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Town Meeting Minutes 10/21/2013

October 21, 2013

A special Town Meeting of electors and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meetings of the Town of North Stonington, Connecticut was held in the New Town Hall Conference Room, on 40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT on Monday, October 21, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.  Present First Selectman Nicholas H Mullane II, Selectman Shawn Murphy, and Selectman Mark Donahue.  Selectman Mullane called the meeting to order then asked the Town Clerk Norma Holliday to read the call of the meeting.  Selectman Mullane asked for a motion from the floor to elect a Moderator.  A MOTION made by Mark Perkins, seconded by Dan Spring, to elect Bob Shabunia Moderator.  A MOTION made by Mark Perkins seconded by Dan Spring to close all nomination, MOTIONS carried unanimously, Bob Shabunia was unanimously declared Moderator and then asked Town Clerk Norma Holliday to read item #1 of the Agenda.

1.  To hear and act upon the request of the Board of Selectmen for an additional appropriation, as approved by the Board of Finance in the amount of $28,363, for the completion of the Fiscal Year 2013 Comprenhensive DUI Enforcement Grant for the Resident State Troopers, line item B26.04.  A MOTION made by Joe Gross, seconded by Kathy Bond to approve item one as presented, Selectman Mullane gave a brief explainaton, no discussion followed MOTION carried unanimously.

2. To hear and act upon amendments to the Economic Development Commission (EDC) Ordinance as requested by the Commission to allow for alternate members, and changes in the Purpose and Annual Report responsibilities of the EDC.  A MOTION made by Brett Mastroianni, seconded by Ryan Burdick to approve item two as presented, discussion followed.  A MOTION made by Shawn Murphy, seconded by Ryan Burdick to move the question, MOTION approved unanimously.  Item two MOTION carried unanimously.

3. To hear and act upon the establishment of an Ordinance creating a Municipal Building Committee for the Town of North Stonington.  A MOTION made by Ryan Burdick, seconded by Kathy Bond to approve item three as presented, discussion followed MOTION approved unanimously.

A MOTION made by Kathy Bond, seconded by Mark Perkins to adjourn at 7:15 pm. motion approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted
Norma J Holliday
Town Clerk