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ARB 022706.Minutes
Architectural Review Board
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
Monday, February 27 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street


Chairman David Wight called the regular meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.


Attendant Members       Absent Members
David Wight, Chairman                   None
Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member          
Kingman Snow, Regular Member    Attendant Staff 
Frank Vinciguerra, Regular Member               Janet Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk
Guy Pendleton, Alternate


A.      “Connaughty Chiropractic” Façade Renovation
142 Boston Post Road (Map 44 / Lot 021)
Restricted Business B-3 District
Applicant/Agent: Chris Connaughty

Mr. Chris Connaughty was present and brought in the additional information requested at the last meeting.  Mr. Gibbs suggested that a pitch roof could work for the addition rather than the proposed hip roof and to match the eave returns with the existing eaves.  Mr. Wight prefers the hip roof because it will match the existing 2nd story roof.  Ms. Swenson suggested matching the 2nd story windows above the addition with the existing smaller windows facing Boston Post Road and use double hung windows for both stories.  In terms of the lighting, Ms. Swenson suggested to replace the two wall packs on the exterior of the building with a new light post on the northeast corner of the building to light the ramp and parking area.  Mr. Pendleton would like to see a few light posts added to the parking lot rather than the wall packs on the building.   Mr. Gibbs stated that adding shutters, flowerboxes and upgrading exterior lighting are three inexpensive ways to improve the property.

MOTION to recommend approval of the façade renovation and addition as presented with the following stipulations:
1.  use either a pitch or hip roof
2.  match the windows as existing
3.  replace exterior wall pack fixtures with light posts for the parking area
4.  use matching materials
5.  if re-siding is required, use 6-inch wide corner boards and suggest running fascia above the top of the windows.
6.  use similar width trim or shutters for windows.
MOVED by K. Snow                        SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR: D. Wight, E. Swenson, G. Pendleton, J. Gibbs, K. Snow and F. Vinciguerra.  OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  6-0-0.


A.      “Eagle Nest Steakhouse” Sign
90 Essex Road (Map 59 / Lot 4)
Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant/Agent: Nicola DiSalvo

Ms. Nicola DiSalvo was present.  The proposed sign will replace the face of the existing “Ship to Shore Restaurant” sign and will use the existing sign structure.  The sign will remain internally illuminated.  The Board likes the design and graphics, however, does not like the proposed color combination of using a white background.  The Board requested the applicant to return to the next ARB meeting with at least three alternatives with colored background and white lettering.  Mr. Snow advises using no higher than 90-watt high output per bulb.

B.      “Wal-Mart” Modification to the Special Exception Permit
665 Boston Post Road (Map 36 / Lot 103)
Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant:  Chris Rhea Architects               Agent: Gary Shirley

Mr. Gary Shirley was present.  Mr. Shirley explained that the state DEP is requiring all Wal-Mart stores to cover their garden centers in an effort to limit nitrates and other chemicals from rainfall runoff.  The proposed structure is a glazed canopy with aluminum flashing.  Mr. Shirley brought in material samples.  He further explained that an interceptor vault will be installed just prior to the septic system to collect solids.  Also, a new slab flooring with trenched drains will be installed.  Mr. Gibbs favors the application as long as it does not increase the retail space.  Mr. Gibbs further stated that he would like more information about mitigating excess lighting from the canopy.  Mr. Pendleton suggested a dark colored floor that would create reflectivity.  Ms. Swenson recommends centering the exterior auto sliding door under the far right gable of the canopy.

MOTION to continue this application until the next regularly scheduled meeting with the following requests and suggestions:
1.  request to see upward lighting specs and strategy to mitigate excess lighting in regard to the Dark Skies compliance.
2.  turn off light one hour after closing.
3.  use 6,500K fluorescent lamps.
4.  center auto slider doors under far right gable.
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR: D. Wight, E. Swenson, G. Pendleton, J. Gibbs, K. Snow and F. Vinciguerra.  OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  6-0-0.

C.      “Pampered Pets” Sign and Façade Renovation
775 Boston Post Road (Map 36 / Lot 71)
Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant/Agent: Valerie Johnson

Ms. Valerie Johnson was present.  The exterior will have new vinyl siding in the color of lemon poppy with white trim and slate blue shutters and front door.  She would also like to have a new roof with black architectural shingles.  Rather than the proposed picture windows in front, the Board suggests using 4 equal-width double hung or casement window groupings with either shutters or 6-inch white trim and window boxes.  Mr. Gibbs suggests 6-inch corner boards as well.  Mr. Gibbs further recommends a frieze band above the windows.  Ms. Johnson stated that she will have containers with plantings (possibly topiaries) and a bench under the overhang by the front door area.  The building sign should be centered both horizontally and vertically in the gable and the lighting will be mounted and hidden under the projection at the top of the gable.  Mr. Snow recommends using two 3-ft fluorescent bulbs.  Mr. Vinciguerra suggests the overhang at the top of the gable to be at least 18 inches.  Ms. Johnson stated that she intends to use a lantern fixture for the front door.

Mr. Gibbs noted that the application did not include a site plan review.  Mr. Wight informed Ms. Johnson that she will have to come back before the ARB if a site plan review is required by the Zoning Commission.

MOTION to recommend approval of the façade renovation and building sign as presented with the following stipulations:
1.  use 4 equal-width double hung or casement window groupings with either shutters or 6-inch white trim and window boxes.
2.  use a frieze band above the windows.
3.  use 6-inch corner boards.
4.  building sign to be centered vertically and horizontally in the gable.
5.  use two 3-foot fluorescent bulbs to be mounted under the overhang at the top of the gable.
6.  the gable overhang to be at least 18 inches.
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by F. Vinciguerra
IN FAVOR: D. Wight, E. Swenson, G. Pendleton, J. Gibbs, K. Snow and F. Vinciguerra.  OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  6-0-0.

MOTION to recommend approval of the street sign as presented with the following stipulations:
1.  use one panel.
2.  simply by eliminating some of the text.
3.  move the phone number to the bottom.
4.  use plantings at the base of the sign such as day lilies, zebra or porcupine grasses on both ends.
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by J. Gibbs
IN FAVOR: D. Wight, E. Swenson, G. Pendleton, J. Gibbs, K. Snow and F. Vinciguerra.  OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  6-0-0.

A.      Meeting Minutes
MOTION to approve the minutes of 1/23/06.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra                 SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  G. Pendleton, K. Snow and F. Vinciguerra.   OPPOSED: none.  ABSTAINED:  J. Gibbs, D. Wight and E. Swenson   APPROVED:  3-0-3.

MOTION to approve the minutes of 2/13/06.
MOVED by J. Gibbs               SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  J. Gibbs, K. Snow and F. Vinciguerra.   OPPOSED: none.  ABSTAINED: D. Wight, E. Swenson and G. Pendleton   APPROVED:  3-0-3.

B.      Correspondence – Minutes, agendas and notices from other Land Use boards and commissions were distributed.

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
1.      Final Draft Amendments to the Plan of Conservation & Development for “Economic Development” and “Conservation & Open Spaces”, Planning Commission public hearing February 1, 2006.
2.      Draft Sidewalk Plan, Planning Commission public hearing February 1, 2006.
Ms. Swenson and Mr. Pendleton attended the February 1, 2006 Planning Commission public hearing and relayed the pertinent information.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 10:28 p.m. until the next regular meeting on Monday, March 13, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by E. Swenson
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton, K. Snow and F. Vinciguerra.  OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  6-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,   Janet S. Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk