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Town Meeting 04/18/2011 Minutes & Ref Results 05-02-2011

APRIL 18, 2011

A special Town Meeting of electors and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meetings in the Town of North Stonington, Connecticut was called to order on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the New Town Hall Conference, 40 Main St. North Stonington, CT.  First Selectman Mullane called the meeting to order and then made a motion, seconded by Steve Holliday to relocate the meeting to the Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room to accommodate the large crowd attending the meeting, motion carried unanimously.  The meeting was moved to the North Stonington Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room on Norwich Westerly Rd, North Stonington, CT.  Present were First Selectman Nicholas H Mullane II, Selectman Shawn Murphy, Town Attorney Frank Eppinger, absent; Selectman Bill Briscoe.  Also in attendance was Attorney Gregory Benoit a Specialist in Commercial Leases retained by the Town and Attorney Tom Plotkin representing Fotis Georgiadis regarding the lease on Buon Appetito the former Dew Drop Inn on Norwich Westerly Rd. North Stonington, CT.

First Selectman Nicholas H Mullane II asked for a motion to elect a Moderator a MOTION made by Dick Cooper seconded by Shawn Murphy, to elect Bob Shabunia.  A MOTION made by Charles M. Smith, seconded by Mary Cooper to close all nomination, the MOTION carried unanimously.  Bob Shabunia was declared Moderator, and asked the Town Clerk to read item one of the meeting call.  

1. “Shall the First Selectman be authorized to enter into a proposed lease agreement, as presented with a petition to the Town Clerk’s Office on March 28, 2011, and execute the proposed lease on behalf of the Town of North Stonington?”   Moderator Bob Shabunia stated the Selectman at their April 7, 2011 meeting voted to take the question to a Referendum vote scheduled for May 2, 2011 from 12 noon to 8:00 p.m. in the New Town Hall Conference Room 40 Main St. North Stonington, CT and that item one was for discussion only.  Atty. Tom Plotkin spoke for Mr. Georgiadis regarding the Restaurant and the process that Mr. Georgiadis had gone through with the Town and the point they are at now regarding the lease for the property.  Atty. Gary Benoit gave an explanation of the lease the Town had proposed to Mr. Georgiadis and the ramifications of what would happen if the Town accepted the lease that was submitted with the petition.  Towns Attorney Frank Eppinger reaffirmed what Atty. Benoit had discussed and stated that the Selectmen want the Restaurant to succeed, discussion followed.  Atty. Plotkin and First Selectman Mullane gave closing remarks.  A MOTION made by First Selectman Mullane, seconded by Joe Gross to adjourn item one to the Referendum vote on May 2, 2011 between the hours of 12 noon to 8:00 pm.

2.  To hear and act upon an additional appropriation for $177,377, of FEMA funds for the design and engineering of the two Main Street Bridges to be placed in the Capital Non Recurring Account -Storm Damages.  A MOTION made by Bill Ricker, seconded by Joe Gross to approve the additional appropriation, discussion followed.  Mr. Mullane gave a brief explaination and stated the new bridge in front of the Town Hall will have one arch.  Bob Fluery stated the wording was incorrect after disscussion with the Towns Atty. Frank Eppinger, Bill Ricker withdrew his motion and  Joe Gross withdrew his second.  The question will be resubmitted with the correction at the next Town Meeting.

3.  To hear and act upon an additional appropriation request in the amount of $20,000 to the Town Attorney line item B 8.0 to continue legal coverage for the General Government Board and Commissions for the remainder of FY 2010-11.  A MOTION made by Bill Ricker, seconded by Joe Gross to approve the additional appropriation request.  First Selectman Mullane gave a brief explaination of the request, discussion followed, MOTION approve unanimously.

4.  To hear and act upon a resolution granting authority to the First Selectman, Nicholas H. Mullane, II, to enter into and complete all contracts necessary with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Safety for the services of three (3) Resident State Troopers for the period of July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013.  A MOTION made by Bill Ricker, seconded by Mary Cooper to approve the resolution.  First Selectman Mullane gave a brief explainations, discussion followed, MOTION approved with one no vote.   

A MOTION made by Charlie Smith, seconded by Dan Rose to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm. MOTION carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Norma J Holliday
Town Clerk

May 2, 2011
Referendum Results

The April 18, 2011 Special Town Meeting reconvened at 8:22 pm on May 2, 2011 following the Referendum, the results were read by the Referendum Moderator Deborah Barnes:

“Shall the First Selectman be authorized to enter into a proposed lease agreement, as presented with a petition to the Town Clerk’s Office on March 28, 2011?

Total:          171   Yes               161   No

A MOTION made by Shawn Murphy seconded by Joe Gross to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm. MOTION carried unanimously