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Inland Wetlands Approved Minutes 4/14/2010
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Last Updated: 2010/5/13
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Last Updated: 2010/5/13

Town of




Inland Wetlands Commission





WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 2010 – 7:00 P.M.


New Town Hall

Conference Room

40 Main Street

North Stonington, CT  06359


Minutes Approved ~ May 12, 2010





Vice-Chairman Mark Grigg called the Regular Meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission to order on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 7:04 p.m.



Mark Grigg, Vice-Chairman, Ron Lewis, Kevin Geary, Arthur Dobley, George Brown, Mac Gray and Robert Miner (arrived at 7:55 p.m.)


COMMISSIONERS ABSENT:  Chairman Duane White, D’Arcy Cleveland




Cheryl Konsavitch, Administrative Assistant and WEO Wayne Berardi




MOTION by G. Brown, SECOND by M. Gray  to amend the agenda to amend the agenda to add application #10-039 under New Business.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.




Review minutes of March 10, 2010 meeting.


MOTION by G. Brown, SECOND by R. Lewis to approve the Draft Minutes of 3/10/10 with the necessary corrections.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


4.   OLD BUSINESS:      


#10-019 (Accessory) Application of Ann H. Renehan, 51 East Clarks Falls Road, North Stonington, CT  06359 to construct a horse barn, ringing rink, ½ acre pond and selective clearing for pasture and road improvement.  Tax Map #98, Parcel #8423.


Ann Renehan was present for this application and submitted a revised site-plan which she went over with the Commission.  The Commission conducted a site-walk of this property on March 22nd.


MOTION by G. Brown, SECOND by M. Grigg to approve application #10-019 with the following conditions:


1.  The septic system has not been approved

2.  Pond size approved with dimensions of 75 x 125

3.  Maximum depth of the pond 3 feet

4.  Install Erosion & Sediment Control along the southern portion of the pond

5.  Inform the Land Use Office when the pond is going to be dug






#10-039 (Accessory & Farm Pond) Application of Jared Bradley, 307 Northwest Corner Road, North Stonington, CT  06359 to construct a garage and a 40’ x 50’ farm pond.  Tax Map #43, Parcel #1754.


The applicant was not present.


The Commission reviewed the plan and will do a site-walk of the property which they scheduled for May 5, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. 


6.   WORKSHOPNone 




A.  92 Wyassup Lake Road


Marilyn MacKay came before the Commission to show the Commission what she had done on her property.  Mrs. MacKay stated that she had removed a sand area and put down earth and did not realize that a permit was needed. 


The Commission told her that if she plans on doing any more work in the area to call the Land Use Office before starting any work..


B.  Parke Pond follow-up

Duncan Schweitzer came before the Commission and stated that the above mentioned property was donated to Avalonia as open space and that it is open to the public from dawn to dusk.  Passive recreation such as fishing and hiking is allowed. 


Mr. Schweitzer stated that the dam area will be kept cut using a DR mower and is being maintained as directed by the DEP dam safety. 


C.  10 Surrey Lane follow up on site walk


The Commission did a site walk of this property for a farm pond and had no issues with the pond the owner wanted to construct.  Mr. Anderson was told to come into the Land Use Office and obtain the necessary permit when he was ready to begin work.


 D.  44P Wyassup Lake Road


WEO Berardi inspected the site due to a complaint of work being done on a culvert.  WEO Berardi stated he had no issues with want was done on the property.


A letter was sent to the property owner to appear at this meeting, but they have not responded.




A.  15 Oak Drive – Dug ditch in yard


WEO Berardi inspected this property and had no issues with what the abutting property owner had done.


B.  WEO Berardi informed the Commission that Cherenzia had called him to inquire about the permit process for the bridge on Main Street  WEO Berardi stated to submit plans when they are ready.




A.  Bell Cedar Swamp


Duncan Schweitzer came before the Commission to ask them for their support of Avalonia Land Trust’s proposal to purchase 2 parcels of land located north of Stillman Road Extension which are located in the Bell Cedar Swamp.  Mr. Schweitzer stated that these parcels have been designated by the Conservation Commission on the Plan of Open Space and Recreation Land report as very important assets to be acquired and protected.


MOTION by M. Gray, SECOND by K. Geary to write a letter to endorse the purchase of Avalonia Land Trust’s proposal to purchase land located in the Bell Cedar Swamp.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.



B.  Follow up letter from K. Comstock pertaining to discussion on drainage work on Pinewoods Road from the 3/10/10 wetlands meeting.


Mrs. Kristen Comstock submitted the letter and was also present at the meeting


Mrs. Comstock stated that she would like the Commission to exercise its enforcement power and cite the Town for violation of the Inland Wetland Regulations.  Mrs. Comstock stated that according to the CT DEP, recent drainage work by the Town on Pinewoods Road falls into the stormwater discharge category which holds a municipality as permittee to specific requirements and would like to see the Town in compliance with local IW regulations.


The Commission asked Mrs. Comstock to keep them informed.




MOTION by K. Geary, SECOND by M. Gray to adjourn the Inland Wetlands Commission Meeting at 9:03 p.m.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Respectively Submitted,



Cheryl Konsavitch


Cheryl Konsavitch, Administrative Assistant

 Inland Wetlands Commission