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EDC Minutes 02/18/2010
North Stonington
Economic Development Commission
40 Main Street
North Stonington, CT 06359
February 18, 2010

Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m.
Members present: Bradford Currier, Robert Kimball, Brent Woodward, Peter Bogoian, Linda Pershaec, Gladys Chase. Members absent; Marilyn Mackay and Mark Perkins.

Item added to the agenda North Stonington Business directory webpage annual fee.
The commission will authorize a one time payment of $20.34 to be paid to Marilyn Mackay for one year. The information can be utilized by the North Stonington Business Association.

Treasurer’s report given by Robert Kimball.
Paid to Brad Currier $187. CEDA $100. Balance in account $4215.

Review of minutes from January 21, 2010. Motion to accept made by Linda Pershaec and seconded by Brent Woodward. Vote passed with three abstentions.

Old business:
The Community Health Center received approval on January 20, 2010 to open the TWH Community Health Center in North Stonington.  They will employ 30+ people.
A letter from Jeanne M. LaChance Vice President, COO/CFO and a letter from Alan J. Pesch of North Stonington Properties, LLC have been put on file thanking the commission for their support.

Milltown Commons is reapplying with new site plan.

North Stonington Business Association no report was given. Marilyn was attending NSBA meeting at the Lake of Isles.  

February18, 2010
EDC Minutes

North Stonington Infrastructure/sewers report is done but not ready for release yet. It should be ready by next months meeting.

 New Business:
EDC Proposed Budget for 2010-2011 total $13,647.00 was discussed.
A motion was made by Robert Kimball  and seconded by Linda Pershaec to accept the budget with more detailed explanation added. Unanimous vote.

Mission statement for the website was presented by Brad Currier. It was discussed and Robert Kimball made motion to accept mission statement as amended by the Commission. Motion was seconded by Brent Woodward.  
Vote passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was made by Peter Bogoian and seconded by Linda Pershaec.
Meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Gladys Chase