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Recreation Commission 04/04/2011 Minutes
                                                                                                                Town of North Stonington
Recreation Commission
Probate Court-Holly Green
April 4, 2011
6:15 PM

Call to Order –6:25 PM with Commissioner Taylor, Condon, and Walley present.  Also present was John Hines, Director

Public Comments and Questions-None presented

Minutes-March, 2011—A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor and seconded by Commissioner Condon to approve the minutes of March, 2011, carrying.

Correspondence-Steve Aiello offers his resignation-Commissioner Aiello’s resignation was received with regret

Old Business
  • FY 2011-12 Update-Budgets are being reviewed by the Board of Finance. Public Hearing is scheduled tentatively for April 25th.
  • Ice Skating Rink –Drainage, storage-The Ice Rink has been removed from the Recreation Area and stored for the Summer.
  • Discussion of Recreation Commission Summer Playground and Kiddie Camp Programs-Direction for Summer 2011- Holly McCord has agreed to take over as the camp director for both Summer Playground and Kiddie Camps.  She will attend the May 2nd meeting and be involved with the application and hiring process.  Applications will be available at the High School and Selectmen’s Office on April 20th the deadline for return is May 13th.
  • Vacancies for the RecreationCommission will be advertised in the Summer Flyer.  
New Business
  • Further developments on Recreation Area Grant-Funding is not available for expenditure until approved by a Town Meeting.  Board of Finance will take action and the Selectmen will call a Special Town Meeting as soon as possible.
A motion was made by Mr. Condon not to make temporary tennis courts prior to the complete removal of the surfaces and completion of the area’s new construction, seconded by Mr. Walley, carrying.

Any New Business brought forth by the Commission Members-A reminder that the Annual Easter Egg Hunt is going to be held on April 23, 2011, at 10:00 AM.  Mr. Taylor will contact Bess Eaton for possible donation.
Adjournment-A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Mr. Condon, and seconded by Mr. Taylor at 7:45 PM, carrying.