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EDC Minutes 11/19/2009

North Stonington
Economic Development Commission
40 Main Street
North Stonington, CT 06359

November 19, 2009


Meeting Called to Order 7:05 p.m. by Chair Bradford Currier.

Commissioners in attendance were Gladys Chase, Linda Pershaec, Robert Kimball, Bradford Currier, Marilyn Mackay and Peter Bogoian.  Commissioners absent were Mark Perkins and Brent Woodward.  
Item added to agenda: EDC Commission Member Peter Bogoians name was omitted from the slate of candidates put forth by the Democratic Town Committee. We are asking that the selectmen appoint Peter to the position until the next regular Municipal election.   
[Linda Pershaec made a motion to forgo the election of Officers until the December Meeting when more members will be present. Motion was seconded by Robert Kimball. Motion passed.]

Robert Kimball presented Treasurers Report. Accepted as read.  

 Review of Minutes of October 15, 2009.  Accepted as presented.

Marilyn and Peter attended the presentation at the casino. Development in Small Towns.

Old business:
Health Center still is in progress.  Physical therapy is the concern for Lawrence and Memorial Hospital as they also service this area.

Milltown will reapply after changes in the verbiage concerning water and sewer.

EDC website is linked with CERCA, SECTER, State of CT,etc.. Marilyn asked that a link be put on to the North Stonington Business Directory.

North Stonington Business Association is getting ads to publish a Pocket Map 10,000 will be printed.
North Stonington
Economic Development Commission
40 Main Street
North Stonington, CT 06359
November 19, 2009

The North Stonington Infrastructure report will hopefully be finished by December.

November 2009 election results welcome new Commissioner Gladys Chase.

Discussion on meeting Attendance it was discussed and the meetings will remain the Third Thursday of each month. Special meeting may be called if needed.

The opening for a Recording Secretary was discussed. The Secretary will take the minutes until the position can be filled.   

Holly Green Shopping Center is still having meetings about directional signs.  

Motion to adjourn was made by Linda Pershaec and seconded by Robert Kimball.

Meeting was adjourned 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Gladys Chase