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Town Meeting Minutes 05/07/2013 Ref Results 05/14/2013
Special Town Meeting
May 7, 2013

A special Town Meeting of electors and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meetings of the Town of North Stonington, Connecticut was held in the Wheeler High School Gymatorium, Norwich Westerly Rd, North Stonington, CT on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 7:07 p.m.  Present First Selectman Nicholas H Mullane II, Selectman Mark Donahue, Selectman Shawn Murphy and the Towns Attorney Robert A. Avena.  Selectman Mullane called the meeting to order then asked the Town Clerk Norma Holliday to read the call of the meeting.  Selectman Mullane asked for a motion from the floor to elect a Moderator.  A MOTION was made by Nita Kincaid, seconded by Robin Roohr to elect Bob Shabunia Moderator.  A MOTION was made by Warren Speh seconded by Ann Nalwalk to close all nomination, the MOTION carried unanimously.  Bob Shabunia was declared Moderator then asked the Town Clerk to read item #1 of the call.

  • “Should the Town accept the offer, as made on February 1, 2013 by Firefly Farms, Van Brown (Trustee), 96 Button Road Trust (“Firefly”), for Firefly to purchase, and for the Town to release and quit claim all rights and interest the Town may have, in the property formerly owned by the Norwich or Southeastern Connecticut YMCA on the east side of Button Road, Town of North Stonington, Connecticut, for $100,000, on the condition that at least $50,000 be placed in a dedicated “open space fund” for the purchase or maintenance of open space in the Town of North Stonington for the benefit of the Town residents and on the condition that the State of Connecticut deems the open space fund dedication sufficient to meet any so called “charitable intent” encumbrance on the property?”  Moderator Bob Shabunia addressed the crowd and stated that item #1 is for discussion only and that there will be a Referendum held on May 14, 2013 in the New Town Hall on 40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT between the hours of 12 pm to 8 pm to cast a yes or no vote on item #1.  The moderator asked if anyone would like to speak for or against to sign their name on the clipboard that was being passed around.  Van Brown Trustee of “Firefly Farms” spoke, First Selectman Mullane spoke, Atty Avena spoke and Atty Richard Dixson (Atty representing Van Brown) spoke giving their rendition on what had transpired over the years regarding the property on 96 Button Rd.  People speaking for or against item #1: Red Banker, Vilma Gregoropoulos, Bob Fleury, Pat Lewis, Dugan Tillman-Brown, Ann Nalwalk, Atty. Harry Heller (representing Bison Brook Farm), Beth Tillman, Brian Rathbun, Katherine Davis, Ellie Banker, Amy Foster, Sue Ames, Marc Jafan, Jessica Duda, Atty. Fritz Gahagan (representing Marc Jafan), Joe Gross, Atty. John Peloso (representing Van Brown), Vanessa Tillman-Brown and Jim Patton.  Van Brown and First Selectman Mullane gave closing statements.  
2.      To hear and act upon the request by the Board of Education for an additional appropriation as approved by the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance in the amount of $150,000 for the replacement of two boilers and equipment in the Wheeler Middle School to be placed in a Capital Non Recurring Account.    A MOTION made by Bill Ricker, seconded by Lou Steinbrecker to approve item #2 as read.  Board of Finance Chairman Bob Testa and Superintendent Peter Nero and First Selectman Mullane gave a brief explanation of the replacement of the boilers and equipment in the school, some discussion followed, MOTION carried unanimously.
3.      To hear and act upon the appropriation of $260,000, for the Rehabilitation of the Village Green Bridge.  FEMA will reimburse the Town at a rate of 75% for the expenses.  A MOTION made by Bill Ricker seconded by Lou Steinbrecker to approve item #3 as presented.  First Selectman Mullane gave a brief explanation regarding the $260,000 and the FEMA reimbursement, some discussion followed.  A MOTION made by Marilyn Mackay, seconded by Vilma Gregoropoulos to move the question, MOTION carried, opposed Emil Pavlovics.  Item #3was approved unanimously.

4.      Should the Town of North Stonington amend the list of permitted uses for the Hewitt Farm Property to include Community Gardening?  A MOTION made by First Selectman Mullane, seconded by Warren Speh to approve item #4 as presented.  A MOTION made by Marilyn Mackay, seconded by Vilma Gregoropoulos to move the question, MOTION carried unanimously.  There was no presentation, comments or discussion on this item.  Item #4 was approved unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 9:54 pm to the referendum to be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 form the hours of Noon to 8:00pm. in the New Town Hall Conference Room, 40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT.  Absentee ballots will be available in the Town Clerks Office.

May 14, 2013
Firefly Farm
Referendum Results

The May 7, 2013 Special Town Meeting reconvened at 8:14 pm on May 14, 2013 following the Referendum, the results were read by the Referendum Moderator Debra Barnes:

“Should the Town accept the offer, as made on February 1, 2013 by Firefly Farms, Van Brown (Trustee), 96 Button Road Trust (“Firefly”), for Firefly to purchase, and for the Town to release and quit claim all rights and interest the Town may have, in the property formerly owned by the Norwich or Southeastern Connecticut YMCA on the east side of Button Road, Town of North Stonington, Connecticut, for $100,000, on the condition that at least $50,000 be placed in a dedicated “open space fund” for the purchase or maintenance of open space in the Town of North Stonington for the benefit of the Town residents and on the condition that the State of Connecticut deems the open space fund dedication sufficient to meet any so called “charitable intent” encumbrance on the property?”

                        260 YES                 253 NO

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Norma J Holliday
Town Clerk