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Town Meeting Minutes 05/24/2010 & Ref Results 06-07-2010
Town of North Stonington
Annual Town/Annual Budget Meeting
May 24, 2010

A special Town Meeting of electors and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meetings of the Town of North Stonington, Connecticut was held in the North Stonington Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room, 311 Norwich Westerly Rd, North Stonington, CT., on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.  Present were First Selectman; Nicholas Mullane II, Selectman Shawn Murphy, Selectman Bill Briscoe and Town Clerk Norma Holliday.  First Selectman Nicholas H. Mullane II called the meeting to order.  A MOTION made by Bill Briscoe, seconded by Robin Roohr to elect Nicholas Mullane II as moderator, Robin Roohr made a MOTION to close all nominations, seconded by Bill Briscoe, MOTION carried unanimously.  Nicholas Mullane II was declared Moderator, and then asked Town Clerk Norma Holliday to read each item separately.

1.      To hear and act upon the following Resolution:  Resolved:  that the Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of the State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation, for the expenditure of all highway funds available to said Town from the State Highway funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009 under provisions of Chapter 240 of the Connecticut General Statutes, 1958 Revision, as amended.  A MOTION made by Bob Shabunia, seconded by Robert Lohmann to approve the Resolution with the correction of the date July 1, 2009 to July 1, 2010.  First Selectman Nicholas Mullane gave a brief explanation, no discussion followed.  Motion approved unanimously.

2.      To hear and act upon the following Resolution:  Resolved:  that the Board
of Selectmen is hereby, authorized and empowered to obtain loans at current interest rates for loans to municipalities in anticipation of the receipt of tax collections and in anticipation of the receipt of federal and/or state grants with respect to a project or program on such terms and conditions as follows:  (a) the amount borrowed shall not exceed $1,000,000, at any one time; and (b) the Board of Finance shall receive, as early as possible, prior notification of any borrowing.  The Board of Selectmen is further authorized and empowered to execute any and all documents necessary and required.  A MOTION made by Bob Shabunia, seconded by Bill Briscoe to approve the Resolution as presented.  First Selectman Nicholas Mullane gave a brief explanation, no discussion followed.  Motion approved unanimously.

3.      Shall the Town of North Stonington make amendments to the Local Capital Improvement Plan for FY 2008-2015, as presented?  A MOTION made by Bob Shabunia, seconded by Robert Lohmann to approve the amendments as presented.  First Selectman Nicholas Mullane gave a brief explanation, discussion followed.  Motion approved unanimously.

4.      To hear and act upon the new Ordinance to designate the Planning and Zoning Commission as the Aquifer Protection Agency for the Town  A MOTION made by Robin Roohr, seconded by Bob Shabunia to approve the Ordinance as presented.  First Selectman Nicholas Mullane gave a brief explanation, discussion followed.  Motion approved unanimously.

5.   To hear and act upon the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Town’s capital budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2011 has included an authorization request of $325,000 for costs related to the acquisition of two dump trucks and  related equipment for the Public Works Highway Department, and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town to authorize leasing and or borrowing to defray in part such appropriation;
NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that the Board of Selectmen recommends to the Board of Finance and to the Annual Town/Annual Budget Meeting that the Town of North Stonington authorize the leasing and or the issue of bonds or notes and or temporary notes in the amount of $325,000 to finance in part said $325,000 appropriation included in the Town’s capital budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2011, which appropriation shall be authorized, ratified and confirmed, for costs related to the acquisition of two dump trucks and related equipment, for the Public Works Highway Department and delivery costs, related equipment, materials, legal fees, net interest on borrowings and other financing costs, and other expenses related to the project or its financing.  A MOTION made by Bob Shabunia, seconded by Bill Briscoe to approve the Resolution as presented.  First Selectman Nicholas Mullane gave a brief explanation, discussion followed.  Motion approved unanimously.

6.  Resolved, that the Board of Selectmen and Town Treasurer and hereby authorized to enter into an agreement and expend the ARRA Stimulus funds in the amount of $40,092 for the installation of solar panels on the Old Town Hall.  A MOTION made by Shawn Murphy, seconded by Bob Shabunia to approve the agreement with the corrections as follows; “Resolve, that the Board of Selectmen and Town Treasurer (and)are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement an expend the ARRA Stimulus funds in the amount of $40,092 for the installation of solar panels on the Old Town Hall.  First Selectman Nicholas Mullane gave a brief explanation, discussion followed.  Motion approved unanimously.

7.  Shall the Town of North Stonington enter into a three year agreement with the Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency to bind a policy with a 0% increase for the town’s property and liability insurance and worker’s compensation coverage?  A MOTION made by Bob Shabunia, seconded by Bill Briscoe to approve the agreement as presented.  First Selectman Nicholas Mullane gave a brief explanation, discussion followed.  Motion approved unanimously.

8   Shall the Town of North Stonington designate $90,000 of the undesignated Capital Non Recurring balance for storm damage repairs as recommended by the Board of Finance?  A MOTION made by Bob Shabunia, seconded by Robert Lohmann to approve the request as presented.  First Selectman Nicholas Mullane gave a brief explanation, discussion followed.  Motion approved unanimously.

First Selectman Mullane explained that the Selectman voted at their regular meeting to defer question 9 & 10 to a Referendum on June 7, 2010.  First Selectman Mullane also thanked the Board of Finance for their hard work in preparing the budget this year.  The Town Clerk read questions 9 & 10 and discussion followed.

9. “Shall the Town of North Stonington approve the estimates and recommendations of the Board of Finance with respect to the annual General Government budget including Redemption of Debt and Capital for fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, in the amount of $ 5,781,241 and make specific appropriations and authorize expenditures in, connection therewith as appear advisable?”  A MOTION made by Bob Shabunia to put item #9 on the floor for discussion, seconded by Bob Lohmann, motion carried unanimously.  First Selectman Mullane gave a brief explanation of the budget and asked for any questions from the floor, discussion followed.

10.  “Shall the Town of North Stonington approve the estimates and recommendations of the Board of Finance with respect to the annual Board of Education  budget for fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, in the amount of $ 12,081,172 and make specific appropriations and authorize expenditures in, connection therewith as appear advisable?”  A MOTION made by Bob Shabunia to put item #10 on the floor for discussion, seconded by Brad Borden, motion carried unanimously.  Bob Testa gave a brief explanation of the Board of Education Budget with zero increases, discussion followed.    

The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm by Moderator Nicholas Mullane II to a Referendum on June 7, 2010 between the hours of 12:00pm to 8:00pm at the New Town Hall Conference Room, 40 Main ST. No. Stonington, CT.

June 7, 2010
Referendum Results

The May 24, 2010 Special Town Meeting reconvened at 8:03 pm on June 7, 2010 following the Referendum, the results were read by the Town Meeting Moderator Nicholas Mullane II:

“Shall the Town of North Stonington approve the estimates and recommendations of the Board of Finance with respect to the annual General Government budget including Redemption of Debt and Capital for fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, in the amount of $ 5,781,241 and make specific appropriations and authorize expenditures in, connection therewith as appear advisable?”

Total:          147 Yes 62 No
“Shall the Town of North Stonington approve the estimates and recommendations of the Board of Finance with respect to the annual Board of Education budget for fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, in the amount of $ 12,081,172 and make specific appropriations and authorize expenditures in, connection therewith as appear advisable?”
Totals:         144 Yes 65 No

A MOTION made by Gary Hebert, seconded by Shaw Murphy to adjourn at 8:06 pm, MOTION carried unanimously.

ATTEST:        Norma J Holliday, Town Clerk