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EDC Minutes 12/20/2012
EDC Meeting Minutes
December 20, 2012

Members In Attendance:
Peter Bogoian, Chair
Marilyn Mackay, Secretary
Brett Mastrioanni, Vice-Chair
Raymond Geer
Christine Wagner
David Isom

Juliet Leeming, NS Planner & ZEO
Mark Waterhouse, Garnet Consulting Services, Inc.

Member Absent:
Robert Kimball, Treasurer

Brent Woodward, Board of Finance

Meeting Called to Order:  7:05 PM

Mark Waterhouse presented his final draft for the Economic Development of North Stonington to be folded into our 2013 POCD (see attached).   Marilyn moved the report and it was unanimously approved by EDC.

An additional agenda item to add an EDC member to replace Linda Pershaec was unanimously passed.

Robert Kimball was slated as Vice-Chair.  Christine Wagner nominated Brett Mastrioanni, David Isom seconded him, as Vice Chair.  A vote was taken on the remaining slate and unanimously elected.  Ballots were distributed between Kimball and Mastrioanni.  The final results were 3-1-1.  Final list of officers elected are:   
Chair:  David Isom
Vice-Chair:  Brett Mastrioanni
Treasurer:  Christine Wagner
Secretary:  Marilyn Mackay

Marilyn Mackay moved  for Dugan Tillman-Brown, if he changes his registration from Unaffiliated to Republican, to replace Linda Pershaec on EDC, seconded by Brett Mastrioanni.  Passed  4-1.  

The Bylaws Committee of Raymond Geer and Brett Mastrioanni submitted a draft of changes and stated they are ongoing.  Recommendations will be discussed at our January 2013 meeting.  We will aim to approve final changes at our February 2013 meeting for submission to the Board of Selectmen for approval at the next Town Meeting.  

Peter Bogoian will present an annual EDC report at our January 2013 meeting which will then be submitted to the Board of Finance as required.

Members thanked Peter Bogoian for his past service as Committee Chair.

Minutes from November 15, 2012 were approved 3-0-2.
Treasurer’s Report was approved:  Balance in account $6,503.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Next EDC meeting is January 17, 2013.  The secretary stated she will not be in attendance to take minutes.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marilyn Mackay, Secretary