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Town Meeting Minutes 06/29/2015
June 29, 2015

A special Town Meeting of electors and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meetings of the Town of North Stonington, Connecticut was held in the New Town Hall Conference Room, 40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT on Monday, June 29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.  Present First Selectman Nicholas H Mullane II, and Selectman Bob Testa, absent Selectman Mark Donahue.  First Selectman Mullane called the meeting to order and then asked Town Clerk Norma Holliday to read the call of the meeting.  Selectman Mullane then asked for a MOTION from the floor to elect a Moderator.  A MOTION made by Nita Kincaid second by Nick Mullane to elect Dan Spring Moderator.   A MOTION made by Anne Nalwalk seconded by Nita Kincaid to close all nomination, Both MOTIONS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.  Moderator Dan Spring then asked the Town Clerk Norma Holliday to read item one of the call.

1.  To hear and clarify the actions of the October 20, 2014, Special Town Meeting in reference to the additional appropriation for the STEAP Grant Award of $245,400, for the 1500 foot extension of the Village Water line for the funds to be placed in the Capital Non Recurring Fund as directed by the Board of Finance.  A MOTION made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Anne Nalwalk to approve item #1 as presented.  Robin Roohr Town Treasurer made a MOTION to amend the original motion to read “I would like to amend the motion on the floor to allow that the funds in question $245,400, be transferred from the Capital Non Recurring Account to the Town’s Capital Projects Fund based on the recommendation of both the Town’s Auditor and Town Financial/Bond Counsel for expenditure on the STEAP Village Waterline Extension, seconded by Selectman Mullane, discussion followed.  The AMENDED MOTION was approved by a show of hands 8 YES, 7 NO.

2.  To hear and act upon a request for an additional appropriation of $25,700, to B 26.04 State Troopers, for a High Risk Rural Road-Speed Enforcement Grant.  The funds will be used for the purchase of equipment, $4,000, which is 100% reimbursable and $21,700 for patrols that will be reimbursed at a 90% rate, for a final cost to the Town of $2,170.  A MOTION made by Anne Nalwalk seconded by Nita Kincaid to approve item #2 as presented.  Selectman Mullane gave a brief explanation, discussion followed.  A MOTION made by John Graves, seconded by Nita Kincaid to move the question, MOTION was approved by a show of hands 8 yes, 2 No.  The original MOTION was approved by a show of hands 9 YES, 3 NO.

A MOTION made by Nita Kincaid, seconded by Robin Roohr to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 pm, MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

Respectfully submitted,
Norma J Holliday
Town Clerk