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ARB 050905.Minutes
Architectural Review Board
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

Regular Meeting
Monday, May 9, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

Chairman, David Wight, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attendant Members                               Absent Members
David Wight, Chairman                   Bette Del Giorno, Secretary
Elizabeth Swenson, Vice Chairman                Jonathan Gibbs
Kingman Snow
Frank Vinciguerra
Guy Pendleton

Attendant Staff
Janet Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk


A.      “HomeGoods” Special Exception, Bldg and Façade Renovation, Sign
105 Elm Street (Map 36 / Lots 60,80,92-96,103)
Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant/Agent: Matthew Rubin

Mr. Matthew Rubin, owner of the shopping center and Mr. Wayne R. Borge, of TJX Companies, Inc. were present.  Mr. Rubin provided photographs and dimensions of the current Pier One sign and the Famous Footwear sign.  The Pier One sign is 22’ high from the ground.  The proposed HomeGoods sign will be 21’ 6” high from the ground and 13’ high from the roof canopy.  The Famous Footwear sign is 14’ high from the roof canopy.  Mr. Wight inquired about the length of the signs.  Mr. Rubin stated that he did not have those dimensions but that the HomeGoods sign will be in the same general dimension as the other signs.  Ms. Swenson stated that the columns for the HomeGoods sign do not provide the appearance of being structurally substantial enough to carry the load of the sign in comparison to the Pier One sign which has much wider columns.  She would like to see the outside columns of the HomeGoods sign be thicker and the middle columns be eliminated if structurally possible.  Ms. Swenson also stated that she would like to see the height of the sign be reduced slightly and the letter sizing be reduced and on the same scale as the Pier One sign.

Mr. Wight stated that he took photos of the proposed site and noticed that there are currently a number of trees which may block the HomeGoods sign.  Mr. Rubin indicated that he will be relocating those trees.  Additionally, Mr. Wight questioned the height of the fascia.  He believes the zoning regulations state that the height can be no more than 12 feet.  Mr. Rubin will double-check this with Ms. Costa.

Mr. Rubin presented a revised site plan showing crosswalks behind the HomeGoods loading dock to allow pedestrians from Famous Footwear safe passage to other parts of the shopping center.  

Mr. Pendleton asked if Mr. Rubin should provide an updated landscape plan because the new crosswalks will change some of the landscaped areas.  Mr. Wight stated that the Zoning Commission will require an updated landscape plan and he feels confident that the Commission will make an appropriate review at such time.

MOTION to accept the revised site plan with crosswalks as presented.  
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, E. Swenson, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

MOTION to table the discussion of the building sign until the next regular meeting on May 23, 2005.
MOVED by K. Snow                SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  F. Vinciguerra.  APPROVED:  4-0-1.

B.      “General Equities/Food Bag” Façade Renovation and Site Plan
1630 Boston Post Road (Map 26 / Lot 38)
Gateway Business B-4 District
Applicant: Cherokee Hill, LLC           Agent: Bill Robinson    

Mr. Bill Robinson of General Equities was present.  Mr. Robinson provided a revised site plan showing a new design of the canopy.  The canopy will be 14’ in height, using 16 fully recessed lights with 275-watt bulbs.   The street sign will stand at the northwest corner of the property.  The proposed sign is 22’x 6’.  “Citgo” will be centered on the roadside of the canopy and will be the only sign on the canopy.  Mr. Robinson will provide elevation drawings to show the height of the canopy.  Ms. Swenson suggested mostly perennials and some annuals around the base of the street sign.  After consulting the zoning regulations, the Board members found that the sign regulations for this zoning district are 20 feet in height and a total of 50 square feet.  Mr. Robinson will come back with a new sign proposal.  Mr. Wight stated that the street sign needs to be 10 feet from the property line.

MOTION to accept the revised site plan with the condition that the applicant return to the next regular meeting on May 23, 2005 with a landscape plan, site elevations and a new sign proposal with dimensions within the zoning code and showing that the sign will be set back 10 ft from the property line.  
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by F. Vinciguerra
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, E. Swenson, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.


A.      “Community Cultural Arts Center and Theatre” Special Exception, Site Plan and Building Renovation
300 Main Street (Map 33 / Lot 63-1)
Residence A District
Applicant:  Town of Old Saybrook                Agent: Thomas J. MacDonald
East Wharf Architects, Inc.     

Mr. Thomas MacDonald of East Wharf Architects, Inc., Mr. Walter S. Hirsch, Chairman of the Town Hall Restoration Committee, and Mr. J.H. Torrance Downes, member of the Town Hall Restoration Committee were present.

Mr. MacDonald presented the preliminary drawings of the old Town Hall restoration project.  He informed the Board of the scope of the project and historical background.  The goal of the project is to provide a multi-purpose building to accommodate musicals, concerts, dances, theatre productions and art shows.  The structure of the building is relatively sound though most of the systems will need to be updated such as fire protection, electrical, heating and cooling, and making the building handicapped accessible.  The theatre will have seating for up to 240 removable seats on the second floor.  The first floor will have two tenants.  There will be no additional parking planned as the current parking should be sufficient.  There will be three additions to the building.  The main addition is on the south side and will have a first floor handicapped-accessible entrance, elevator and a second fire egress staircase.  A second addition will be on the second floor over the existing vault and will house dressing rooms.  The third addition will be on the back of the building behind the stage to provide storage and a stage work area.  There will be very few changes to the exterior of the existing building.  The concrete band around the top of the building will be carried through to the new additions with matching brick and mortar.

The patio step in front of the building will be removed so that the walkway in the front of the building will be level with the sidewalk.  A step will be added at the bottom of the front steps.  Mr. Vinciguerra asked if the committee is planning to
reconfigure the front steps as they are very high and do not meet the current code.  Mr. MacDonald stated that the committee is not planning to change the front steps.  Ms. Swenson inquired about the lighthouse handrails.  Mr. MacDonald stated that the handrails will be replaced.  Ms. Swenson stated that she would like the handrails to remain.  However, if this cannot occur, she would like the committee to keep in mind something for the front entrance that will be engaging and identifies with the Town of Old Saybrook.

Mr. MacDonald stated that they do not have a lighting plan yet but would like to use light poles similar to those on Main Street.  Mr. Snow recommended not using sodium lighting.  They will also come back to the Board for signage.  The existing kiosk will be relocated closer to the new Town Hall.  The building sign will be in the same location, above the front doors.  The committee may also request a garden-style street sign for the first floor tenants.

Mr. Vinciguerra stated that he would like the front steps to be re-worked to a height of 7 ½”.  Mr. Swenson suggested that the west side window in the main addition is too wide and out of scale with the original building.  Mr. Wight agreed.  They suggested either to make the window slightly narrower or to replace it with two windows side by side similar to the original building.

MOTION to table discussion until an unspecified future meeting so that the Board’s suggestions may be considered.  
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, E. Swenson, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

B.      “Beach Babies Learning Center” Special Exception, Modification of Previous Approval to Comply with State Health Code Requirement
210 Boston Post Road (Map 44 / Lot 24-1)
Restricted Business B-3 District
Applicant: Mark and Allison McCarthy    Agent: John A. Matthews, A.I.A.

Ms. Dalma Mantilia of John A. Matthews, A.I.A. and Mr. Mark McCarthy were present.  Mr. Wight cited a conflict of interest and recused himself from this discussion.  Ms. Swenson took over as Chairman.

Ms. Mantilia and Mr. McCarthy explained to the Board that architectural changes were made to the buildings to comply with State daycare requirements for sleeping and play areas.  Additionally, fencing will surround the a/c unit and an overhang over a door was eliminated to comply with a 20’ setback.  Also, other fencing was reconfigured to connect to buildings and allow more outside play areas.  A fence leading to Boston Post Road by the bus stop walkway was eliminated to provide more open space.  The board was assured that there will be two teachers to meet the school bus each afternoon.  Mr. Snow suggested that a 50-watt floodlight would be sufficient for their street sign.

MOTION to accept the revised site plan and architectural drawings with the recommendations that the lighting for the street sign be a 50-watt flood light and to leave the natural vegetation on the west side of walkway leading to the school bus stop on Boston Post Road.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  E. Swenson, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  D. Wight.  APPROVED:  4-0-1.

Mr. Wight resumed as Chairman.  

C.      “Front Page Sports” Sign
265 Main Street (Map 30 / Lot 52)
Central Business B-1 District
Applicant/Agent: Omer and Jon-Ander Beristain

Omer, Jon-Ander and Agu Beristain were present.  The applicants would like to use the existing sign fixture, an 8’ internally illuminated sign which uses a 6’ high output tube.  The proposed sign is white with red lettering.  The font is contemporary, similar to the ESPN font.  Mr. Pendleton suggested that because this site is immediately behind the new pump house replica, perhaps the font should be more colonial.  Ms. Swenson stated that she did not mind the contemporary font but would like to see the “R”s carried down and further suggested a red sign with white lettering.  Mr. Pendleton reiterated his suggestion to see a more colonial font with a blue background and white lettering.  The applicants agreed to come back to the next meeting with the two proposals.  It was further discussed to move the sign 6’ over toward Boston Post Road to gain more exposure from both Main Street and Boston Post Road.

MOTION to table discussion until the next regular meeting on May 23, 2005 to allow the applicants to bring back two new sign proposals for the Board’s review.  
MOVED by G. Pendleton           SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, E. Swenson, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.

D.      “Blue Point Office Building” Site Plan
205 Old Boston Post Road (Map 28 / Lot 41-1)
Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant: Blue Point, Inc.             Agent: Joe Wren, P.E.

Mr. Joe Wren and Mr. George Bessoni were present.  Mr. Wren described the project and stated that the property has an overhead utility wire easement on one side of the property that restricts structures but parking is permitted.  The building is colonial style with 9,200 leasable sq.ft.  The dumpster will have a wood enclosure with evergreens on the backside.  Along the west side of the property line will be a retaining wall with a white vinyl fence.  Mr. Pendleton recommended planting spruces rather than white pines.  The parking lot will not have curbing or wheel stops but rather 4’ wide crushed stones and a timber railing along the perimeter.  The lot will be graded so that storm water will run off into a basin on the northwest corner of the property.  There will be 6 parking lot light fixtures.  Mr. Wren presented two styles, one more colonial that the Board preferred.  Mr. Snow asked if the fixtures could have reflectors to restrict the up lighting.  Mr. Wren will check with the manufacturer.  Mr. Wight inquired about side elevations of the building and the pitch of the roof.  Mr. Wren will make these available at the next meeting.

MOTION to table discussion until the next regular meeting on May 23, 2005 to allow the applicant to provide additional information on the parking lot fixtures and also to provide side elevations of the building.  
MOVED by E. Swenson             SECONDED by G. Pendleton
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, E. Swenson, K. Snow and G. Pendleton.  
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINING:  none.  APPROVED:  5-0-0.


A.      Meeting Minutes

Mr. Wight noticed an error in the April 25, 2005 minutes.  The word “concerned” on page three, line 8, should be “considered.”

MOTION to approve the minutes of 04/25/05 with one correction as noted.
MOVED by D. Wight               SECONDED by K. Snow
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, G. Pendleton, F. Vinciguerra and K. Snow.
OPPOSED: none.  ABSTAINED:  E. Swenson.  APPROVED:  4-0-1.

B.      Correspondence
C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on May 23, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by E. Swenson
IN FAVOR:  D. Wight, E. Swenson, F. Vinciguerra, K. Snow, and G. Pendleton.
OPPOSED:  none.  ABSTAINED:  none.    APPROVED:  5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janet S. Vinciguerra, Recording Clerk