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SBMC Minutes 09/19/2016
Town of North Stonington Meeting Minutes
North Stonington New Town Hall
Monday September 19, 2016
Meeting 7:30pm
Attendance: Mike Anderson, Dan Spring, Bob Carlson, Sam Cherenzia, Mike Urgo, Pamela Potemri, Mike Osborn, David Sellins and (Walt Mathwich via phone)
1.      Call to order- 7:31 PM
2.      Public Comment- None
3.      Correspondence
a.      Motion by Dave S and second by Mike A to approve invoices for advertising RFP for construction manager in the amount of $713.20. Motion carried 8 yes and 0 no
b.      Motion by Dan S and second by Sam C to approve receipts for Architect & Construction Manager interview food, in the amount of $222.06.   Motion carried 8 yes and 0 no
4.      Approval of minutes
a.      Motion by Dan S and Dave S second, to approve Meeting Minutes for August 29, 2016. Motion carried 7 yes and 0 no (Pamela abstained, because she did not receive the minutes)
5.      Discussion and/or Approval of RFP for Environmental Services- no action taken
6.      Update on meeting with faculty – Mike U will set up a couple of meetings with faculty over the next several weeks. He will also set up expectations and goals of the meetings.
7.      Update on meeting with State- Mike U stated we received confirmation that the state officially accepted our application.
8.      Update on meeting with Building committee/Sanitarian/Engineer- Rusty/Mike Discussion was based around continued review of the current septic at the high school & gymatorium. Next meeting 4pm Friday.
a.      Rusty reviewed drafted timeline to prepare to be shovel ready in July 2017 pending state approval.
b.      The Treasurer and Secretary will work with the Chairman to set up an electronic book/file to hold all official documents throughout the School Modernization Building Committee processes.
9.      Discussion of CM at Risk approach-no action taken
10.     Proposed Executive Session to discuss Construction Management bids and Architectural firm contract
a.      Motion was made to enter into executive session at 8:15 PM.  Motioned by Sam C and Mike A second. Motion carried 8 yes and 0 no.
b.      End executive session at 9:15 PM
11.     Selection of Construction Management firm
a.      Motion by Dave S and Sam C second that the committee will recommend Downes be hired as the construction management services for the school buildings (as noted in the advertised request for qualification/proposals), to the board of selectmen. Motion carried 6 yes and 0 no.
12.     Future Strategies
13.     Public Comment- None
14.     Adjournment- Motion to adjourn meeting by Dave and second by Mike U. Meeting adjourn at 9:31 PM