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Board of Selectmen 11/14/01
Norwell Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
November 14, 2001

Mr. Merritt opened the meeting and introduced the Board members and Jim Boudreau, Town Administrator.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the agenda.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

At 7:30, Mr. Merritt introduced Beth Wilkinson an applicant for the Commission on Disabilities.  Beth stated she has a child with a disability and a resident of the town.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board appoint Beth Wilkinson to the Commission on Disabilities.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

At 7:35 , a Conservation Committee Update by Gregg McBride and Herb Heidt were present.  

Mr. McBride started by thanking the Board of Selectmen for supporting the Conservation Commission.  
·       We have had 105 hearings this calendar year thus far.  
·       We are able to keep up due to the increase of hours in the office.  
·       5 projects account for 23 of those hearings
·       Currently there are 101 projects open in various stages being worked on.
·       The Commission manages over 1000 acres of Conservation land.
·       We are in the process of accepting land in the Cushing Hill area, 14 acres.
·       The Commission is helped by the Eagle Scout projects, a Senior Work Program, Volunteers, a group called the Friends of Stetson Meadows, the Highway and Tree and Grounds Departments who help regularly, Tedeschi Reality, who helped in tree clearing at Donovan Fields.
·       Projects in the planning stages include; Jacobs Pond bridge, Open Space Plan, Mill Pond stream, Bylaws.
·       In the future he’d like to see more done with the land that the Conservation Department has jurisdiction over and bring them together.  

Next on the Agenda, Bruce Donahue gave a Cable T. V. Committee Update.

Mr. Donahue started by thanking Ray and Roland.  We signed a new contract with the Cable Committee, resulting in a Grant.  The initial portion of the grant will be used  to buy cameras, microphones, for the Osborne room / Selectmen and other Town Hall meetings.  

·       We have signed a Contract, but we are fighting with the company.  
·       We have a lot of phone calls as well as the Selectmen’s Office complaining about rates.
·       The Cable Commission has no control, it’s the State and the Federal Governments are in complete control.
·       We are going to join a movement along with 40 towns at this time, probably to increase to 100 towns who are going to charge AT&T with a better way of doing business.  You can’t call them and get a response.  We may challenge our contract with AT&T.  
·       Another rate hike of $2.00 will be coming the beginning of the year.  No competition is the problem.  
·       We  are in the process of getting what we need and the Council on Ageing
·       We need to press AT&T as a town for them to give services that should be given without pressing them to do so.  
·       He encourages the towns people if their not happy to seek an alternative method.
·       Senior rates were not negotiated because others would have to pay the difference.
At 8:00, Mr. Merritt introduced Robert Foulsham an applicant for the Traffic Study Committee.  Robert stated that he lives in Norwell.  He is presently employed as a Safety Office in the Town of Marshfield.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board appoint Robert Foulsham to the Traffic Study Committee.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Next on the agenda Bill Benardi and Bob Hynes on the Bridge Street Temporary Truck Ban

Mr. Merritt stated that the collection of traffic data prior to any temporary ban going into effect has begun and has been ongoing for a week to 10 days.  We have learned from Mass Highway who is conducting the study in an impartial way that the way the base line data is best collected is by setting up traffic and truck counts intermittently as opposed to putting a line across the road.  This is the seventh public meeting on this subject.  If the data collected here ultimately concludes that the ban would be to the residents of the towns detriment, that this Board would vote against any truck ban going forward.

Mr. Bernardi stated in May they approached the Board of Selectmen after hearing of a temporary ban going into effect.  The temporary ban meeting was attended by a large number of Marshfield residents in January and very few Norwell residents.  In a letter dated May 15, 2001, which states the conditions as to the acceptance, the state has come back and said that is not the best way to collect data.  

We feel that the majority does not want a temporary ban. The majority of people feel:
1.      They believe that once trucks find an alternative route they will tend to stay on that route.  
2.      They feel they would be put in harms way.
3.      They are tremendously angry about the fact that  -------  before we got involved.

Tonight I intrigue you to employ the power you have and withdraw the agreement to a temporary ban.  The Town of Hanover will be sending a letter.  

Mr. Merritt stated that nothing has been passed.  There has been a decision made to collect data for analyzing the requests from the residents of Marshfield which they are obligated to come to us because the state statute requires that.  We agreed to listen to them.  They do not think it would have any effect on other streets in Norwell.  At that time we will find out our rights as a community, and how the Selectmen can effect this process and proceed cautiously.  

Mr. Bernardi went on to say those prerequisites cannot be met.  Since that time there has been tremendous opposition to the ban.  

Mr. Merritt stated the authority to do this rests with the Board of Selectmen.  And 3 of 5 in Marshfield and 3 of 5 in Pembroke.  

New Business

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the request from Professional Bartending for a one day license to sell Wines & Malts only at an event to be held at the Cushing Center on Sunday, December 2, 2001 between the hours of 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Regulations on Disposition of Surplus Supplies and Properties at less than $5,000.00.

Mr. Boudreau stated the policy calls for in instances of School Property that they make it available in all other instances the Selectmen make it available.  The reason for this is:

1.      They have care, control and custody of that property.
2.      The amount of equipment, supplies and property, the Selectmen have neither the Staff or the ability to go out and take care of all of that.  

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board adopt the Procedure and Guidelines for the Disposition of Supplies and Property valued at less than $5,000.00.  (See attached.)  Second by Mr. Gaynor.  

Unanimously Voted.

Disposal of Surplus School Furniture

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board authorize the School Department to hold a Yard Sale on or about Saturday, December 1, 2001 from 9:00 AM until noon for the purpose of disposing of surplus furniture following the procedures and guidelines for the disposition of supplies and property valued at less than $5,000.00.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Items of Interest

Small Business Association Economic Injury Disaster Loans Available to Companies
impacted by the events of September 11, 2001. Contact 617-565-5590 in Boston.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation. Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Mr. Merritt polled the members; Mr. Mariano; yes, Mr. Gaynor; yes, Mr. Merritt; yes.

James M. Boudreau, Town Administrator