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ARB 011005.Minutes
Architectural Review Board
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-3125

Regular Meeting
Monday, January 10, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Teachers Lounge
60 Sheffield Street

I.      CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Elizabeth Swenson, called the regular meeting to order at 7:32pm.
Attendant Members                               Absent Members
Elizabeth Swenson, Chairman                     Bette Del Giorno, Secretary
David Wight, Vice Chairman                      Jonathan Gibbs
Frank Vinciguerra
Guy Pendleton
Kingman Snow

A.      “Ten Center Road, LLC” Site plan and Sign
10 Center Road, (Map 26, Lot 6-5), B-4 District
Applicant: Ten Center Road, LLC Agent: Doane- Collins Engineering

Bob Doane was present to represent the applicant.
Mr. Doane responded to the Board’s request for the following information:
Ø       plans showing masonry work on the bottom of the building
Mr. Doane stated that the expansion will not have matching split block masonry on the bottom of the building.  His client determined that the masonry did not warrant the expense.
Ø       a landscape plan
Accepted as shown with the addition of four (4) Spruce trees in the north corner of the building as proposed by Mr. Wight in consideration of the Amtrak view.  The trees should be planted 20 ft away from the building as recommended by Mr. Pendleton.
Ø       detail of the eaves
Will have the same detail as the existing building with gutters around the edge.
Ø       proposed colors of the building
The color of the expansion will be the same as the existing building.  The existing building will be repainted with same color.

MOTION to recommend approval of site plan and sign as presented with the addition of the four (4) spruce trees in the north corner of the building.
MOVED by K. Snow                SECONDED by E. Swenson
APPROVED E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

A.      “METALPRO” Sign
50 Schoolhouse Road, (Map 27, Lot 31), I-1 District
Applicant: Metalpro, Inc.               Agent: Chris Ianotti

Tom and Betty Wright were present to represent the applicant.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright stated that the proposed signs already exist.  The signs were previously used at their former location in Niantic.  The purpose of the signs is to demonstrate location and access to their business.  Neither sign will be visible from Schoolhouse Road.  The building sign is flat 1/8” aluminum to be mounted directly to the front of the building.  The letters are black with white background with red accent underline.  The freestanding sign will be parallel to the building near the front door mounted on 6x6 pressure treated posts which have already been painted black.  Ms. Swenson suggested that small plantings be added to the base of the freestanding sign.  Mrs. Wright agreed that some plantings will be appropriate and she will wait until spring to see what the owner of building is planning to do.

MOTION to recommend approval of signs as presented
MOVED by D. Wight               SECONDED by K. Snow
APPROVED E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

B.      “Enterprise Rent-A-Car” Sign & Façade Renovation
434 Boston Post Road, (Map 42, Lot 17), B-4 District
Applicant:  Enterprise          Agent: Kevin Kolstad

Mr. Kevin Kolstad was present.
Mr. Kolstad informed the Board that they are planning to relandscape the front of the building and replace the existing wooden ramp (which is not compliant with ADA) with a new concrete slab and wooden ramp to comply with ADA.  Buffer landscaping will be planted between the property and Rivers End Tackle.  Existing landscape on the east side of property will be cleaned up.  
Mr. Vinciguerra inquired if the layout of the parking lot could be revised to allow trees to be planted on either side of the driveway.  Mr. Kolstad stated that the owner of the adjacent property has a driveway and access easement on the west side of the property which would prevent a tree on the west side of their driveway.  Ms. Swenson suggested that Mr. Kolstad contact Chris Costa and request the name of a contact person within the DOT about the possibility tree plantings on the DOT right of way on Boston Post Road.  Ms. Swenson also suggested landscaping around the base of the street sign.
Mr. Vinciguerra inquired about changes to the front of the building.  Mr. Kolstad stated that the existing wooden roof shingles will be replaced with black shingles.  The building will be painted light gray with green trim around the doors and windows.  Window boxes will be taken down.  Ms. Swenson voiced objection to this.
For illuminating the building sign, Mr. Snow recommended one (1) 8 ft. single lamp 90-watt high output.  This would also provide down lighting to the front of the building.  The site plan shows two lights on the front of the building, one on each corner.  Mr. Kolstad provided specifications for these lights.  Mr. Snow recommended 70-watt mercury bulbs, not to exceed 71 watts.  For illuminating the street sign, Mr. Snow recommended two (2) 8 ft. single lamp 90-watt high output.
Ms. Swenson inquired about the length of the sign band.  During this discussion, Mr. Wight read comments from an e-mail from Jonathan Gibbs who stated that the bay windows and window boxes do not match the fascia board sign.  Mr. Gibbs recommended to reduce the building sign to 2’x10’ and centered over the windows.  The Board agreed with Mr. Gibbs recommendation.  
In conclusion, the Board offered the following recommendations:
1.      Building sign to be 2’x10’ and centered
2.      Street sign accepted as presented with landscaping at the base
3.      Two (2) street trees planted in DOT’s right of way consistent with DOT recommendation
4.      Site plan accepted as presented with recommended landscaping:
a.      Variegated Euonymus for front of building
b.      Junipers for corners of building
c.      Fountain grass and Zebra grass for the west side of property with mulch.
5.      Window boxes to remain.

MOTION to recommend approval of the sign, site plan and façade renovation with the recommendations listed above
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra SECONDED by K. Snow
APPROVED E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

C.      “Saybrook Cleaners” Sign
880 Boston Post Road, (Map 36, Lot 162), B-2 District
Applicant:  Saybrook Cleaners   Agent: Chol Hong Kim

Mr. Chol Hong Kim was present.
Mr. Kim informed the Board that the lattice and trellis woodwork has been removed from the front of the building.  He requested permission to mount the building sign above the bottom edge of the roof.  Mr. Pendleton, Mr. Snow and Ms. Swenson stated that the Board could not allow his request as it is in direct violation of current zoning regulations.  The Board members instructed Mr. Kim to mount the building sign below the bottom edge of the roof, directly on the front wall or fascia board.  Ms. Swenson recommends that the length of the building sign be extended to equal the distance of the outer edges of the two front windows and that the sign be centered above the windows.  The building sign will be aluminum with white lettering and blue background.  

MOTION to recommend approval of the building sign with the recommendation to mount it to the front of the building below the roof and above the windows and have the length of the sign extend from the outer edge of each window.
MOVED by D. Wight       SECONDED by K. Snow
APPROVED E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

MOTION to recommend approval of the freestanding street as presented and noted that the owner of the building should remove the “For Rent” sign.
MOVED by D. Wight       SECONDED by K. Snow
APPROVED E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

A.      Meeting Minutes
MOTION to approve the minutes of 12/13/04
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by G. Pendleton
APPROVED E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

B.      Budget  
1.      Ms. Swenson reported that excess funds in the budget are due to the digital camera being under utilized.  She asked if anyone on the Board would like to take possession of camera to take photos of various sites around town.  Mr. Snow agreed to take over the use of the camera for the Board.
2.      Mr. Vinciguerra proposed that the Board purchase an easel for applicants to use during their presentations.  He agreed to procure a reasonably priced easel for the Board and it will be the Clerk’s responsibility to bring it to each meeting.  The Board also discussed a seating arrangement with the location of the easel for the presenters.  Janet will be asked to organize this prior to each meeting.  Mr. Snow asked Janet to produce name tents for each Board member for future meetings.  
MOTION to purchase an easel at a reasonable price.
MOVED by F. Vinciguerra         SECONDED by D. Wight
APPROVED  E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
1.      Mr. Snow reported that the new Beasley Realty sign is already posted in front of their new building on Boston Post Road even though this Board has not reviewed their application.  Mr. Snow sent an e-mail to Chris Costa inquiring about this but had not received a reply.  Janet will follow-up with Ms. Costa about this matter.
2.      Mr. Snow also reported that during a recent visit to the Cingular store, he inquired about where they were re-locating in anticipation of the new Starbucks.  The Cingular employee informed Mr. Snow that they were moving to the rear of the building and having a new door installed to the side of the building adjacent to the parking lot.  Mr. Snow stated that there was no such door on Starbucks’ drawings and he is quite surprised about this development.  Mr. Wight suggested that this is an example of the need to restructure the application procedures to require more detailed plans and photos of proposed sites.
3.      Mr. Pendleton reported that he has noticed a church sign next to the Welcome to Old Saybrook sign on Main Street.  He noted that this situation would most likely rectify itself when the new visitor/information building is erected.
4.      Mr. Vinciguerra reported that he is a member of the ad hoc committee currently reviewing plans for this new building.  Point One Architects along with many other professionals are providing pro bono work.
5.      Mr. Pendleton stated that he is planning to approach First Selectman Pace about relocating the town information sign currently next to the former Town Hall.  Mr. Pendleton believes a better location would be on the other side of the town green next to the Fire House.
D.      Election of 2005 Officers
Mr. Snow nominated Mr. Wight as the new chairman for the Board.  Mr. Wight accepted the nomination followed by remarks from the entire board praising Ms. Swenson’s service during the past year.  Mr. Wight nominated Ms. Swenson as the vice chair.  Ms. Swenson accepted the nomination.  The election of the new Secretary was tabled until the next meeting.  Mr. Wight will contact Ms. Del Giorno, who is in Florida until April, to inquire whether she would like to continue to hold this office.
MOTION to nominate David Wight as Chairman of the Architectural Review Board for 2005
MOVED by K. Snow                SECONDED by E. Swenson
APPROVED  E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

MOTION to nominate Elizabeth Swenson as Vice Chairman of the Architectural Review Board for 2005
MOVED by D. Wight               SECONDED by K. Snow
APPROVED  E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow


MOTION to adjourn at 10:35pm
MOVED by K. Snow                SECONDED by E. Swenson
APPROVED  E. Swenson, D. Wight, F. Vinciguerra, G. Pendleton, K. Snow

Respectfully Submitted,

Janet S. Vinciguerra, Clerk