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Board of Selectmen 1/09/02
Board of Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2002

Mr. Merritt opened the meeting and introduced the Board members and Jim Boudreau, Town Administrator.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the agenda as written.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

At 7:30, Mr. Merritt introduced Harry Merritt, Chairman of the PBMC for an update.  
Mr. Merritt started by saying that he is the acting Chairman of the PBMC.  He stated that the PBMC is has operated at a disadvantage for a couple of years due to the fact that 3 members are on the School Building Committee.
Projects include;
·       Repairs at the Sparrell, a new boiler, a gas line in from the street for heat for the School Administration.  
·       Demolition of the Police Station floor garage area has just been completed.  For a new concrete floor to be poured and topped with a coating on top to keep it waterproof.  
·       James Dean overhead door system
·       Council on Ageing contract about to be awarded for a retaining wall and renovations to the parking lot.
·       Presently we are reviewing the RFP for the Architectural Feasibility Study for the Sparrell School having 30 inquiries, receiving 9 returns.  

Mr. Merritt thanked Boy Scout Troop 66 for coming into the Selectmen’s Meeting and commend them for their thank you notes.  

At 7:45, Public Hearing – Mount Blue, Sunday Entertainment License
MOTION  Mr. Mariano moved the Board open the Public Hearing for the purpose of Sunday Amusement License for Mt. Blue Restaurant.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.
New Business
1.      Highway Department Awards
Mr. Merritt said the Selectmen had been notified that the Highway Department employees have distinguished themselves and brought credit to the department and the town by winning 1st Place in the Plymouth County Snow Plow Rally.  
Mark Allegra and Mark Walther finished first in three of the five categories of knowledge and performance in the area of snow plowing and safety.  And won 1st place overall in Plymouth County.  

Highway Surveyor, Paul Foulsham explained  the events.  He continued, this was the 9th annual Snow Plow and Safety Rally held on October 26, 2001 at Plymouth Airport.  Nineteen two-man teams participated in 5 categories.  
·       Written test on general knowledge:      1st Place, Norwell’s Mark Allegra and Mark Walther
·       Pre-trip inspection:    1st Place, Norwell’s Mark Allegra and Mark Walther
·       Front Plow Mounting:    1st Place, Norwell’s Mark Allegra and Mark Walther
·       Overall Winner: 1st Place, Norwell’s Mark Allegra and Mark Walther

Awards plaques were presented to Mark Allegra and Mark Walther

2.      Review petition and vote to layout Autumn Lane
MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board in accordance with Article 10 Public Ways of the Norwell Bylaws express their intent to layout Autumn Lane for the Annual Town Meeting.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board add Autumn Lane to the list of Private Ways to be plowed for 2002.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.  

Unanimously Voted.

Temporary Truck Ban
Mr. Merritt stated that this evening the Board will vote to uphold their position of the Temporary Ban on Bridge, Union, and Oak Streets for some designated period of time or the process could end if the Board choose not to do that.  This is the 9th public meeting this Board has had on this issue.

The chronology of the Truck Ban is as follows;
December 6, 2001
Marshfield Selectmen and State Representative Frank Hynes attend Norwell Selectmen’s meeting to request Norwell support for a truck ban on Union/River Street in Norwell/Marshfield/Pembroke.

December 13,2001
Selectmen postpone decision until Traffic Study Comm. Has a hearing and makes a recommendation.

March 14, 2001
Board votes to support temporary truck ban with stipulations that a baseline traffic study be done to the satisfaction of Norwell and Marshfield and that the temporary ban will end on June 30, 2002.

April 4, 2001
Mr. Hines presents petition from River St. and Chittenden Ln. residents asking Board of Selectmen to postpone agreement for temporary ban until baseline study is agreed upon.

April 18, 2001
Discussion with Mr. Hines on truck ban.
May 9, 2001
Board provides update on truck ban.

November 14, 2001
Truck ban discussion.

December 18, 2001
Truck count data mailed out.

Data collected at 4 stations.
·       Station 1 – Recorded all traffic on River Street
·       Station 2 – West of bridge on Rte. 53
·       Station 3 – Bridge St. itself
·       Station 22 – East of Bridge St. on Rte. 53

The Data showed on 2 dates;

Station 1 – approximately 5800 vehicles traveled the road, 130 were trucks, or 2%
Station 2 - on Rte. 123, 11,700 vehicles, 400 were trucks or 3.25%
Station 3 – 3,400 vehicles, 75 were trucks or 2%.  
Station 22 – 10,000 vehicles, 400 were trucks or 4%.

Traditionally the number is upwards of 5% before the state will consider approving the application.  However, in this case the would see to the towns wishes.  

Tonight’s meeting will be conducted similar to a formal public hearing.
One at a time - State name and address, come to front to speak
Speak only when recognized
All comments addressed to Chairman, as brief and to the point as possible.

Officials in attendance from Marshfield;
1.      James Fitzgerald – Chairman of the Board of Selectmen
2.      John Clifford – Town Administrator
Both in favor of the Truck Ban, with concerns of the width of Union and Bridge Streets, with no sidewalks.

Those in favor of the Temporary Ban;
Dick Pantano, Bridge St.
Alex Clark, Bridge St.
David Turner, Turners Way
Charles Hayes, Bridge & Main Street
Identified Person

Those against the Temporary Ban;
Bob Hynes, 31 Chittenden Ln.
Don Mauch, 296 Main St.
Bill Bernardi, 97 River St.
Bob Foulsham, 24 Grove St.

Plus numerous phone calls fairly well split.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board vote to reaffirm the vote taken on March 14, 2001, reaffirming the temporary ban on truck traffic on Bridge, Union, Oak Streets in the towns of Norwell, Marshfield, and Pembroke, temporary ban beginning as soon as possible and ending on June 30, 2002.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board adjourn.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

James M. Boudreau, Town Administrator