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School Ad Hoc Committee Minutes 02/13/2010 DRAFT

Town of North Stonington, CT

Ad Hoc School Building Committee

New Town Hall
Monday, February 13 2012
School Ad Hoc Committee Minutes Draft
1.    CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  Meeting was called to order by Chairman Walt Mathwich at 7:13 pm
2.      ROLL CALL:  Members Present:   Bob Carlson,  Julie Lanier (Recording Secretary), and Walt Mathwich (Chairman).   Missing:  Sam Cherenzia, Arthur Dobley, Leslie Driscoll,  Jeff Frenette (Correspondance Secretary), Brett Mastroianni and  Chris D’Angelo (Vice-Chairman).
3.      Public Comments and Questions:  Donna (no last name provided) asked if we would call her (phone number given to Walt) when we had numbers for the building costs.
5.      MINUTES:  No minutes could be approved quorem not met
7.      OLD BUSINESS:  See discussions below
8.      NEW BUSINESS:  Discussion on election of new officers.  Elections were tabled until the 6 regular attending members could be present. 
9.      DISCUSSIONS:  Status and Progress of Building Plans:  The architects and engineer have met with school building facilities in the high school cafeteria to look at the crack in the wall- was determined not structural problem.  The Schools will provide their Ed Specs to the BOE this week.  These specs are at least a month behind schedule which may jeapordize having the cost for the potential building project ready in time to meet June filing date to State for aid (referendum needs to take place and town approval in place prior to asking state for assistance).  Rusty (architect) would like to meet with our committee next week to go over status.  Walt to let team members know date, time and place.
10.  ADJOURNMENT:   The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm by Walt Mathwich and seconded by Bob Carlson. 
Workshop :  None