next meeting the board plans on finalizing the captions for each award.


A.                Meeting Minutes – December 10, 2007

D. Wight suggested that voting on the December 10, 2007 minutes be held until all 4 members present at the meeting, E. Swenson, D. Wight, J. Gibbs, and K. Snow are present to vote.  All members agreed.  

B.      Correspondence – None

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports – Members packets contained the following:  Minutes from Planning and Zoning Commission 12/5/07, 1/2/08 meetings, Schedule of meeting dates for the Inland Wetland Commission for 2008, Member Roster for the Architectural Review Board for 2008, Budget for the ARB.

J. Gibbs inquired if the budget allowed for additional training/consulting funds to assist the board in drafting and updating ARB Regulations in the future.  Chairman Wight noted that there is $250 in educational funds which may be available for that purpose.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 p.m. until the next regular meeting on Monday January 28, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St.
MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by J. Gibbs
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, A. Claffey, J. Gibbs
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  3-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Rynecki, Recording Clerk