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SBMC Minutes 12/05/2016
Town of North Stonington
North Stonington New Town Hall
Monday December 5, 2016

Attendance: Walt Mathwich, Sam Cherenzia, Dave Sellins, Mike Anderson, Pam Potemri, Jay Peterson, Dan Spring, Mike Urgo, Bob Carlson, Mark Perkins.
1. Call to order. 7:02 pm.
2. Public comment. None.
3. Correspondence.
a. Quisenberry Architects were directed to pay the environmental studies (boundary survey, wetlands, etc.) bill for services rendered by CLA. Bill is $16,625 and it was not included in the Quisenberry contract. The SMBC previously gave Quisenberry the authority to engage with CLA directly in this fashion. We will add the CLA bill to the total paid to Quisenberry. Total is increased from $1,444,440 to $1,461,025.  All parties are satisfied with this approach.
b. Invoice approval. None.
5. Approval of minutes. None.
6. Input from architect and discussion.
a. Rusty (Quisenberry) joined remotely and reported on their progress. They continue to meet with the Construction Manager (Downes) for design, development, and budget discussions. The architect is developing schematics for the USDA (project lender). The architect and construction manager will present the design and budget to the SMBC at 7:00 pm on December 14 (Wed.), location TBD.
b. Architect and CM are on schedule with the exception that the environmental report from CLA is overdue and if delays continue could affect our schedule. Mike Anderson will contact a CLA representative.
c. We received a notice (not an invoice) from Eagle environmental services of monies due. Rusty advised consultation with the construction manager as to payment.
7. Update on Environmental plan and actions. None.
8. Discussion on solar integration options. Brief general discussions. Preliminary because we don't yet have a budget for the basic project.
9. Presentation from Pam on archiving. Project documents are to be filed according to State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services, Office of School Construction Grants guidelines. All critical documents must be kept and filed appropriately.
10. Presentation from Pam on the Uniform Chart of account definitions for accounting. Pam discussed the accounting (budget, approval, record keeping) procedures that will be needed as the project moves forward, including proper use of account definitions for budgetary items. Synchronization between town and state accounting is essential. Appropriate procedures are also required for the USDA loan. Mike Urgo will contact Downes to ask for their input, because they have to do their own tracking and may have valuable insights. The committed gave further discussion to hiring a secretary/accountant for this and other aspects of committee work.
11. Future strategies. No discussion.
12. Public comment. None.
13. Adjourned at 8:26 pm.