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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03-14-01
Norwell Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
March 14, 2001

Mr. Truesdell opened the meeting making note that the Traffic Study Committee was meeting down the hall and that they would be in after to present their recommendations regarding the Union St/Bridge St issue.

MOTION:         Mr. Merritt moved the Board accept the agenda as written.  Second by Mr. Mariano.

Unanimously Voted.

Ed Dunford was in for an interview for a spot on the Mapping Commission.

Mr. Dunford has lived in Norwell 30 years.  He has served on the Advisory Board and the Board of Assessors.  He would like to continue work on the mapping commission’s plan to share information between the town departments.  He has no expertise in mapping, but named others he works with who do.

Jim Boudreau explained the process of mapping and where we are at this point.  He hopes in the future the information will be made available over the web.

MOTION: Mr. Merritt moved the Board appoint Edward J. Dunford to the Norwell Mapping Commission.  Second by Mr. Mariano.

Unanimously Voted.

There was a request from the Evan Henry Foundation to hold their first annual Road Race on Sunday, April 22, 2001 at 10:30 AM at the Norwell High School.  

Mr. Henry was present to explain how the Evan Foundation started, and how they plan on holding a race to raise money.  Segments of busy streets may need to be closed, including South Street.  They don’t know how many runners they will have, so it may be tough.

Chuck Martin, the Norwell High School cross county coach has talked to Bill Gerrity and Steve Mahoney and it does not conflict with any other sporting events going on.

The concern of the Board, naturally, is public safety, but traffic issues need to be addressed.  They are high traffic areas, especially on a Sunday and closing the road for 20-30 minutes could pose a problem.

The Pleasant St. corner is an area of concern, management is essential.

MOTION: Mr. Merritt moved the Board approve a request for the Evan’s Run Road Race on Sunday, April 22, 2001, subject to written approval from the Chief of Police and the Norwell Highway Surveyor addressed to the Board of Selectmen and that we be in receipt of that approval prior to the meeting to the April 22nd date.  Second by Mr. Mariano.

Unanimously Voted.

There was a Public Hearing for the layout of Centennial Waye scheduled for 7:45.  

MOTION: Mr. Merritt moved the Board open a Public Hearing to consider the laying out of Centennial Waye as a public way.  Second by Mr. Mariano.

Unanimously Voted.

Upon the conclusion of the hearing, which was continued until next week, the Union St/Bridge St issue was discussed.

John Mycek brought the Board up to speed on what went on at the Traffic Study Committee meeting after they left.  He said the primary issue was safety.  No one in the room can say what will result from the ban of truck traffic in this area.  A temporary ban is recommended.

John Clifford and Faith Jean from Marshfield had a presentation and wanted to stress safety, also.  They showed a proposed alternate route.

Chief Galvin, also a member of the Traffic Study Committee, spoke in favor of a temporary ban, not to exceed 12 months.  He feels we need some criteria to base a decision on, to collect data on how the exclusion will effect Norwell traffic.

Jim Boudreau suggested we utilize Mass Highway to collect the data.  They have the equipment and they have the personnel.

John Mariano wants to be sure any conclusion they draw answers the question of the impact on the entire town.  

Mr. Merritt feels we should get on it quickly but until we know how it will impact Norwell we can’t make a decision.  He’s not willing to divert this traffic onto Route 123.

Paul Foulsham stated he is against a truck ban.  He said there are too many variables.  Route 123 is in bad shape as it is and he would not like to see any more traffic.  He could live with a trial period.

Mr. Truesdell asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak in favor of the ban.  There being none, he asked if anyone was present who would like to express opposition of the ban.

Bill Bernardi said the Highway Surveyor and the Chief of Police have expressed their concerns and it makes sense to believe it will impact River St and Main St.  We need to take time and approach this intelligently.  Voting a ban uninformed is a waste of time.

The Board feels the only thing that makes sense is to collect the data and make an educated decision.  

MOTION: Mr. Merritt moved the Board vote to support a temporary ban on truck traffic as defined in this meeting, which would be trucks that carry 2 ½ tons or more of material, on the Bridge/Union/Oak Street in the towns of Norwell, Marshfield and Pembroke, such temporary ban beginning when a baseline traffic study has been completed by Mass Highway to the satisfaction of Marshfield and Norwell, and such temporary ban ending on June 30, 2002, and further that such temporary ban shall end, unless extended by a subsequent vote in favor of the Norwell Board of Selectmen, and further that the Board support the alternate route as proposed by the Town of Marshfield for truck traffic which includes the trucks traveling over Route 139 and Furnace Street, Route 3A.  Second by Mr. Mariano.

Unanimously Voted.

As an Item of Interest, Mr. Truesdell mentioned that Senator Morrissey will be holding public office hours in the Norwell Town Hall Room 3 on Friday, March 23 between 10:30 and 11:30 AM.

John Mariano mentioned the School Committee will be meeting Monday night and discussing the Skate Park and urged anyone interested to attend.

Mr. Truesdell thanked the other members of the Board for their support during his tenure and the townspeople for his votes.  He said he is sure the town will be in good hands and is looking forward to his professional career.

Mr. Merritt thanked him for his service to the town and let him know it was a pleasure serving with him.  They presented him with a hat with the town seal on it.

John Mariano thanked Dave for making his first year as a member of the Board an easy one.

Mr. Truesdell reminded everyone to vote this weekend.

MOTION: Mr. Merritt moved the Board adjourn.  Second by Mr. Mariano.

Unanimously Voted.

James M. Boudreau, Town Administrator