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Inland Wetlands Approved Minutes 3/10/2010
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Last Updated: 2010/4/15

Town of




Inland Wetlands Commission





WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 2010 – 7:00 P.M.


New Town Hall

Conference Room

40 Main Street

North Stonington, CT  06359


Minutes Approved ~ April 14, 2010





Chairman Duane White called the Regular Meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission to order on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 7:03 p.m.



Duane White, Chairman, Mark Grigg, Vice-Chairman, Ron Lewis, Kevin Geary, Arthur Dobley, George Brown and Mac Gray


COMMISSIONERS ABSENT:  D’Arcy Cleveland and Robert Miner




Cheryl Konsavitch, Administrative Assistant




MOTION by R. Lewis, SECOND by K. Geary to amend the agenda to take off Item B under New Business  and add 24 Billings Road as Item B under Workshop.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.




Review minutes of January 13, 2010 meeting.


MOTION by A. Dobley, SECOND by G. Brown to approve the Draft Minutes of 1/13/09 with the necessary corrections.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


4.   OLD BUSINESS:      


#09-112 (Single-Family Residence) Application of Travis K. & Erin Z. Comeau, 75 Yawbux Valley Road, North Stonington, CT  06359 for the demolition of existing 3 bedroom dwelling & reconstruction of new 3 bedroom dwelling & site improvements within the 100’ upland review area.  Tax Map #86, Parcel #4613.


The Commission had no issues with this application as it was presented and it was held on the agenda for the statutory 30 day period.


MOTION by K. Geary, SECOND by R. Lewis to approve application #09-112 as submitted.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.




A.  #10-019 (Accessory) Application of Ann H. Renehan, 51 East Clarks Falls Road, North Stonington, CT  06359 to construct a horse barn, ringing rink, ½ acre pond and selective clearing for pasture and road improvement for septic & well.  Tax Map #98, Parcel #8423.


Ann Renehan came before the Commission to discuss her application.  Mrs. Renehan stated that most of the trees have been cut and need to be stumped out.  The road is gravel and they will improve it by using the gravel from the pond.  The Commission stated that the building is outside of the buffer, and the riding rink is next to the buffer.  Mrs. Renehan stated that the wetlands are staked out. 


The Commission decided to do a site-walk of the property on Monday, March 22, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.


B.    #10-021 (Single-Family Residence) Application of Jeffrey & Betsy Wright, 8 Surrey Lane, Stonington, CT  06378 to construct a Single Family Residence on property located at 379 Cossaduck Hill Road, North Stonington, CT  06359.  Tax Map #45, Parcel #4825.


No wetlands are on this site and the application can be signed off on administratively.




A.  Eric Anderson of 10 Surrey Lane came before the Commission to discuss putting in a farm pond. 


Mr. Anderson went over a site-plan of his property and discussed with the Commission where he would like to put a small farm pond in an area that is marshy grassland.  The Commission stated that the pond should be placed by the side of the stream and not in it with an out flow pipe. 



The Commission will do a site-walk of this property on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.  Mr. Anderson will stake out the area of where he would like to put the proposed pond.


B.  Robert and Scott Deledda came before the Commission to discuss building a garage on property located at 24 Billings Road.


Robert Deledda stated he has an interior lot and is in the process of applying for a ZBA variance to build a garage closer to the side yard setback then what is required for an interior lot.  Mr. Deledda stated the lot has a lot of slope and ledge with an intermittent watercourse on it which makes the lot challenging.


The Commission did not have any issues with Mr. Deledda’s plan but when submitting a formal application they would like the  plan to reflect that there is an intermittent watercourse on it noted by a soil scientist. 




A.  DEP letter – Old Haven Associates-Gallup Pond Dam


The Commission discussed the letter and felt it was a DEP issue.    


B.  Parke Pond


The Commission received an e-mail and pictures of work being done on the Dam by Duncan Schweitzer.  The Commission requested an e-mail be sent to Mr. Schweitzer asking him to just give a brief history of what will be taking place on the property.


C.  Tom Vignatto came before the Commission to discuss an outdoor extreme recreational park he is proposing, which would include zip line, paint ball, BMX racing and rock climbing.


Mr. Vignatto stated there is water coming out of a rock and running into an area which would be used for parking and he would like to divert the water into the spring.


The Commission suggested that Mr. Vignatto put in a formal plan showing what he would like to do.




WEO Berardi is on vacation




A.  2009 Municipal Inland Wetland Commissioners Training Program


The Commission discussed and stated that someone from the Commission should attend.

B.   Aquatic Pesticide Permit Application for Lake of Isles


The Commission discussed and may like to have someone from Lake of Isles come before the Commission to discuss this application.


C.   Letter from K. Comstock pertaining to drainage work on Pinewoods Road


Mrs. Kristen Comstock submitted a letter and was also present at the meeting to discuss drainage work on Pinewoods Road.


Mrs. Comstock stated that in February and March the Town of North Stonington did drainage construction work on the north and south sides of Pinewoods Road, around #56, without any formal plans for storm or flood water management.


Mrs. Comstock stated that no sedimentation control was installed during the work and natural multi-point filtration features were destroyed.


Mrs. Comstock stated in her letter that this work ran contrary to discussion at the Inland Wetlands meeting of 11/19/2009 which acknowledged a variety of problems on Pinewoods Road and emphasized the need for specific data on:


1.  amount & velocity of water moving downgrade and

2.  different conditions along the roadbed.


Mrs. Comstock stated that the Town’s recent work violated CT DEP policy which requires plans for flood/storm water management and requires sedimentation/erosion control during municipal construction.


Mrs. Comstock stated that she has a pond on her property for flood control which the Commission stated is now a sedimentation basin.  Mrs. Comstock showed pictures of the road where no E&S is in place.  Mrs. Comstock said the Town did put in measures to control the drainage which did work for awhile, but they were not properly maintained.  Pinewoods Road use to be crowned and now is flat. 


The Commission stated they have not received any permits for the road work and Mrs. Comstock stated she would keep the Commission informed.




MOTION by M. Gray, SECOND by R. Lewis to adjourn the Inland Wetlands Commission Meeting at 9:05 p.m.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Respectively Submitted,


Cheryl Konsavitch


Cheryl Konsavitch, Administrative Assistant, Inland Wetlands Commission