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Board of Selectmen 3/ 6/ 02

                        Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes
                                        March 6, 2002

Mr. Merritt opened the meeting and introduced the Board members and Jim Boudreau, Town Administrator.

·Mr. Merritt requested to add to the agenda under new business a Vote on Interfund Borrowing.

MOTION:     Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the agenda as amended. Second by Mr. Gaynor.
                                        Unanimously Voted.

Scheduled at 7:30 was Dr. Stone from the No place For Hate Campaign.

Mr. Merritt turned the meeting over to Dr. Stone.
Mr. Stone updated the board on progress to date, on going efforts, further plans, and some needs the committee has.
The Town of Norwell has officially met the criteria to be certified as a No Place For Hate Community by the Anti-Defamation League. The approved activities that Norwell participated in are as follows:
·       Proclamation ( February 2000)
·       Interfaith Service (October 2001)
·       NPFH-Islam & Modern World ( November 2001)
·       A World of Difference Pledge Signing ( November 2000-June 2001)
·       NPFH Primary Grade Peer Ambassadors  ( November 2001)
·       Two Thanksgiving Interfaith Services ( November 2000, 2001)

There will be an awards ceremony hosted by Blue Cross/ Blue Shield to recognize this achievement.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

At 7:50, Laura Sheridan, an Advisory Board Committee Applicant was introduced. The Board interviewed Laura and will take her application under advisement.

Old Business:

1.Approve Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes for January 16, 2002 through  February 27, 2002

MOTION:     Mr. Mariano moved the Board to approve the Selectmen's Meeting Minutes January 16, 2002- February 27,2002. Second by Mr. Gaynor.

                                        Unanimously Voted.

2. School Building Assistance - Mr. Boudreau met with Governor Swift to discuss the  School Building Assistance Program.  Mr. Boudreau and the Board will continue to work on this issue.

New Business:

MOTION:     Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the request from North River Arts Society for a One Day License to sell All Alcohol at an event to be held the Cushing Center on March 23, 2002 between the hours of 7:00PM and 11:00 P.M. conditional upon receipt of  Insurance Liability Certificate naming Town of Norwell as additionally  insured. Second by Mr. Gaynor

                                  Unanimously Voted.    

MOTION:     Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the request from Family Crest Catering to sell All Alcohol at an event to be held at the Cushing Center on March 23, 2002 between the hours of 7:00 PM and 11:00 PM.  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

                                Unanimously Voted.

MOTION:     Mr. Mariano moved the Board approve the request from North River Theatre & Community Club for a license to sell All Alcohol on their premises during productions to be held on Friday and Saturday evenings, April  12,13,19,20,26, and 27, 2002 evenings between the hours of 7:00 PM and 11:00 PM.  Second by Mr. Merritt.  Mr. Gaynor abstained.

                                 Mr. Mariano and Mr. Merritt Voted.

MOTION:    Mr. Mariano moved the Board accept with regret the     resignation of Nora P. Gunn from the Norwell Beautification Committee. Second by Mr. Gaynor.

                                        Unanimously Voted.

MOTION:    Mr. Mariano moved the Board to approve interfund borrowing  from the Town's Stabilization Fund and allow Susan Mills, Treasurer to use$250,000 for the pupose of  drainage and resurfacing of town ways in  anticipation of state's reimbursement as stated in Charter  Second by Mr. Gaynor.

                                        Unanimously Voted.

MOTION:    Mr. Mariano moved the Board adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending Litigations, not to return to open session. Second by Mr. Gaynor.

                Mr Merritt individually polled the Board members.
                Mr. Mariano voted yes.
                Mr. Gaynor voted yes.
                Mr. Merritt voted yes.


James Boudreau, Town Administrator  