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Board of Selectmen's Meeting 07-25-01
Norwell Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
July 25, 2001

Mr. Merritt opened the meeting and introduced the Board members and Jim Boudreau, Town Administrator.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the agenda as amended.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Mr. Merritt introduce Rhema Folk, a college student from Washington State with a  request for a Hawkers & Peddler’s License dealing with books and reference materials.  

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board deny the request from Rhema Folk for a Hawkers & Peddler’s License.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

New Business

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board appoint Robert J. Sullivan, 114 Summer Street, Scituate, MA as a Special Police Officer in the Town Of Norwell for the purpose of working private and town police details effective immediately.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board grant to the Fund for Public Interest Research with the Sierra Club to canvas Norwell from August 1 to August 31 for a membership drive.  And further move the Board request them to register with the town of Norwell Police Department furnishing them with the name of solicitors along with the streets to be canvassed, the vehicles make, model and license number and the solicitation not take place before the hours of 10AM or after the hours of 6PM Monday through Saturday.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Old Business

Annual Re-Appointments

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board re-appoint Timothy FitzGerald, Inspector of Buildings to a 3 year term ending June 30, 2004.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.
MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board re-appoint David C. Ennis, Jr. to the Athletic Field Committee for a 1 year term ending June 30, 2002.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

Item of Interest

Real Estate Taxes are due by Wednesday, August 1, 2001.

Update on Wells for Athletic Field- Mr. Mariano said four Wells have been drilled at the Osborne Field and two Wells at the High School.  Thanks to the Water Department, Peter Dillon and Jack McGinnis and Paul Foulsham, the Highway Department for their effort and hard work.

School Building Committee is evaluating the Bid Opening for the Cole School Bid.  
The Board would like to meet with the Project Managers of each School.

Master Plan:  Mr. Gaynor spoke regarding the transportation infra-structure meeting.  Traffic being a huge problem and accidents, and subdivisions collection of storm water getting choked with weeds etc. which the town has to maintain.
Thursday, will be a meeting in the Osborne Room on Housing and Economic Development, 7:30 PM led by Marissa at 7:30.  Housing is a major issue for Seniors.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board adjourn.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

James M. Boudreau, Town Administrator