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Board of Selectmen 12/12/01
Board of Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2001

Mr. Merritt opened the meeting and introduced the Board members and Jim Boudreau, Town Administrator.

Mr. Gaynor suggested to add to the agenda Sparrell progress and a town engineer under old business.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the agenda as amended.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

At 7:30 PM, Mr. Merritt introduced Joe Carty, Chairman of the Norwell Historical Committee for an Update.

Mr. Carty stated that Local Historical Commissions are Agents of the Local Government.  The most important goal is the preservation of the communitie’s historic places.  The purpose of local Historic Commission is to work towards this goal by planning and implementing programs for the identification, evaluation, protection of the Communities Historic resources.  Planning is the first step in developing an effective local preservation program.  In conjunction to meet this criteria; in May 1999, the demolition bylaw was passed in existence for 2.5 years for any situation of historic value of 75 years of age, making a more effective tool for preserving historic places

Mr. Merritt asked to explain the process of demolishing an old building?

Carol Mesheau explained, the town voted unanimously that there be steps in the process.  Basically, the request goes to the Building Inspector, he notifies the Historical Commission.  Official date boards will be available for houses OK’d by Bob Babcock.  There is a 4 step process a builder or whoever is demolishing the building has to follow.  If a building under our code is demolished, nothing can be done to the property for 3 years.  A fine up to $25,000.00 can be given to the person who destroyed the building.  Stonewalls are included in this.  

Mr. Carty stated the Jacobs Cemetery on Jacobs Trail is coming to fruition.  There is a large marker on the property now.

The Stetson Ford House, Jacobs Farm House,  both properties are rented.

The Historical Commission is handling the Date Board, 40 houses on the list.

The Commission is in need of help.

Next at 7:45  PM, Mr. Merritt introduced Alan R. Fredrickson, a PBMC applicant.

Mr. Fredrickson is a life long resident living at Hoop Pole Lane, married with 2 children, is self employed running a Landscape and Construction business in Norwell.  He applied for this position because he is concerned about the way tax dollars are spent.  He thinks buildings that we have need to be maintained properly.  New buildings need to built properly and he would like to have money spent in the proper way.  He believes he can lend a hand to the Committee.

New Business

License Renewals for the year 2002 were next on the agenda.  Mr. Merritt mentioned all renewals granted did have letters from the Fire Chief, Police Chief and the Board of Health indicating they have no concerns with these renewals.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board renew for the Year 2002:

Retail Package Store-All Alcoholic:     Drums, Inc. and Marsh’s, Inc.

Retail Package Store-Wines & Malt:      Tom Thumb and Bo-Tes.

Common Victualler-All Alcoholic:        FVB, Inc d/b/a Trattoria San Pietro; Strawberry Fair; Tsing, Inc. d/b/a Beijing House; Mount Blue and Cherry Aung, Inc. d/b/a Fujiyama Japanese Restaurant.

Wines & Malt:   Papa Gino’s; Seasons Café & Deli and Pizza Hut.

Amusement (Weekdays):   Papa Gino’s; Strawberry Fair; Pizza Hut; Mount Blue; and The Company Theatre.

Amusement (Sundays):    Pizza Hut, Papa Gino’s and The Company Theatre.

Common Victualler:      Aramark for Wearguard; Bo-Tes; Drum’s; FVB, Inc d/b/a Trattoria San Pietro; Finagle-A-Bagel; JNP Enterprises for On Rye Deli;; Cherry Aung, Inc., d/b/a Fujiyama; Norwell Pizzeria and Seafood; Mug Shots; Papa Gino’s; Pizza Hut; Seasons Café & Deli; Strawberry Fair; South Shore Dessert; Taco Bell; TenderLeaf; Tsing, Inc, d/b/a Beijing House; Mount Blue; McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts.

Motor Vehicles-Class I: Fredrickson Bros; BMW Gallery; HEJ Corp; Reitzl, Inc; Planet Subaru and South Shore Imported Autos, Inc.

Motor Vehicles-Class II:        South Shore Imported Autos, Inc; Virta’s Garage.

Motor Vehicles-Class III:       Virta’s Garage.

Lodging Houses: Capeway Motel; Park View Inn and Pilgrim Lodging.

Inn Holders:    1810 House Bed and Breakfast.

All license renewals were seconded by Mr. Gaynor in each of their classes and voted unanimously.

Mr. Mariano discussed the School Building Assistance Program.  All the schools as part of the 54 million dollar override project were placed on a priority list by the state.  The list each year is funded to some extent by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts state budget.  Originally we anticipated receiving 34 million dollar range which would have funded the Middle School which is priority #21, the Vinal # 31, Cole #114, and the High School is #138, on the list.  Category 2 and 3 projects.  Category 3 is the High School.  The others are category 2 that get funded before category 3.  Currently the State Department of Education is looking to release 20 million dollars, we need 32 million dollars. At present the Middle School will get funded and not the Vinal.  At some point we have to convert the Temporary Bond Anticipation Notes into Permanent Bonds.  The goal from the onset was to match the reimbursement with going out to do Permenant financing.  One of the requirements is to temporary borrow for a building project for a school for 4-5 years, after 5 years it is required by law to start paying principle payments.  It appears at this time the State Department of Education will fund a little over 20 million dollars, which if it is the case how does that push back the other projects.  The next step is to send a letter to the state to lobby the release of additional funds.  

Next, a request from Mount Blue Restaurant for an Amusement License for New Years Eve.  

MOTION:     Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve a one day entertainment license for Monday, December 31, 2001 from 8:00 PM until 12:30 AM.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Discussion of Special Town Meeting Articles was next on the schedule.  

Article                                           Submitted By  

1 - Amend Zoning By-laws relative to                    Board of Selectmen and  (JOHN)
Adult Entertainment Overlay District                  Planning Board

2 - Amend Zoning Map to show an                 Board of Selectmen and  (JOHN)  
Adult Entertainment Overlay District                  Planning Board

3 - Appropriate Monies for Unpaid Bills From   Town Accountant  (PAUL)  
Prior Fiscal Year

4 - Appropriate Monies to Fund Union               Board of Selectmen   (RICK)
Contracts and Personal Contracts for FY2002

5 - Appropriate $118,079.75 for resurfacing      Highway Surveyor               
Town Ways (Chapter 53B)

6 - Appropriate $118,079.75 for resurfacing      Highway Surveyor       
Town Ways (Chapter 150)

7 - Appropriate $5,000.00 for a Highway/Tree Dept. Highway Surveyor
Environmental Audit

8 - Appropriate a sum of money for the design  Board of Selectmen and            (RICK) 
and Engineering work on the Queen Anne's      Planning Board

MOTION:    Mr. Mariano moved the Board ratify the agreement between the town of Norwell  and the Norwell Police Patrolman Association for a three year agreement commencing July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2004.  Second by Mr. Gaynor

Unanimously Voted

MOTION:     Mr. Mariano moved the Board appoint Rocco Libertine as a Constable.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Old Business

Mr. Boudreau on the Sparrell, said the notice has been sent to the Central Register Goods and Services and has been in the newspaper.  We have heard from a dozen architect firms and the closing date is January 4, 2002.  A walk through is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 10 AM.  

Mr. Gaynor added, that he attended a Drainage Committee meeting and felt the town would benefit greatly by having a Town Engineer on staff.  

Mr. Merritt responded that at this point we send a lot out to a third party.  

Mr. Mariano thinks it’s a great idea.  

Mr. Boudreau said that in fiscal year 2001, the engineering firm that does the majority of our work, totaled approximately $141,000.  Other towns in the area could give us some information.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board adjourn.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

James M. Boudreau, Town Administrator