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SMBC Minutes 03/27/2017
Town of North Stonington
North Stonington New Town Hall
Monday, March 27, 2017

Attendance: Jay Peterson, Mike Urgo,  Alice Zeeman, Mike Anderson, Bob Carlson, Dave Sellins and Sam Cherenzia. and Daniel Spring came after the call to order.
Construction Manager (Downes) was represented by Paul Wojtowicz.
Current stage of the project: Design development.
1. Call To Order: 7:08 pm.
2. Public Comment: None
3. Correspondence.
b. Pending  W-9, which is now received. Paul Wojtowicz (Quisenberry) commented regarding the need of payment of Downes invoice for $20,000 submitted two weeks prior.  The following invoice was approved. Motion to approve was made by Sam Cherenzia and seconded by Jay Peterson. Motion passed 8-0-0.
c. Mike Urgo has a scheduled meeting with USDA in Norwich on 4/5.
d. Nine YouTube Videos are up on town website with SMBC content. They need to be re-labeled with more direct explanations

4. Approval of Meeting minutes.
a. Sam Cherenzia moved we approve the March 20, 2017 meeting minutes as amended. Alice Zeeman seconded the motion. Motion passed 8-0-0.

5. Treasury Team Report. Dave Sellings presented a more up to date cash flow worksheet. Much discussion was on financial tracking and planned to date, costs, budgets, and to not over commit beyond 1.59 million the town has granted for the first year. Further discussion on when the spreadsheet will be ready to forward to selectmen.. In conclusion Dave Sellings and Paul Wotjowicz will collaborate along with Rusty Malik so everyone is on track with financial reporting and can present to at our next meeting.

6. Input discussion from Architect/CM.  Sam Cherenzia moved we approve to amended agenda to include item 6a – Review RFP.  Jay Peterson seconded the motion. Motion Passed 8-0-0
a. RFP committee approval, written by Rusty Malik (Quisenberry) for Third Party Code Compliance Review Bid.   10 pages, reviewed and made changes to dates, grammar, etc. Mike Urgo then forwarded changes to Shawn Murphy for review and approval to be posted for bidders. No vote can take place on the RFP, just committee agreement because this was an amended agenda item not announced to the public.   Will need to interview candidates once bids are received. Selectmen will ultimately approve and the document will be forwarded to them for consideration.

7. Communications. None

8. Contracts. None

9. Future Strategies. No SMBC meeting scheduled for 4/3. Next meeting to be held Thursday, 4/6 Gymnatorium   
 band room, 6pm.

10. Public Comment.  None

11. Sam Cherenzia moved to adjourn, Jay Peterson seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.