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Recreation Commission 03/01/2010 Minutes
                                             Town of North Stonington
                                              Recreation Commission
Probate Court-Holly Green
March 1, 2010
6:15 PM

Call to Order-6:15 PM with Commissioners Aiello, Rusich, Taylor and Walley present.  Also in attendance was John Hines, Recreations Director.
Public Comments and Questions-Feedback continues to be positive for Saturday Rec Basketball Program (Parents’ comments)
Minutes-February meeting-A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor and seconded by Commissioner Rusich to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2010 meeting, carrying.  
Correspondence-None presented
Old Business
  • Results of Stonington Lacrosse sign ups-Stonington is looking for participants for a travel team and distributed flyers at Saturday basketball
  • Spring Flyer-Wheeler Library-Discussion with Director-Ms. Kennedy is willing to contribute towards the cost of the flyer since they contribute to the content.  Additional material was about $100 for the Spring flyer, the Commission has paid the invoice.  From this flyer forward the cost to the Library will be $100 per page.  
  • Final Organizational Plans for Pizza Party, Awards, Certificates (Rec B’ball)-Monday, March 8th, 6 PM at the Elementary School-Plans are set and pizza will be order from the Pizza Lady in Pawcatuck.
New Business
  • Easter Bunny Egg Hunt, April 3rd-Commissioners’ Involvement-
10:00 AM, April 3rd, Rain or Shine
  • Further Discussion on Enclosure for Ice Rink (Storage Shed)-Will research purchasing a 12’ x 24’ storage shed.  Will make final decision at April meeting.  
  • Area/Boundaries bordering the Fire Station property- Area borders the fire department property.  People participating in Rec activities are driving across and blocking fire lanes to access fields, consideration to putting up some sort of restriction is in discussion.
Budget Review-  Director Hines discussed spending for past month’s expenditures.  Mr. Hines has submitted proposed budget to the Selectmen.  Budget is down from current year and Selectmen seem pleased with the submittal when Mr. Hines attended a Selectmen’s meeting.

Any New Business brought forth by the Commission Members-Commissioner Rusich gave Commission an update report on PHIT program.  Trooper on committee working on grant and would like to speak to Commission about possible uses for grant.  Will be invited to our April meeting.
Next Meeting Date-April 5, 2010
Adjournment -7:05 PM motion to adjourn by Mr. Walley and seconded by Mr. Rusich, carrying.