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ARB 062705.Minutes
Architectural Review Board
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
Monday, June 27, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

Chairman, David Wight, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attendant Members                               Absent Members
David Wight, Chairman                   None
Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chair
Jonathan Gibbs                  
Kingman Snow                            
Frank Vinciguerra                                Attendant Staff
Guy Pendleton                                   Janet Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk


A.      “Chubby Marcella’s” Facade Renovation
117 Main Street (Map 37 / Lot 17)
Central Business B-1 District
Applicant/Agent:  Erin Atkinson

Ms. Erin Atkinson was present and provided photos of the front of her building, a color sample of Sag Harbor Gray for the exterior and photos of the teak benches and planters for the front of the building.  The exterior of the building will be painted next spring or summer.  The board would like to see the sign centered between the front door and the gap in the façade.  However, Ms. Atkinson did not provide documentation showing the location of the sign to scale as requested at the last meeting.

MOTION to approve benches, planters and exterior color as presented and to continue the façade renovation application until the next regularly scheduled meeting on July 11, 2005 to allow the applicant to provide documentation showing the location of the sign to scale.
MOVED by G. Pendleton           SECONDED by J. Gibbs
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, J. Gibbs, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  6-0-0.


A.      “40 Elm Street” Site Plan, Building Renovation, Sign
40 Elm Street (Map 36 / Lot 109)
Central Business B-1 District
Applicant:  Todd Roberts                Agent: John A. Matthews

Mr. Wight is employed by the agent, Mr. Matthews, and therefore recused himself as Chairman.  Ms. Swenson took over as Chairman.

Mr. John A. Matthews and Mr. Todd Roberts were present.  Mr. Matthews described the property as a single-family residence most recently used as a residence and accounting/insurance business.  The new owner, Mr. Roberts, would like to renovate the building and provide up to eight parking spaces in the rear for commercial use for a business or office.  The covered porch will be enclosed and three double hung windows will be installed.  A sign will be placed over the front door and under the gable with two gooseneck light fixtures.  A handicapped access ramp and railing will be installed under the existing carport.  The exterior will be a warm gray color with white trim.  Plantings and a fence will be installed at the rear property line to screen the parking area from the neighboring residences in back.  The board would like to see a more residential style and color for this fence rather than white vinyl.  Mr. Roberts said vinyl fences are now made in a variety of colors and textures and he will provide samples to the board.  Mr. Snow suggested a single 8’ fluorescent high output bulb for the building sign rather than two gooseneck fixtures.   
Mr. Vinciguerra stated that he would like the building renovation to include more colonial or early American architectural features to meet the Town’s goal for street front and pedestrian-friendly development along Main Street and Boston Post Road.

MOTION to table discussion until the next regularly scheduled meeting on July 11, 2005 to allow the applicant to address the following issues:
1.  details of the rear fence
2.  address issues of light throw
3.  introduce vernacular details to the building
4.  provide color samples
MOVED by J. Gibbs                       SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  E. Swenson, J. Gibbs, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  D. Wight.   APPROVED:  5-0-1.

Mr. Wight resumed as Chairman.

B.      “Edge Tide Restaurant” Sign
140 Ferry Road (Map 45 / Lot 29)
Marine Commercial MC District
Applicant:  Between the Bridges, LLC    Agent:  William A. Childress

Attorney William A. Childress and Mr. James Cantillon, owner of Edge Tide Restaurant, were present.  Mr. Childress informed the board that the sign has already been erected and he was retained after the sign was installed.  Mr. Childress provided photos of the sign and other signage in the area.  Mr. Childress informed the board that Mr. Cantillon has a temporary permit to operate until October 2005.  The board suggested to fill the empty space below the sign with textured 1-11 and painted to match the existing color of the signboard.  Mr. Vinciguerra suggested that the triangle on top of the sign be removed and replaced with a cornice on top of the sign.  

MOTION to approve the sign with the following recommendations:
1.  install textured 1-11 below the sign and painted to match the rest of the existing structure.
2.  install trim around the sign.
3.  install cap on the diagonal on top of the sign.
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, J. Gibbs, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  6-0-0.

A.      Meeting Minutes
MOTION to approve the minutes of 06/13/05 as presented.
MOVED by J. Gibbs               SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, J. Gibbs, G. Pendleton, F. Vinciguerra and K. Snow.
OPPOSED: none.  ABSTAINED:  E. Swenson.  APPROVED:  5-0-1.

B.      Correspondence
1.      Mr. Wight read aloud a letter from Attorney Mark Branse to the Zoning Commission regarding the CVS Pharmacy application.  Mr. Wight stated that the Zoning Commission members did not have copies of the ARB minutes concerning this application.  Mr. Wight requested that a report format be developed to forward recommendations to the Zoning and Planning Commissions for all major applications in the future.
C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
1.      Elect new Secretary to fill vacancy – no action taken.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 10:23 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on July 11, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, J. Gibbs, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow, and G. Pendleton.  OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  6-0-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Janet S. Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk