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Town Meeting Minutes 06/16/2014 Ref Results 06/23/2014
June 16, 2014

A special Town Meeting of electors and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meetings of the Town of North Stonington, Connecticut was held in the North Stonington Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room, Norwich Westerly Rd, North Stonington, CT on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.  Present First Selectman Nicholas H Mullane II, Selectman Bob Testa, absent Selectman Mark Donahue.  Selectman Mullane called the meeting to order then asked the Town Clerk Norma Holliday to read the call of the meeting.  Selectman Mullane asked for a motion from the floor to elect a Moderator, hearing none First Selectman Mullane made a MOTION, seconded by Pat Turner, to elect Sal Costanza Moderator.  A MOTION made by Dan Spring seconded by Bob Testa to close all nomination, MOTIONS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY, Sal Costanza was declared moderator then stated the order of presentations and asked that all questions and comments wait until the end of the presentation.

1.      To consider and vote upon a resolution,
(a)     to appropriate $40,520,000 for costs with respect to the design, construction, equipping, and furnishing of additions and renovations to Wheeler Middle and High School and North Stonington Elementary School. Improvements to the Wheeler Middle and High School are contemplated to include: (1) approximately 12,058 square feet addition to accommodate, a science addition with science laboratory classrooms, lab preparatory and storage rooms, and an addition for the Kitchen and cafeteria; (2) improvements within the existing building including: fully renovated classrooms and science laboratories; renovating existing space for the music, CADD and graphics programs, updating of language laboratory and classrooms; integration of the art and technology program in a fully renovated space; renovation of all classrooms; renovations and improvements at the media center and special education programs; renovations associated with the nurse/health clinic, administrative and guidance offices; and expansion and renovation of the cafeteria and kitchen; (3) various building systems improvements including: replacement of all mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protections systems and infrastructure; security and communication systems upgrades; energy conservation improvements including exterior wall, door, window, and roof replacement or updates; central air conditioning system installation throughout the building; and installation of an emergency generator and alternative energy systems; (4) various code and ADA compliance improvements and renovations; (5) various site improvements including: separation of the bus/parent/student/parking and circulation; and (6) related improvements and work.
        The North Stonington Elementary School project is contemplated to include: (1) approximately 8,642 square feet of addition to accommodate the music program including a band room that will be located on the stage, a gymnasium including storage, and an office and a lobby/circulation space; (2) improvements within the existing building including: fully renovated classrooms including handicapped accessible toilets in the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classrooms; public toilets adjacent to the new additions, relocation of the art, music, and technology program in a fully renovated space; relocations, renovations, and improvements at the media center and special education programs; renovations associated with the nurse/health clinic, administrative and guidance offices; and expansion and renovation of the cafeteria and
(b)     to authorize the issue bonds or notes of the Town in an amount not to exceed $40,520,000 to finance the appropriation; to authorize the First Selectman and the Treasurer of the Town to determine the amounts, dates, interest rates, maturities, redemption provisions, form and other details of the bonds or notes; and to perform all other acts which are necessary or appropriate to issue the bonds or notes; to take such action to allow temporary advances of available funds which the Town reasonably expects will be reimbursed from the proceeds of borrowings; and to authorize the First Selectman and the Treasurer to bind the Town pursuant to such representations and covenants as they deem necessary or advisable in order to maintain the continued exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the bonds or notes authorized by the resolution if issued on a tax-exempt basis, including covenants to pay rebates of investment earnings to the United States in future years; and to authorize the First Selectman and the Treasurer to make representations and enter into written agreements for the benefit of holders of the bonds or notes to provide secondary market disclosure information, which agreements may include such terms as they deem advisable or appropriate in order to comply with applicable laws or rules pertaining to the sale or purchase of such bonds or notes;
(c)     to authorize the First Selectman, the Board of Education and other proper officers and officials of the Town, on behalf of the Town, to enter into contracts or agreements, apply for and accept grants for the project and take any other actions necessary or desirable to accomplish the project contemplated by this resolution; and
(d)    to authorize the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Education, the First Selectman, the Treasurer and other proper officers and officials of the Town to take all other action which is necessary or desirable to complete the project and to issue bonds and notes and obtain grants to finance the aforesaid appropriation.   
2.      Pursuant to Section 7_7 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, Revision of 1958, as amended, to adjourn said town meeting at its conclusion and to submit the resolution to be presented under item 1 of this notice to vote upon voting machines or paper ballots between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. on Monday, June 23, 2014.  Electors and persons qualified to vote in town meetings who are not electors shall vote at the following polling place:  
The first presentation was given by Board of Education member Darren Robert using a power point presentation he spoke on what Wheeler has to offer to the students.  Alex Karpinski also a Board of Education member spoke regarding the maintenance issues that are and will be mandated now and in the future.

Peter Nero Superintendent of Schools also referring to the power point presentation showed pictures of the deteriorating school buildings and the out dated science labs and cafeteria.

Walter Mathwich Board of Education Secretary and the School AD Hoc Co-Chairman also referred to the power point presentation explained the building plan time line from 2004 to present day.

Architect Rusty Malik from the firm Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC in Farmington CT gave the next presentation.  Mr. Malik explained the existing conditions and the need to meet standards required by the State, the building scope of reduction, security and technology, space standards, and state reimbursement.

The next presentation was given by Board of Finance Chairman Dan Spring who also referred to the power point presentation and a handout provided by the Board of Finance.  Mr. Spring explained the reimbursement from the State, the debt management overview that is projected through 2009-2016 and the projected mill rate over 25 years and the costs to the tax payers.  He also touch on the towns current credit rating and the opportunity for favorable financing, impactful strategic investments and the time factor.  After the presentations Moderator Sal Costanza stated to the audience that this meeting was for discussion only a Referendum will be held on June 23rd between the hours of 6am to 8pm in the New Town Hall Conference Room, 40 Main St North Stonington, CT, discussion, questions and comments followed.  The following people asked question or made comments:

John Patton                     Alice Zeeman            Christopher Anderson
Ken Banks                       Lisa Mazzella           Andrew Carroll
Richard Chioccola               Jane Robert             John Olsen
Kellene Limpert         Linda Coats             Chris Johnson
Brian Rathbun                   Kari Perez              Emil Pavlovics
Dan Spring                      Lynn Peterson
Mike Breidinger         Dave Sellins
Mike Urgo                       Brett Mastroianni
Bing Bartick                    Mustpha Ratib
Pat Turner                      Darren Robert
A MOTION made by Mike Urgo, seconded by Dan Spring to move the question and adjourn to the Referendum, MOTION carried unanimously.

June 23, 2014
Referendum Results

The June 16, 2014 Special Town Meeting reconvened at 8:13 pm on June 23, 2014 following the Referendum, the results were read by the Referendum Moderator Debra Barnes:

YES     698             No      853

A MOTION made Shawn Murphy, seconded by Amy French to adjourn the Town Meeting at 8:15 pm, so carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Norma J Holliday
Town Clerk