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Board of Selectmen Meeting Agenda 5/7/2008
7:30     Capital Budget Committee
7:45     Public Hearing – Still Waters Wine, Inc., continued

New Business
1.      Request from McGreal’s Tavern to allow outside consumption of All-Alcohol on the deck on Sunday, May 18, 2008 between the hours of 1:00PM and 5:00PM after Evan’s Run.   

Road Openings
1.      Request from Bay State Gas for a Road Opening Permit to install gas service into 76 Captain Vinal Way for Paul Gallagher.  A 3’ x 5’ road cut w/possible Hole Hog or 3’ x 25’if Hole Hog fails is needed.  Dig Safe # 20081100502
2.      Request from Bay State Gas for a Road Opening Permit to install gas service into 32 Pond St. for Fabricare House.  A 3’ x 5’ road cut on Pond St. w/ Hole Hog or 40’ x 2’ road cut if Hole Hog fails.  Dig Safe # 20081509878
3.      Request from Bay State Gas for a Road Opening Permit to install gas service into 231 River St. for Ed Johnson.  No road cut is needed.  Dig Safe # 20081703554

1.      Town Meeting, May 12, 2008
2.      Norwell Crosswalk Construction, May 15 & 16, 2008
3.      Council on Aging Luminary, Town Hall grounds, May 22, 2008, 8PM – 9:30PM