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EDC Minutes 03/19/2009

North Stonington

Economic Development Commission

40 Main Street

North Stonington , CT 06359

March 19, 2009

Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m.


Meeting Called to Order 7 p.m. by Chairman Bradford Currier.

Commissioners in Attendance: Linda Pershaec, Marilyn Mackay, Peter Bogoian, Robert Boissevain, Brent Woodward and Bradford Currier. Absent were Mark Perkins and Robert Kimball.

Items added to agenda

1. Selectman Nicholas Mullane addressed the budget and reported that the Board of Finance lowered the budget to $9,747 instead of the $14,000. Brad will meet with Board of Finance.

2. Electronic Business Directory item (6) under old business was discussed here.

It was Mr. Mullane’s opinion that if the town were to put the listing or a link to the directory that might be taken as an endorsement of the businesses. In order to do this the town would need to be sure that each business person listed was in compliance with Town and State Regulations.

It was his opinion that this would be better handled through a Chamber not the town due to possibilities of law suits if the business was not in compliance. The credibility of the commission must be protected.

Marilyn Mackay was against this opinion and said she had spoken to an attorney and it was suggested that a disclaimer letter be included on the page that states this information is for informational purposes only.

Nick will bring the matter to the Selectmen’s meeting and to Frank Eppinger the towns Attorney.

Marilyn will do sample directory to show the Selectmen at their meeting.

Brad asked the commission members for comments on the directory.

After the meetings with the Selectmen and the attorney a decision will be made. The commission doesn’t want to proceed if it is going to be a liability to the town.

Robert Boissevain said he would only agree to a certain number of directories being printed for distribution. He didn’t think it should be sent out to everyone or be printed for distribution in hotels or other locations. That kind of directory is paid for by the businesses not EDC.

Treasurer’s report :

Robert Kimball, Treasurer absent but Treasurers report was put on file.

Review of minutes:

February 19, 2009 Motion was made by Linda Pershaec and seconded by Peter Bogoian to accept the minutes. Minutes were accepted with one abstention.

Public Participation / Comments:

Tom Oswald of Denison Hill and Chris Johnston of Wyassup road both spoke about the directory listings.


1) EDC Retention Program Commissioners feedback / Follow-up Brad Currier reported that the retention program still is on going. It is important to meet one on one with the businesses to find out problems and concerns that need addressing. He noted that private information can be discussed in executive session if the business owner gives you a letter giving you permission to do that. That way their personal information will not have to be made public.

Robert Boissevain suggested that on every future agenda we add a section that any meeting may be dismissed to an executive session.

2) Town Signage (Update from Selectmen’s Office) They are still working on Route 2 but Nick and Brad will look over the map for the locations and apply for the state permits.

3) EDC web site (updates) The website still needs population rings. This will take from 1-2 hours from CEDA at $83.00 per hour. Marc Tate could possibly do it for less.

A motion was made by Robert Boissevain to hire CEDA to do the work for up to $200. Motion was seconded by Brent Woodward. Motion passed with 4 votes for and 2 abstentions.

4) RCCD Regulations & exhibits (discussion and suggestions) The commission doesn’t feel this area should be site specific. It is industrial zoned now and the only area with water and sewer available. Need taxable development as well as housing.

Peter Bogoian suggested that Brad Currier send a letter to Planning and Zoning asking them to notify EDC of changes to the Western End of town. Brad suggested another workshop.

5) North Stonington Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (NSAHAC) Report “ North Stonington Affordable Housing 2008” , Marilyn Mackay reported

that they have not meet since gathering the information of what was needed for an Advisory Committee.

6) EDC Business letter / survey mailing update, hand-outs, follow-up, and records) This was previously discussed under items added to agenda.

7) North Stonington Agriculture Stirring Committee. Marilyn Mackay is EDC representative. They have applied for a second grant to promote agricultural businesses.

8) Joint meeting Workshop with P&Z, Holly Green Association members and EDC on March 12, 2009, 6:00 PM. EDC members present were Linda P., Robert B., Peter b., Brad C., and Marilyn M. Copy of minutes are available from Planning and Zoning.


Motion to adjourn was made by Linda Pershaec and seconded by Robert Boissevain meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Gladys Chase

Recording Secretary