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SBMC Minutes 08/01/2016

Town of North Stonington
North Stonington New Town Hall
August 1, 2016
Meeting Minutes

1.      Call to order- 7:33 pm (Present- Walt Mathwich, Bob Carlson, Mike Anderson, Mike Urgo, Dan Spring, Jay Peterson, Pamela Potemri)
2.      Public Comment- Mr. Nero stated that the referendum passed by three votes and the Committee has a significant job ahead of them. Mr. Nero feels strongly that the firm of Quisenberry/Acari should be considered. Mr. Carlson stated that it would be recommended to take Mr. Nero’s comments under advisement as he is well qualified to advise, however, given the process we will continue our outlined process for selection. Mr. Urgo thanked Mr. Nero for sharing his opinion of Quisenberry/Acari Architects.
3.      Correspondence- Project Manager question- Mike Urgo answered that a walk through is anticipated for the 10th of August, with proposals due the 22nd of August. Architect questions- presentation is scheduled for 15 minutes with 30 minute Q and A to follow; Architects should bring whoever they feel is appropriate; Interviews will be at the New Town Hall and architects should be prepared with their own technology.
4.      Approval of minutes- Bob Carlson- motion to approve minutes from 7/13/16, second Mike Anderson, vote to approve 6-0-1 (Walt Mathwich abstained); Jay Peterson- motion to approve minutes from 7/18/16 as amended, second Dan Spring, vote to approve 6-0-1 (Walt Mathwich abstained); Bob Carlson- motion to approve minutes from 7/25/16 as amended, second Mike Anderson, vote to approve 6-0-1 (Walt Mathwich abstained)
5.      Discussion on meeting structure- No action taken
6.      Discussion on Environmental Service needs- Shawn Murphy advised that the USDA locked in our rate of 2.75%. Environmental Service Needs will be conducted upon hiring Architect.
7.      Discussion about conflict of interest policy- no action taken
8.      Future strategies- no action taken
9.      Public Comment- none
10.     Entered Executive Session to discuss Architectural bids- in at 8:31 pm
11.     Concluded Executive Session – 10:30pm
12.     Adjournment