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ARB 052305.Minutes
Architectural Review Board
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
Monday, May 23, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

Chairman, David Wight, called the regular meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Attendant Members                               Absent Members
David Wight, Chairman                   Bette Del Giorno, Secretary
Kingman Snow                            Jonathan Gibbs
Frank Vinciguerra
Guy Pendleton
Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chair (arrived at 7:55 p.m.)

Attendant Staff
Janet Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk

A.      “HomeGoods” Special Exception, Bldg and Façade Renovation, Sign
105 Elm Street (Map 36 / Lots 60,80,92-96,103)
Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant/Agent: Matthew Rubin

Mr. Matthew Rubin was present.  Mr. Rubin informed the Board that the Zoning Commission already approved this application on May 16th.  The total square footage of the sign will be reduced to 119 sq.ft. and the height of the canopy will be 12 feet.  The lettering will also be reduced, the H and the G will be 4’4” and the remaining lettering will be smaller.  The revised drawing shows the outside columns will be wider.  The possibility to remove the middle column is still under review by HomeGoods engineers.  Mr. Rubin also showed the revised landscape plan and informed the Board that the Zoning Commission asked HomeGoods to leave as much glass as possible on the backside of the building.

MOTION to approve the sign as presented.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.   APPROVED:  4-0-0.

B.      “General Equities/Food Bag” Façade Renovation and Site Plan
1630 Boston Post Road (Map 26 / Lot 38)
Gateway Business B-4 District
Applicant: Cherokee Hill, LLC           Agent: Bill Robinson    

Mr. Bill Robinson of General Equities was present.  He informed the Board that he had met with Chris Costa, the Zoning Enforcement Officer, last week and clarified the questions concerning the sign specifications and setbacks.  The street sign will be a maximum height of 20’ and will be a total of 50 sq.ft.  The sign will set back 10’ and will be internally lit with a total of eight 60-watt tubes.  The top of the sign with the Citgo logo will be white, the price sign will be red, the diesel sign will be green with black lettering and the Food Bag sign will be orange and bronze with black lettering.  There will be one sign centered on front of the canopy and one sign centered on the east side of the canopy.  The site plan was revised with two new flowerbeds on each side of the property along Boston Post Road.  Mr. Pendleton recommended to mulch around the shrubs rather than grass and that the dwarf evergreen on the south bed may not be needed.

MOTION to approve the site plan, signage and landscaping as presented.  
MOVED by K. Snow                SECONDED by F. Vinciguerra
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  4-0-0.

Elizabeth Swenson arrived at 7:55 p.m.

C.      “Blue Point Office Building” Site Plan
205 Old Boston Post Road (Map 28 / Lot 41-1)
Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant: Blue Point, Inc.             Agent: Joe Wren, P.E.

Mr. Wren presented the Board with the side elevations as requested and specifications for the colonial style light fixture for the parking lot.  Mr. Wren explained that the fixture has a full post top so light will not escape.  There will be six light posts throughout the parking lot.  Mr. Snow suggested self-ballasting lights.  Mr. Wren said he would look into it.  Mr. Snow also suggested using frosted bulbs.

MOTION to approve the site plan with side elevations as presented and recommend the square colonial style DS1 light fixture at 8 feet high from grade.  
MOVED by K. Snow                SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

D.      “Front Page Sports” Sign
265 Main Street (Map 30 / Lot 52)
Central Business B-1 District
Applicant/Agent: Omer and Jon-Ander Beristain

Omer, Jon-Ander and Agu Beristain were present and provided the Board with examples of their proposed sign in two different fonts and different color combinations.  Ms. Swenson stated that she prefers the contemporary lettering with black outline of white on red background.  Mr. Vinciguerra agreed with this preference.  Mr. Pendleton stated that he would have liked to have seen a more colonial font but that out of the two examples provided, he prefers the box lettering with the red background.  Mr. Wight stated that he believes the white on blue in both fonts is more readable.  Mr. Snow suggested that the Board should approve their second future sign which will be located on the Main Street side of the building.  The use of such sign is still being negotiated with the neighboring tenant in the building.

MOTION to approve the sign and a future sign to be located in the existing Main Street-side fixture using either of the two bottom fonts from their list of examples.  
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by D. Wight
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, and K. Snow.  
OPPOSED:  G. Pendleton and F. Vinciguerra.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  3-2-0.

A.      “CVS Pharmacy” Special Exception, Site Plan, Sign
37 Stage Road, 509 and 510 Boston Post Road (Map 40 / Lot 14 - 17)
Gateway Business B-4 District
Applicant: Issues Management, LLC                Agent: Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.   

Mr. Patrick O’Leary of VHB, Inc., Ms. Karen Mann of VHB, Inc. and Mr. David Royston were present to represent the applicant.  Also present was Mr. Alan J. Plattus, Director of the Yale Urban Design Workshop.
Mr. O’Leary gave a brief review of the site plan, stating that there have been very little changes since the last presentation to this Board on November 22, 2004.  The landscape buffer areas have increased.  
Ms. Swenson stated that a delegation from the Land Use agencies recently visited Glastonbury and in particular, the CVS that is very different from the design proposed for Old Saybrook.  Mr. O’Leary responded that the Glastonbury CVS was designed and built by an independent developer.  Plus it is only 9,000 sq.ft. vs. 13,000 sq.ft. for the proposed CVS here in Old Saybrook.  Furthermore, CVS is currently under permit process with Glastonbury for another CVS pharmacy that is very similar to the proposed CVS in Old Saybrook.  Mr. Snow questioned the large number of parking spaces.  Mr. O’Leary responded that zoning regulations require the 81 spaces.  Mr. Vinciguerra asked about the progress for shared entrance with the train station plaza owner.  Mr. O’Leary stated that discussions are in progress with both the adjacent property owner and the DOT.  The DOT is currently considering whether or not the influx of traffic is feasible for Route 1.
Mr. Wight stated that he would like to see the building closer to the street and parking in back.  Mr. Swenson added that this is a gateway district and discussion for more street front development has grown since the November meeting.  Mr. O’Leary responded that in the context of current zoning regulations, the building could not be moved toward the street more than the 50’ setback.  This location on the site would not provide the amount of parking spaces required by Zoning.
Mr. Wight asked Mr. Plattus to comment on this discussion.  Mr. Plattus stated that he is in the process of helping the Land Use Department identify and establish guidelines for gateway areas and business areas along Boston Post Road to be more pedestrian friendly by encouraging street front development.  If the building cannot be located on the street with parking in back, the next alternative is to treat the street front property as if it were a front yard in a residential neighborhood to create character and scale for pedestrian use.  This eventually could lead to reduced and shared parking.  Mr. Plattus agreed that the 50’ setback would make the positioning of the building awkward and would not allow for the required number of parking spaces.  
Mr. Wight suggested that the area could be re-zoned for B-1 to accommodate the type of plan that the Board would like to see.  Best-case scenario for the timing of a zoning change would be two months.  Mr. O’Leary argued that waiting for a zoning change would not be acceptable to CVS because not only does CVS have land commitments but also they have been working on this project for one and a half years based on the zoning regulations that are currently on the books.  Mr. Royston pointed out that there is a B-2 zone in between the B-4 and B-1 so the town could not simply extend the B-1 district.  Also, there may be some regulations in B-1 that may not be appropriate for this area.  Mr. O’Leary stated that a developer can only plan based on current regulations.
Mr. O’Leary then provided updated architectural drawings for the building which give the building a more colonial look with a copula, gable roof spanning the entire front of the building, columns added to the side of the building for dimension.  Ms. Swenson stated that the sign band is too large, the copula too small and the columns too narrow giving the appearance that they cannot support the sign band.
Mr. Plattus suggested that perhaps the ARB could ask the applicant to make the design of the building more street oriented and then the applicant could go to the ZBA with this request as its hardship.    
The parking lot lighting will be wall packs on the building with 45-degree shields using low wattage high output bulbs.
Mr. Vinciguerra stated for the record that while he agrees with the comments and concerns about street front development, he believes it is not appropriate to surprise the applicant with these changes after one and a half years of work.
Mr. Royston requested that the record show that this plan has been designed in compliance with current zoning regulations and that the recommendations made by this Board are being made without reference to whether or not the recommendations are in compliance with current zoning regulations.

Ms. Swenson acknowledged that the applicant has acted so far in good faith.
MOTION to disapprove the site plan application and building design for the following reasons:
1.  Parking spaces should be reduced from 81 to 65-70.
2.  Location of building should be more street oriented.
3.  Orientation on site should be parallel to Boston Post Road.
4.  Front landscape buffer should be redesigned to allow more pedestrian access and relationship to building.
5.  Sidewalk from Stage Road should continue through grassy area into parking area.
6.  Architectural design that the Board favored was presented to the ARB on November 22, 2004. (This design will be identified and forwarded to the clerk.)
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  F. Vinciguerra.  APPROVED:  4-0-1.
B.      “Bella Sera Italian Restaurant” Sign
45 Mill Rock Road East (Map 42 / Lot 30)
Gateway Business B-4 District
Applicant/Agent:  Nicola DiSalvo

Ms. Nicola DiSalvo was present.  The current Emilio’s Restaurant will be renamed Bella Sera so Ms. DiSalvo would like to change the signage to reflect the new name.  The street sign will be lowered from a height of 20’ to 15’.  Ms. Swenson stated that she would like to see a monument sign.  Ms. DiSalvo responded that there needs to be space under her sign for the mini golf sign.  The new signage will be white lettering on a blue background.  Ms. DiSalvo also indicated that she would like to put a “Bella Sera” sign on the end of the building just under the gabled roofline.  The street sign currently has two spotlights mounted on the ground facing up.  The Board stated that this type of lighting is no longer allowed by Federal law and recommends mounting the lights on the top of the sign.  Mr. Snow offered to visit the site on May 25, 2005 to recommend specific lighting for the street sign.  

MOTION to approve the street sign, the awning sign over the front door and a sign on the gable wall at the end of the building.
MOVED by G. Pendleton           SECONDED by F. Vinciguerra
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

C.      “OS Middle School Addition” Site Plan
60 Sheffield Street (Map 30 / Lot 63-5)
Residence A District
Applicant:  Board of Education  Agent:  Raymond A. Giolitto, A.I.A.

Mr. Raymond A. Giolitto, A.I.A. and Mr. Robert Wendler, Chairman of the Board of Education School Building Committee were present.  Mr. Giolitto provided an overview of the site plan expansion.  Additional parking will be added into the existing lots so no additional lighting is necessary.  The additions will match the existing building architecturally by using matching brick and similar features.  Casement windows in the new courtyard will not pose a safety hazard as there will be plantings around the perimeter of the courtyard.  Mr. Pendleton suggested that the Rose of Sharon be eliminated from the plantings list.

MOTION to accept the site plan as presented.  
MOVED by G. Pendleton           SECONDED by F. Vinciguerra
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, E. Swenson, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

A.      Meeting Minutes
MOTION to approve the minutes of 05/09/05.
MOVED by K. Snow                SECONDED by E. Swenson
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, G. Pendleton, F. Vinciguerra and K. Snow.
OPPOSED: none.  ABSTAINED:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

B.      Correspondence
Mr. Wight discussed the May 31, 2005 Quarterly Gathering of Land Use Agencies.  He recruited the board members to serve on the various teams which will work on the Boston Post Corridor Plan.  He will forward the team assignments to Christine Nelson, Town Planner.

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
Mr. Vinciguerra stated that if the Architectural Review Board needs to be firmer and have more teeth, then the name of the board should be changed from “Review” to simply “Architectural Board.”  Mr. Wight responded that the State of Connecticut mandates that towns may have architectural review boards but they are only advisory to the Zoning Commissions.  This can only be changed by state statute.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on June 13, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow, and G. Pendleton.
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janet S. Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk