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School Ad Hoc Committee Minutes 03-23-2009 Draft

Town of North Stonington, CT
Ad Hoc School Building Committee
New Town Hall Conference Room
40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT  06359
Monday, March 23, 2009 – 7:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting

Draft Minutes

Chairman Bob Carlson called the Regular Meeting of the School Ad Hoc Committee to order on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 7:04 P.M.

Committee Members Present: Leslie Driscoll, Chris D’Angelo (Vice-Chairman), Sam Cherenzia, Bob Carlson (Chairman), Arthur Dobley (Recording Secretary), Brett Mastroianni, Jeff Frenette (Corresponding Secretary), and Barbara Siner.

Committee Members Absent:  Marie Sehl and Heather Mars.


Mr. Gary Herbert (of the North Stonington Finance Committee) spoke briefly about the upcoming budget. He mentioned that the Ad Hoc School Building Committee has a line item in next year’s budget for the Board of Selectmen. Also he said that there are 3 important areas of the budget for our committee: 1) operating budget, 2) capital budget, and 3) redemption of debt.

4.   ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Bob Carlson added topic “F” to the Discussion section regarding “Where do we go after building plan 5?” Also the committee agreed to move topic “B” in the Discussion section to become topic “G”.

5.   MINUTES:  Review minutes of the 3/9/09 meeting.
MOTION by L. Driscoll, SECOND by J. Frenette to accept the Draft Minutes of 3/9/09 with no corrections.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Bob gave Jeff Frenette a brochure on “Green” buildings.
Leslie said a good website is: for information on “Green” buildings.
Chris presented a letter addressed to 4 town boards indicating the liasons.

MOTION by C. D’Angelo, SECOND by S. Cherenzia to send letter to the 4 Boards.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

7.   OLD BUSINESS:    None

8.   NEW BUSINESS:    

A.  Review of Data  The committee discussed the Option 3 Building Plans. Discussion followed about the pros and cons of the plan. Topics included: no room for future expansion, most disruptive to students, kept legacy systems, the likelihood of finding additional work when construction started which would require more funds, existing buildings are used on both sides of the road, the tunnel remains. This was the least favorite plan to date

B.  Action Items
        1.  All of the committee members will review the data on the Option 4 building plan and         compare it to the needs of the NEASC report.
        2.  Letters will be sent to the appropriate boards and committees to notify them of the newly established liaisons.
        3.  Read the Board of Education’s By-Laws, and mark up to become our by-laws.


B.  Liaisons: 1 or more should attend each regularly scheduled designated board meeting.
C.  Board of Education’s By-Laws. Jeff is waiting for the computer file. Chris suggested a workshop by the Ad Hoc School Building Committee to review the by-laws and draft their own.
D.  Jeff said the e-mail accounts are ready and briefly went over their use. Also there are computer programs for organizing tasks and a calendar.
E.  Attendance at meetings. Send an e-mail if one cannot attend a meeting.
F.  What is after building option 5? Chris suggested that after all 5 options are reviewed that the committee should come to an agreement on the basic design. Members should write the pros and cons for the designs. This would lead to 2 or 3 new building plans. Subcommittees would then focus on the new plans.
Mr. Arthur Jerbert spoke about presenting his handout at the April 13th meeting, and then giving his presentation on May 11th. This is in regard to his building plan option (#5).
G.  Subcommittees (Old A). There was a discussion on the subcommittees touring schools. Barbara will try to set up a tour of the Sterling School May 8th, and have a representative form there attend the Ad Hoc School Building Meeting in June (8th or 22nd).

MOTION by J. Frenette, SECOND by S. Cherenzia to adjourn the School Ad Hoc Committee Meeting at 8:55 P.M.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Respectively Submitted,
Arthur Dobley, Recording Secretary
Ad Hoc School Building Committee