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School Ad Hoc Committee Minutes 01-26-2009 Draft
Town of North Stonington, CT
Ad Hoc School Building Committee
New Town Hall Conference Room
40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT  06359
Monday, January 26, 2009 – 7:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting

Draft Minutes

Vice-Chairman Chris D’Angelo called the Regular Meeting of the School Ad Hoc Committee to order on Monday, January 26, 2009 at 7:21 P.M.

2.  Roll Call
Committee Members Present: Arthur Dobley (Recording Secretary), Chris D’Angelo (Vice-Chairman), Leslie Driscoll, Sam Cherenzia, Marie Sehl, Jeff Frenette, Bob Carlson, and Brett Mastroianni (arrived 7:30).

Committee Members Absent:  Heather Mars and Barbara Siner.

3.  Public Comments and Questions: None



Review minutes of 1/12/09 meeting.

MOTION by C. D’Angelo, SECOND by L. Driscoll to defer review of the Draft Minutes of 1/12/09.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

6.  Correspondence: None

7.   OLD BUSINESS:    

  • Organization  The committee discussed the 2 open positions of Chair and Corresponding Secretary.
MOTION by B. Mastroianni, SECOND by B. Carlson to nominate Jeff Frenette as Corresponding Secretary. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

MOTION by C. D’Angelo, SECOND by L. Driscoll to nominate Bob Carlson as Chairman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

B.  Meeting Schedule.  The committee members discussed future meeting times for the committee.
MOTION by C. D’Angelo, SECOND by Sam Cherenzia to approve the future meeting dates of the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 P.M. in the New Town Hall Conference Room. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

8.   NEW BUSINESS:    

A.  Review of Data  The committee discussed the several building plans, and the different lists of needs for the school improvements. Discussion followed about prioritizing needs, further reviewing of the building plans, and methods to do so.

B.  Action Items

All of the committee members will review the data on the Option 1 building plan and compare it to the needs of the NEASC report.

Chris D’Angelo will talk to the first selectman about town e-mail accounts and letters.

Bob Carlson will review the list of committee members.

The next meeting of the committee will be February 9th.

Arthur will work on the minutes, agenda, meeting schedule, and postings.

Sam Cherenzia will investigate building access for these meetings.


MOTION by C. D’Angelo, SECOND by B. Mastroianni to adjourn the School Ad Hoc CommitteeMeeting at 9:28 P.M.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Respectively Submitted,

Arthur Dobley, Recording Secretary
Ad Hoc School Building Committee