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PSBC 02/25/2013 Minutes
North Stonington
Permanent School Planning and Building Committee

Minutes for: February 25th 2013
Attendance: Steve Aiello, Wayne Coats, Jim Lord, Bob Shabunia
Meeting call to order 7:00
  • Gym sealing project. Architect and contractor will finish removing effervescent and sealing the last of the building as soon as the weather breaks.
  • Wayne Coats will follow up on replacement of a set of exterior doors at the high school.
  • Exterior wall at senior hallway is on hold waiting for a building project to be approved or rejected.
  • Motion to approve up to $1,500 to digitize school blueprints pending a meeting with Mark Tate made by Bob Shabunia seconded by Wayne Coats, all were in favor.

Meeting adjourned 8:20
Next meeting March 25th 2013