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Board of Selectmen Meeting 04-04-01
Norwell Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
April 4, 2001

Mr. Merritt opened the meeting and went into Executive Session.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contracts, to return to Open Session at approximately 7:30.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Mr. Merritt polled the Board:  Mr. Mariano, yes; Mr. Gaynor, yes; Mr. Merritt, yes.

Upon returning to Open Session, Mr. Merritt introduced the Board and explained they had been in Executive Session since 6:30.

There was a change in the agenda.

MOTION: John Mariano moved the Board accept the agenda with the addition of an Item of Interest announcing Road Opening Permits are now being accepted.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

J. Marlin Hawthorne was present to discuss his Advisory Board application.  Mr. Hawthorne has been an “off and on” resident of Norwell since 1964.  He went to University of Chicago.  He is an attorney who served on the Norwell Rec during the 1970’s.  He has extensive experience in budget management.  He feels serving on the Advisory Board would give him a way of getting involved in the town.

The Board said they would take the application under advisement.

Todd Lasky was present to discuss a Hawkers/Peddlers Permit.  He grew up in Norwell and has a lot of good memories here.  He has been in the Air Force and in college.  He is in the financial investment field.  He wants to meet the community and get his face around town.  He is putting a firm in the center of Norwell in about four months.

The Board asked him how a H&P license relates to a role as an investment advisor.

Mr. Lasky said he would be knocking on doors, introducing himself and letting residents know is will be in Norwell center if they need any help.

John Mariano expressed his major concern is the privacy of residents in town.
Mr. Gaynor asked if he would pursue the other more conventional means of introducing his business.

Mr. Merritt said the both times the Board strayed away from their no H&P license, it did not work out well.  The Board believes in a strong no H&P policy.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board deny the application for a Hawkers & Peddlers permit by Mr. Todd Lasky.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

The Union St/Bridge St temporary Truck Ban was scheduled next.  Mr. Hines dropped a copy of a petition last week, expressing his intention to collect signatures.  The genesis of his motion had to do with his information that a temporary ban is used only during construction.  Their other concerns are that if the state down the line were to agree to the ban, would we be unable to close River St as a parallel road?  Another point of concern is the increased truck traffic due to the proposed reconstruction of the Assinippi corner.  Finally, while Bridge St is straight road, River St is 2 ½ miles of windy road of historic homes.  The larger trucks are not equipped to be driving those routes.  He feels there has to be a parallel period of measurement before we agree to a one year ban.  

The petition calls for the Board to rescind its vote of two weeks ago until they figure out what the baseline study would be and what the implications of what the temporary ban would be as far as playing defense for the citizens of Norwell.  How can you measure an increase in traffic if you don’t have the current data?

Mr. Merritt said he feels the Board approached the request very cautiously.  If Marshfield changes the rules of the game, it was his understanding the vote would be reconsidered.  He understands the concerns but is puzzled by how they could gather the data any differently.

Mr. Hines suggested measuring for a one year period, or start tomorrow for a period of three months then agree to a three month ban.  

Mr. Merritt assured Mr. Hines the Board will consider the petition when it is received.

Jim Boudreau said as far as he knows, Marshfield hasn’t even sent in their package, so there is time.  He recalls there is no definitive time for the ban to start.

Mr. Hines will continue to collect signatures.

Mr. Merritt asked Chief Galvin if there was anything that he wanted to add.

Chief Galvin said the ban does have a definitive end, but we don’t have a date for it to begin.

Mr. Merritt assured everyone the Board will continue to monitor the events, if indeed the state allows a temporary ban.

The Planning Board hours was next on the agenda.  There are some urgent issues relative the hours the Planning Board is open to the public.  There were no Planning Board members present.

The Board was displeased with the Planning Board changing their hours, especially in light of the recent increase in staffing hours.  The level of service to the public is impacted negatively by their actions.  If there are going to be changes in the hours, the Board should be able to review them before any changes are made.  

John Mariano said it’s been two weeks since the hours changed.  He was taken aback.  For years it was a 30 hour position.  We added 7½ hours last year.  They also upgraded the position.  They also added 5 hours to the floater position, for a total of 20 hours.  That’s 571/2 hours of personnel time and it’s not right to  make a unilateral decision that they limit their hours to the public and only be open 22 hours.  There is clearly a need for their services.  He thinks it’s important from a town-wide standpoint and from the other employees’ standpoint.  He feels strongly that something should be done.

Paul Gaynor said it is in contradiction to the town policy is for hours we are open.  He would behoove everybody to have a discussion about it.  He feels the need to reinstate the hours as they were in the meantime.

Mr. Merritt said they are willing to come in and discuss it but couldn’t be present tonight due to a conflict in scheduling.  He said the 925 contract specifically outlines what the hours are of fulltime employees and also spells out when there is a variation from those hours, the Board of Selectmen get involved in the decision.  He wants the Planning Board to go back to the hours they had previously had until such a time a discussion is held.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board of Selectmen instruct the Planning Board to return to the hours previously established, that being Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8 to 4 and Friday, closed, but someone is in the office 8 to 12.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

The Signing of the Warrant for the posting of the Special/Annual Town Meeting took place.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board sign the posting of the Warrant for the Special and Annual Town Meeting to be held at Norwell High School on May 14, 2001 at 7:30 PM.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

The Board accepted the resignation of Paul D. Gaynor from the Norwell Advisory Board.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board accept the resignation of Paul D. Gaynor from the Norwell Advisory Board, effective immediately.  Second by Mr. Merritt.

Voted, with Mr. Gaynor abstaining.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve a request from the Visiting Nurse’s Association for a one-day license to serve Wines & Malts only at an event to be held at the Cushing Center on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 between the hours of 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve a request from The Silent Chef for a one-day license to serve all-alcoholic beverages at an event to be held at the Cushing Center on Saturday, April 28, 2001 between the hours of 7:30 PM and 11:00 PM.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve a request from the Norwell High School Robotics Club to hold a Car Wash at the Town Offices during daylight hours on Saturday, April 28, 2001 for the purpose of raising funds for their competitions.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Unanimously Voted.

The Board made mention that anyone NOT wishing their property be sprayed for Mosquitoes must register with the Town Clerk’s office.  659-8072

Also, Road Opening Permit are now being accepted.

The Board extended their sympathies to the Yanulis family after the tragic accident on Main Street last week.  Also, their gratitude for the Police Department, Fire Department and the Highway Department for their expert help during a crisis.

MOTION: Mr. Mariano moved the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation, not to return to Open Session.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

Mr. Merritt polled the Board:  Mr. Mariano, yes; Mr. Gaynor, yes; Mr. Merritt, yes.

James M. Boudreau, Town Administrator