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Board of Selectmen 10/30/01
Norwell Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
October 30, 2001

Mr. Merritt opened the meeting and introduced the Board members and Jim Boudreau, Town Administrator.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the agenda as written.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

New Business

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board Close the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on December 17, 2001 at the Norwell High School gymnasium.

Unanimously Voted.

Special Town Meeting Articles;

Mr. Merritt started with the Bylaw, stating that the newly comprehensive  By-law for Norwell establishes a district for Adult entertainment.  

Mr. Mariano stated that we wanted to move very quickly.  The Planning Board, Board of Appeals and Selectmen have contributed to this cause.  The desire is to regulate the use of an adult zone, as we are not permitted by law to legislate it out of existence in the Town.  

1.      We looked at Business District C, which begins at the Sunoco station on route 228 and ends with the Audi dealership and on the inside loop of Accord Park Drive.

2.      It is a minimum of 1000 ft. from the residential District B.  

3.      It requires a special permit from the  applicant, which is heard by the Zoning Board of Appeals.  

4.      It can’t be within 500 ft. of another Adult Entertainment.

5.      Hours of operation are strictly up to the Board of Appeals.

6.      The exterior of the building shall be screened.

7.      No flashing lights.

8.      Appearance of the building shall be consistent with similar buildings.

9.      Exterior signs shall identify the name of the establishment.

10.     The designs of the facility are to be in harmony with its community.

Procedural requirements for permits

1.      Individuals cannot be guilty of any crimes against minors or specific sections of Massachusetts Criminal Law.  

The Planning Board voted in favor of adopting this last night.  

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board accept with regret the resignation of Rebecca Freed from the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Old Business

Sparrell Update

Mr. Boudreau stated that the RFP is in Town Counsels hands, we may lengthen the period of time from the response to allow a site visit prior to responding to the RFP.  

Road Openings

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the request from SLT Construction to install a 5-way gate valve assembly to connect water service to Birchwood Lane.  A 20’ x 6’ and 12’ x 6’ road cut will be needed.  Dig Safe # 20014009013.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Items of Interest

Real Estate Tax Due Date – November 1st, 2001.

MOTIONMr. Mariano moved the Board adjourn.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.


James M. Boudreau, Town Administrator