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ARB 042406.Minutes
Architectural Review Board
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
Monday, April 24, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street


Chairman David Wight called the regular meeting to order at 7:42 p.m.

Attendant Members       Absent Members
David Wight, Chairman                   Kingman Snow, Regular Member
Frank Vinciguerra, Regular Member               Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman
Guy Pendleton, Alternate Member         
Jonathan Gibbs, Regular Member (arrived at 7:51 p.m.)

Attendant Staff
Janet Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk

Alternate Guy Pendleton was seated.


A.      “Sandpiper Inn” Sign Modification
1750 Boston Post Road (Map 25 / Lot 4)
Gateway Business B-4 District
Applicant/Agent:  Tushar N. Dadarwala

Mr. Tushar N. Dadarwala was present.  Mr. Dadarwala explained that after one year as the Knight’s Inn, he has decided to terminate his franchise with this company and go back to the Sandpiper Inn.  He proposes to use the same sign structure and simply change the decals on the sign panel.  The existing sign is internally illuminated and the old ground lighting shown on the photo is not operable.  The same lighting will be used as recommended by Mr. Snow last year.  The textured block base will be completed within the month and plantings will be included in the base area of the sign.

MOTION to recommend approval of the sign modification as presented.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR: D. Wight, G. Pendleton and F. Vinciguerra.
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  3-0-0.


A.      “Valley Shore Assembly of God” Sign
36 Great Hammock Road (Map 020 / Lot 158)
Residence A District
Applicant/Agent:  Pastor Marios A. Ellinas

Pastor Marios A. Ellinas was present.  Pastor Ellinas stated that he would like to request a few changes to the proposed sign.  He would like lettering “Valley Shore” to be slightly larger than the “Assembly of God” lettering.  He would like to add the street numbers to the top of the shield on the very top of the sign.  He would also like to remove his name on the bottom of the sign and add the church’s phone number.

Mr. Gibbs arrived at 7:51 p.m.

The base of the sign will have plantings in an oval flowerbed lined with gray Belgium stone.  Mr. Pendleton recommends using winged euonymus for these plantings.
This application does not include lighting.  Pastor Ellinas will come back with lighting, paving and parking in the future.  The board recommended that he include a site plan with his next request.
Mr. Gibbs recommends that the bottom half of the sign should have less words and lettering to make it more readable.

MOTION to recommend approval of the sign as presented with the following changes:
1. replace the pastor’s name with the church phone number.
2. add the street number to the top of the shield.
3. slightly larger lettering for “Valley Shore”
4. stone work and landscaping as presented.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra             SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton and F. Vinciguerra.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  4-0-0.

MOTION to amend the agenda to add “Gould, Gillin & Monaghan” sign application as Item B. under IV. NEW BUSINESS.
MOVED by D. Wight                   SECONDED by F. Vinciguerra
IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton and F. Vinciguerra.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  4-0-0.

B.      “Gould, Gillin & Monaghan” Sign
205 Old Boston Post Road (Map 28 / Lot 41-1)
Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant:  Gould, Gillin & Monaghan    Agent: Ann Monaghan

Ms. Ann Monaghan was present.  Ms. Monaghan provided a color rendering of the proposed sign, which will be two-sided and have gold lettering with green background.  Her law firm will occupy the first floor while Life Care Services, LLC which is a separate business, will occupy the second floor.  Mr. Gibbs recommends the Life Care Services, LLC sign to have radius edges at each end to display a more distinctive profile for its business.  
This application does not include lighting at this time and the applicant will return in the future for review of their lighting proposal.  For future reference, the board informed the applicant of the Dark Skies law and suggested a fully shrouded gooseneck fixture.
Ms. Monaghan stated that there will be plantings under the sign to match the existing landscaping of the buildings.  She mentioned rhododendrons; however, because of the low clearance under the sign, Mr. Pendleton suggests boxwoods and perennials.

MOTION to recommend approval of the street sign as presented without lighting and with the following recommendations:
1.  the Life Care Services, LLC sign have radius edges at each end to display a more distinctive profile as its own entity,
2.  boxwoods and perennials at the base of the sign.
MOVED by J. Gibbs                   SECONDED by F. Vinciguerra
IN FAVOR: D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton and F. Vinciguerra.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  4-0-0.


A.      Meeting Minutes – There was not a quorum of board members from the April 10, 2006 regular meeting.  Approval of minutes from that meeting will be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting.

B.      Correspondence – Minutes, agendas and notices from other Land Use boards and commissions were distributed.  

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports –

1.      Expenditure request for computer software will be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting to obtain additional information.

2.      Mr. Pendleton submitted lighting regulations from the Town of Branford and requested that this information be copied and provided to each Board member for their review to discuss at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

3.      Mr. Gibbs requested the clerk to inquire about the internal illumination of the U Store It sign on School House Road.

4.      Mr. Gibbs proposed the Land Use Department create of a list of references, such as “Creating Defensible Space” to be issued to all application proposals of multi-family developments.

MOTION to request the Land Use officers to reference the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development and Research document entitled, “Creating Defensible Space” by Oscar Newman, Institute for Community Design Analysis as published by the Contractor: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, Contract No.DU100C000005967, dated April 1996 and that this document be submitted for the Land Use Department and Town Attorney’s procedural review.
MOVED by J. Gibbs               SECONDED by F. Vinciguerra
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton, and F. Vinciguerra.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  4-0-0.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:19 p.m. until the next regular meeting on Monday, May 8, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main St.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by J. Gibbs
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton, and F. Vinciguerra.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janet S. Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk