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Recreation Commission 12/06/2010 Minutes
Town of North Stonington
Recreation Commission
Probate Court-Holly Green
December 6, 2010
6:15 PM

Call to Order-6:15 PM with Commissioners Aiello, Walley, Taylor, Condon, Rusich. and Director John Hines
Public Comments and Questions
        Ice Rink-Many questions on timeline of installation, where will it be located.  Families are looking forward to a new winter activity.
Minutes-A motion was made by Commissioner Aiello to accept the November minutes, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, carrying.  
        Letter of Support-Soccer Coach-Received two letters for support signed by several residents for one of our coaches in lieu of an incident during a Como soccer game.
Old Business
1.      Soccer Pizza Party Critique-All members felt that the party was very loud and it was difficult to hear coaches speak.  Discussion on alternate location and types of parties for next year.  Signs must be posted for recycling at the event.  It was decided to provide only bottled water for future Recreation events.
2.      Evaluation Worksheet Draft for Summer Employees-Tabled
a.       Review of Qualifications/Job Descriptions-Tabled
b.      Commissioners’ Comments/Suggestions/Recommendations-Tabled
3.      Fee Waiver- Granted to one child per family for head team coach (only) Fee waiver for coaches’ child was very well received.  
4.      Updated Amendments on Commission By-Laws for payment to Commissioners for Services-It was determined that the Commissioners do not receive compensation for serving on the Recreation Commission but can receive compensation when serving in a paid position capacity.
New Business
1.      Skating Rink Status Report
a.      Location-Rink will be installed with the fence court areas
b.      Water Supply-Will be purchased from David Ben and Sons Water Delivery Service, due to the large capacity of water needed (60,000 gal) it was decided it was not feasible for the NSVFC to assist.  A motion was made by Commissioner Rusich and seconded by Commissioner Taylor to approve the expense of $1800 for the water delivery, carrying unanimously.
2.      Recreation Basketball Update
  • Pre-School -1 team
  • Grades 1-8 Boys and Girls-14 teams, 123 participants
  • Numbers are very good this year and all coaching positions have been filled.
3.      Soccer Field Preparation – Thank you Commissioner Condon-Commissioner Condon placed the PVC Markers in field locations.
4.      Meeting Report with Jay Mello, COMO-Incident at COMO field has been resolved with a North Stonington coach in a positive manner.
5.      Bid Process for New Courts at Recreation Area-Commission has no responsibilities for any action items for the Court Renovation at this time.  Commissioner Aiello will check with the Selectmen’s Office after the 1st of the new year for update.
a.      Timeline-Schedule for Spring construction
Any New Business brought forth by the Commission Members-The Commission will discuss criteria for background checks on Recreation employees and volunteers early next year.
Director Hines reviewed final status with Commission
Adjournment-A motion was made by Commissioner Aiello to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 PM, seconded by Commissioner Rusich, carrying.